Chapter 4

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Cyno started tapping on the table with his index finger impatiently as he and Tighnari waited at Lambad's for Kaveh and Alhaitham to show up. "They're late again."

"It's fine, Cyno. They're probably just busy with their.. stuff." Tighnari said and Cyno raised an eyebrow at him. Tighnari rolled his eyes, "You know what I mean."

Cyno was rather impatient when it came to those two. He and Alhaitham didn't have the best relationship anyways, but he is still Tighnari's friend.

Finally, the two roommates walked over to the table that Cyno and Tighnari were sitting at. They both took a seat and Kaveh let out a deep sigh.

"Took you two long enough." Tighnari softly exhaled.

Kaveh slammed his head on the table, "Sorry, we were busy." His voice was rather muffled, "We had work to do."

"It's fine." Tighnari said, and an awkward silence fell upon them. He tried to lighten up the atmosphere a bit, "Um, first round's on me guys."

Kaveh looked up instantly and his eyes lit up. Alhaitham sighed at Kaveh, "Really, Tighnari? If he gets drunk again I-"

Tighnari cut him off, "If he gets drunk you'll just have to take care of him. It's not that hard." He said with an innocent smile on his face

"First of all, I don't need Alhaitham to take care of me." Kaveh argued, "I'm very capable of taking care of myself." Of course you do, Kaveh. He started ranting about how he didn't need Alhaitham to care for him although they've discussed it multiple times.

"Kaveh, we've discussed this one too many times." Alhaitham said sternly, "You need to stop getting too drunk. You don't even know what kinds of things you actually do?"

"Come on, Alhaitham. I'm sure you care about Kaveh, don't you? You'll be there to take care of him even if he gets drunk anyways." Tighnari snickered.

The two roommates knew that they cared for each other deep down. However, they weren't used to someone actually saying it out loud, even if it wasn't from each other. Once again, Kaveh naturally buried his face in his hands that were placed on the table as a blush grew on his face. He wasn't used to being told Alhaitham actually cared for him, even if he knew it.

"That's easy for you to say." Alhaitham scoffed at Tighnari. He did notice Kaveh doing whatever he was doing, but didn't question because he did it all the time. "Cyno doesn't get as drunk as Kaveh, and he doesn't act like a little child." That was true. Tighnari had to take care of Cyno, — because they were best friends of course..— but he was definitely way more well-behaved with Tighnari than Kaveh was to Alhaitham. They could thank the fact that they didn't have a terrible fall-out.

Kaveh instantly looked up at Alhaitham with furious eyebrows. "Excuse me? I do NOT act like a child. You do!" Kaveh was obviously offended by Alhaitham's comment, but Alhaitham couldn't care less. At least that's what he showed.

"I'm not the one who gets drunk after two shots, starts dragging people around, and says the most insensible things ever. That sounds childish to me, Kaveh." Alhaitham reasoned, "I'm sure Tighnari and Cyno can agree on that too, as they've seen your horrible, — still not the worst — state when you get drunk."

Kaveh decided to ignore Alhaitham's comment on purpose as he couldn't think of what to say back. He turned to Tighnari instead, "First round's still on you, right?"

Tighnari glared at Alhaitham teasingly, "Actually, Kaveh, I'll treat you to as many rounds as you'd like. Just for today, because I'm feeling nice." He turned back to look at Kaveh with a smile, which Kaveh gave a bright smile in return.

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