Chapter 2

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I'm writing this in the car as I'm going to school lol


Alhaitham woke up to the morning sun hitting his face directly as he hadn't closed his blinds last night. He got up and scratched the back of his head. He groaned and got up

Alhaitham went to the kitchen first thing as he usually would do. He brews himself a cup of coffee, waiting for Kaveh to come out of his room and act as normal as ever. Alhaitham picks up his cup of coffe and starts sipping on it.

This was strange. Kaveh would usually wake up earlier than Alhaitham due to his work. He wouldn't come out of his room for a whole 20 minutes though. He must be finished with whatever he's doing by now, but why is he still in his room? Was he staying in his room and avoiding Alhaitham on purpose? Is he really still mad?

Alhaitham shrugged it off and went to sit on the couch with his cup of coffee. And of course, he has a book in another hand, reading it.

As time passed, Alhaitham started to get a bit worried. Kaveh still hadn't come out of his room and it'd been 25 minutes since Alhaitham finished his coffee. He was wanted to go check Kaveh's room, but Kaveh would definitely scold him for doing that. Maybe he left already? Alhaitham went to check the shoes at the front door. No, he's still in his room. His shoes are still there.

Alhaitham threw himself on the couch and leaned back on it. Was Kaveh never going to come out of his room this morning? Was Alhaitham really overthinking and worrying this much over Kaveh, his annoying roommate? No. He shouldn't be. Maybe Kaveh was still affected by what happened with the diadem. Alhaitham knew how much Kaveh wanted to get that prize money and move out. Maybe he was still mad about the fact that he couldn't. He sighed. Maybe he should just leave. It might clear his mind.

Alhaitham walked towards the front door and put on his shoes. He took his keys and bag then left the house.


"-and then I was thinking that maybe we could add this small detail.." The scholar's voice softens and scans through the paper, "right here!-" She looks up to the Acting Grand Sage, but he didn't seem to be listening. He was sitting in his chair zoning out, staring at the wall. "...Acting Grand Sage?"

Alhaitham looked back at the scholar and cleared his throat, "My apologies, what were you saying?" He fixed his posture.

The scholar looked quite worried, "Are you okay, Acting Grand Sage? You seem kind of stressed today."

"I'm fine." Alhaitham sighed, "I was just tired. Could you repeat what you were saying?"

The scholar slowly nodded, "Of course." She explained everything again, slowly this time, making sure Alhaitham was actually listening.

"Okay, I'll look through it." Alhaitham signaled for her to leave his office.

The scholar hesitantly left the office as she saw the condition of the Acting Grand Sage.

Once she did, Alhaitham buried his face into his desk. He let out a loud sigh of relief. Kaveh was the only thing on his mind. He barely understood what the scholar was explaining. Alhaitham was getting stressed at work over Kaveh, his noisy roommate. That's not like Alhaitham at all. He kicked his desk lightly. Kaveh didn't escape his thoughts once ever since he woke up. Alhaitham couldn't think straight (pun intended) and leaned back on his chair. He hoped the day would end quickly and that Kaveh wouldn't still be mad at him.

Alhaitham checked the time on the clock hanging on the wall of his office. Of course, only 2 hours have passed. Time was passing so slow. He wanted to get out of there, but he figured work was the only thing that could distract him from the thoughts of his roommate. It still didn't. Alhaitham wanted to go look for him and ask what was wrong, but he didn't want to seem desperate.

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