Chapter 15

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Kaveh's eyes widened at the paper bill that read.. 8,867 mora?! He quickly placed it on the table and cleared his throat, "Haith- I mean, Alhaitham. I couldn't possibly let you pay for this. I mean it's too expensive for dinner, you know?"

"Oh please, Kaveh," Alhaitham crossed his arms and leaned back on the chair, "And how do you suggest we pay for it? We both know you can't afford to pay for this anyway - not to be offensive."

Kaveh's brows furrowed and his eyes glared angrily at Alhaitham's, "Every offence taken. Hait- Alhaitham, how are you going to say one of the most offensive things to someone and then say not to be offensive? That doesn't make any sense!"

"Oh? What would you have me say then? 'I hope you take all offence there is in the very statement I'd made concerning your financial status'? That doesn't sound much better, does it? In fact, it sounds a lot worse if you're asking me." Alhaitham said so casually.

"No?! Ugh- Why are you so infuriating? It'd be better if you don't say anything at all." Kaveh scoffed, almost wanting to yell at him, but remembered they were in a public place and it'd be considered rude and disrespectful.

Alhaitham pushed himself to stand up from the hand that was placed on the table and signalled for Kaveh to do the same, "I'm paying." He picked up the bill and started walking towards the cashier.

Kaveh stood up and picked up his walking pace to catch up and whispered, "Hey! Wait up, Alhaitham. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Once they got to the cashier, Alhaitham placed the bill and the money on the counter and turned around to face Kaveh, "So I can finally go home with you and we can spend some along time together." Alhaitham said in a quiet voice.

Of course, Kaveh's face flushed red. He wasn't thinking of anything dirty, though! He was just happy to be able to spend some time with Alhaitham alone, right? Of course, just that. Kaveh was frozen in place and opened his mouth to say something, but Alhaitham just turned around and walked out of the restaurant. Kaveh's brows furrowed and he followed right after him. It was so infuriating! Why did Alhaitham keep walking away so fast? Kaveh was annoyed at that behaviour.

Once they'd reach their house, they twisted the doorknob and walked in. Alhaitham set the keys on the drawer right next to the front door and Kaveh went to go sit on the couch.

Kaveh looked down and his hands and started speaking quietly, "Um.. Thanks for the dinner, Haitham." Alhaitham turned to look at Kaveh and a small grin appeared on his face. Then he walked over to the couch and sat down next to Kaveh. The architect looked at his junior with a slightly red face, "You know, you really didn't have to go to such an extent. I mean, the dinner was really expensive too."

Alhaitham placed his hand on top of Kaveh's, and could feel his senior's warm hands. It was also probably because Alhaitham usually always had cold hands for some reason. "No. I know I didn't. I just felt the need to do it."

Kaveh then lowered his head to rest it on Alhaitham's shoulder, "You know, I never I'd.. well, we'd... We'd ever be any closer ever since, you know, what happened between us a few years ago, but.. I'm just glad to have..." His voice trailer off, not wanting to finish that sentence. "Never mind, that was a little cringe."

Kaveh could hear Alhaitham let out a chuckle and his hand wrapping around his back to touch the other side of his shoulder. Kaveh was glad, happy, and just full of joy to be so close to Alhaitham, to be held by him. Right, it sounded a little cringe and goofy, but it was the truth. Kaveh wanted to say it, but he decided not to. "I love you, Haitham.." Kaveh whispered and shut his eyes.

Kaveh felt Alhaitham's fingers running through his hair and smiled to himself, "Mhm." Alhaitham just said, not returning the I love you.

After a while, Kaveh's smile disappeared so suddenly as he was expecting Alhaitham to return the three magic words he'd given. "I love you." Kaveh repeated, wanting to receive a response from Alhaitham.

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