Chapter 3

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No, Kaveh had not stopped drinking. He ordered more shots for himself continuously. Alhaitham tried to stop him but, of course, no luck. Soon enough, Kaveh got drunk. Real drunk

"Haithammm I don't wanna go home..." Kaveh said, sounding more drunk than a regular drunk man. He banged his head on the table while trying to rest his head. Silly Kaveh.

Alhaitham sighed and crossed his arms. He knew he couldn't talk Kaveh out of it, considering the fact that he's super drunk already.

Instead of trying to talk it out, Alhaitham just decided to drag him home. He grabs Kaveh's wrist and starts dragging him to the door of the tavern. However, Kaveh is stronger than Alhaitham had anticipated and drags Alhaitham behind the stairs. "I told you I'm not going home." Kaveh slightly tugs on Alhaitham's arm and buried his face in his chest. "I'm not going home."

Alhaitham took a deep breath before letting out a loud sigh, "Kaveh."

Kaveh looked up at Alhaitham, "Mm?"

"Look, you're drunk. It's not safe for you to be out here. We better get home. I'll take you here again tomorrow, I promise. Let's just go home for now." Alhaitham tried his luck, but of course...

Kaveh didn't say anything. Instead, he buried his face back into Alhaitham's chest and wrapped his arms against his waist. Alhaitham was getting tired of having to convince Kaveh. He was running out of ideas. But honestly, he would be lying if he said he hated the position they were in. He wouldn't even mind if someone saw them.

Then he felt something wet on his chest. Kaveh probably fell asleep and drooled, just as he always did. Alhaitham took this as an opportunity to carry Kaveh back home without him resisting. So he did. Alhaitham had to drag Kaveh out of the tavern and back to their house.

Once they reached their house, Alhaitham softly sat Kaveh down carefully took his shoes off. He knew he was going to have to change Kaveh into his sleepwear.

Alhaitham takes Kaveh into him to his room and lays him on the bed. It wasn't the first time changing Kaveh as he usually fell asleep drunk. Alhaitham started to undress Kaveh, leaving only his underwear on. Then he casually put him into his sleepwear. He made sure Kaveh was in a comfortable sleeping position and left the room.


Kaveh woke up. He felt a really bad pain in his head. Kaveh shook it off. Then he noticedvAlhaitham had changed his clothes again. He buried his face in his hands as he felt his face heating up. Fuck you Haitham, I never gave you permission to fucking undress me. He shakes his head and gets up to go to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Alhaitham was in the kitchen, brewing some coffee for himself. Then all of a sudden, Kaveh came out of his room. His hair was still as messy as ever, but his face was wet. He probably washed it before coming out of his room.

Kaveh walked up to Alhaitham, in a furious manner. "I told you I didn't need you to take care of me. I was perfectly fine."

Alhaitham turned around to look at Kaveh, "Is that so? Well, you might want to explain you not wanting to come home and you dragged me under the stairs and fell asleep on me, then I had to drag you back home while you were asleep. And of course, I couldn't let you sleep with your normal wear on."

"Ugh, No!" Kaveh argued back, "I would've been perfectly fine if you just left me alone at that tavern."

Alhaitham didn't expect any different response from Kaveh. "Okay then, Kaveh. My deepest apologies for trying to be a good person and taking care of you while you're in a horrible state."

Kaveh looked offended, "Whatever, you're so annoying and self-centered." Alhaitham wasn't affected by those words at all since he heard them all the time. He wasn't as sensitive as Kaveh anyways.

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