Chapter 8

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A/N: So for those who are asking what happened to Kaveh, he messed up on his project real bad and he just felt so bad abt it and he was rlly stressed lol cus he felt like he could do better but he didn't (my poor baby is rlly hard on himself </3)

‼️This chapter contains slight smut (no sex 🙄)

Ok genuinely, thank you for all the reads and votes on this story. I'm sorry for wasting your time here lol here's the chapterrr


It had been a few minutes already. Kaveh was constantly smiling as they kissed. He'd never have thought that he would be able to do whatever he was doing with Alhaitham at the moment. Kaveh had liked Alhaitham ever since their school years. That was almost a whole decade. Kaveh wasn't the only one who felt that way. Alhaitham also liked his senior ever since their school years, just a few months before Kaveh did. But now, it was obvious that Kaveh loved Alhaitham more than ever. He'd been dreaming of this day for almost a decade, and it finally came true. It almost made him tear up again, but he held it in.

Alhaitham slowly and gently wrapped his arms around Kaveh's neck as they continued kissing. Fuck. Alhaitham really knew how to tease Kaveh. It made his face flush again as one of his hands stopped moving on Alhaitham's thigh and resting on it instead. The other was still moving though.

Kaveh pulled away to catch his breath. When he looked back at Alhaitham, he could see that he was visibly upset. Kaveh scoffed, "Oh, Alhaitham, was that really not enough?" Then he plastered a sly smirk on his face, "Are you that obsessed with me? I know I'm attractive and all, but I didn't think you'd be so obsessed with me."

Alhaitham's hands trailed down to Kaveh's neck, "Yes, Kaveh. I think you are that attractive, and I am so, so obsessed with you." He admitted it just so shamelessly, like he always did. "I don't think that was enough, Kaveh. You wouldn't happen to be the type of person who would walk out on me when I'm wanting more from you, right?"

Alhaitham's answers were unexpected. They made Kaveh's face flush as he was flustered. Of course, Alhaitham had teased him again, and he'd won just like he always did. How did Alhaitham always have his ways? It was so unfair... Kaveh sighed and pulled the Scribe into another kiss.


When Kaveh woke up in his bed, it was already 7:03. He usually woke up at 6:30, but he didn't this morning. He was probably a little.. tired from last night. Kaveh scanned his bed and saw a sleeping Alhaitham all curled up in the blanket right next to him. Both their shirts were thrown onto the floor and they had marks all over their bodies. Kaveh remembered what happened last night and covered his face as he felt it heating up. (No, they didn't have sex and fuck YET)

Then he slowly removed his hands and looked over to Alhaitham. Well, he usually woke up earlier than the Scribe anyways. Kaveh groaned and rolled over to Alhaitham before throwing an arm over him. He wanted to sleep just for a bit more.

An hour or two later, Alhaitham had finally woken up. He wanted to get up, but felt an arm around his waist, refusing to let him go. He sighed and didn't even bother to resist. "Kaveh, I'm going to get some water, I'm very parched, you know.."

Of course, Kaveh didn't respond. Alhaitham turned around to face Kaveh and one of his hands moved up to the side of his face. He could see that Kaveh had rested his head on Alhaitham's chest again, "You had my mouth so dry since last night, Kaveh. Are you really not going to let me go get some water? It's just water after all."

Kaveh's face flushed after that comment, "You-.. You wanted to continue..." His voice was muffled and quite unclear, but it was still shaky.

"Yes, I did. But I'm also very thirsty." Alhaitham used his other hand to play with his slightly tangled, messy hair.

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