Chapter 19

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Guys I'm sorry these updates are taking long I'm trying to update this story as soon as I can
It had been a few months after Kaveh's birthday. Something had happened, so him and Alhaitham had been dating ever since that July. It was in a September to be exact. Fortunately for both Kaveh and Alhaitham, the medicine the doctor had prescribed to Alhaitham worked. Alhaitham started showing less allergic reactions to the cat. Any time they wanted to, Kaveh could just ask Amin to pet-sit Mehran. Anyway, Amin never managed to keep his mouth shut. When Kaveh went out for work, all his co-workers were asking him about was, not work, but about his roommate. It was expected, though. Amin could never keep a secret even if his life depended on it.

It was a Saturday morning, and Kaveh was in his own room with Mehran. Everything between him and Alhaitham were completely fine. There were some days where they'd ignore each other in spite of work. Other than that, they sometimes cuddle up together and on a few nights, occasionally have sex (maybe that wasn't a very crucial information).

Kaveh was sitting on the bed, playing around with the voice recorder device he'd made for Alhaitham months ago. He recorded random messages he would like Alhaitham to hear some day into the device in case something happened to him. Well, enough of that negative thinking. That was a little too dark.

A few moment later, Kaveh heard a knock on his door. Then he heard someone say talk, "Kaveh, breakfast is ready." Then suddenly, the sound of footsteps started trailing away.

Right. Kaveh had forgotten to eat breakfast again. It was almost noon, and Kaveh was still chilling in his own room with Mehran. He sighed, standing up. Mehran then followed as they both walked out the room. The cat, instead of heading to the dining room where Alhaitham was sitting, she headed to the kitchen where her bowl was.

Kaveh reached the dining room. As expected, Alhaitham hadn't started eating yet. He was holding the famous novel Romeo and Juliet in his hand, reading it. That was the unexpected part. Alhaitham barely read any romance novels. Kaveh took a seat and cleared his throat, "Morning."

Alhaitham looked up from his book, almost as if his eyes glowed up. He set the book aside and replied, seemingly in a better mood than usual, "Good morning, Kaveh."

Kaveh was a little confused, raising up an eyebrow. Then he let out a small giggle, "You seem like you're in a good mood. What's on your mind?"

"Do you want an honest opinion? Because if so, you. You're on my mind, obviously, because I'm talking to you." Alhaitham said.

Kaveh's smile immediately drooped down into a frown, "Not because you miss me? It's been a while since I've cuddled up with you in bed, Haitham. Do you not miss me at all?" He sounded almost as if he were a puppy that had just been abandoned by its owner. Well, he sure felt that way.

Alhaitham stared at Kaveh for a little while, creating an tense silence between them. Then he said, "Maybe. Maybe I do miss you. I don't really know. This isn't a feeling I've been used to." That was a lie. Alhaitham knew well how much he'd missed Kaveh and his touch. Alhaitham was always one to make the first move, but never the next.

Kaveh sighed, rolling his eyes and buried his head in one of his hands. "Alhaitham, we've been dating for three months now, and you still can't tell me you miss me or even that you love me. I mean, you literally told me you loved me before I did, so what's stopping you now?" Honestly, Kaveh found this silly trait of Alhaitham's cute. Although he was the one to confess first, it was hard for Alhaitham to admit he loved Kaveh in front of his face for some reason. He was probably not at all used to actually being loved by someone he'd been in love with for almost a decade.

Alhaitham looked down at his food, pretending to start eating before mumbling, "I missed you, Kaveh. A lot. And more than anything, I love you." Although he had mumbled his words up, Kaveh was able to hear it. The first and last three words were the only ones that were needed to make Kaveh smile as if he were the luckiest man alive. Maybe, to him, he was.

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