Chapter 16

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This chapter includes smut again cus why not (I rlly need to end this story soon 💀)

Also my exams are finished so I'll be able to write moreee


Kaveh was running late. Real late; two hours and thirteen minutes late to be exact. He finally reached the desert and stopped, breathing heavily. He'd walked all the way from his house in Sumeru City to the desert. Kaveh looked up to see his co-workers staring at him, "Took you long enough, Kaveh. Let me guess, woke up late again? Was there a cat in your house that kept you up?" One of them joked, letting out a laugh right after. His name was Amin. He had these glowing ruby eyes, just like Kaveh's. He had a darker hair colour than Kaveh though, presumably brown.

After Kaveh had finally caught his breath, he just glared at his co-worker, "Very funny. I was late because of personal reasons. You don't need to know why."

Then the co-worker stopped laughing and crossed his arms. He then raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean we don't need to know why? The client isn't here today because she's sick, so her annoying sister is instead. Trust me, you're going to get the worst lecture you've ever had in your life."

Kaveh let out a dry chuckle, "Oh, come on. How bad can it be? I've dealt with many annoying clients who just think they're better because they're the client and we work for them. Trust me, I got this. Plus, I have the Acting Grand Sage himself helping me out. He's sending a report to the client about me being late." But Kaveh forgot the 'I think' at the end.

Kaveh's co-workers stared at him in disbelief. Kaveh was sometimes just a little too confident. Then they all turned around, hearing the footsteps of the client's sister approaching. She stood in front of Kaveh, glaring at him, "Everyone else, out. I need to have a talk with this.. blondie." Blondie?! Who did she think she was? Kaveh was infuriated deep down, but he kept his cool. His co-workers then left. "You. You're two hours and sixteen minutes late. Do you know how irresponsible it is? You're a grown man. You should know what's right and what's not!"

Kaveh was about to snap, but he remained calm. He just wanted to yell and shout at her face. Oh god, Alhaitham really didn't file a report about Kaveh's absence. The client's sister was such a nuisance! Kaveh had lied. He didn't got this. Whatever. He didn't care about his image anymore, and snapped, "Look, lady. I don't know who you think you are to boss me around and give me a lecture. Anyways, you aren't even my client. I was gone for a personal reason; a good reason. It has nothing to do with you, so I suggest you mind your own business, because I'm going to do my work."

"Mind my own business? Oh, but this is my business. You know what? I'm making you stay three more hours to make up for the lost time. Otherwise, I'll make sure my sister doesn't pay you." The sister snickers, "Now if I were you, I wouldn't talk back unless I wanted it to be an extra four hours."

Kaveh gritted his teeth but didn't dare to say anything as he didn't want to stay out in the desert for four extra hours. That was pure torture. Kaveh scoffed and walked away. He'd hoped to never see that lady's face again.

'Fuck you, Haitham. I told you to cover for me. Idiot. You really want it, don't you?' Kaveh thought to himself as he stormed off to meet his other co-workers.

Amin turned around to look at a frustrated Kaveh and let out another laugh, his arms folding against his chest, "Don't worry guys, I got this." He mocked Kaveh jokingly. "Looks like someone's working over time. Don't worry, Kaveh, I'll stay with you."

"Wow, how considerate of you," Kaveh said, trying to sound sarcastic, but he really did mean it. "I swear I'm gonna kill that guy when I get home." He whispered under his breath, not allowing anyone to hear it.

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