Chapter 21

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I will say this, I literally do NOT care if you ship bottom Kaveh and top Haitham. Stop commenting under my chapters and saying that or making a big fuss out of it because I DON'T CARE. If you don't like Kavetham and want Haikaveh, this isn't the place for you. I'm not trying to offend you guys because we literally ship the same ppl here, but stop pushing the fact that you ship Haikaveh on to me. It's annoying. If I see another comment relating to Haikaveh, I'm going to absolutely lose it. Im not trying to hate on these shippers, bcs we literally ship the same people. It's just annoying when you all push your preferences on others. Thank you so much for reading and enjoy this chapter. There won't be any smut after this though so just please get along, Kavetham and Haikaveh shippers we ship the same people. (This isn't targeted to anyone here but there were some ppl who used to say stuff like that in my twitter acc and my old acc where I made a kavetham fanfic) That's all lol tysm for the support on this story btw guys.


Finally, it was the night of Christmas Eve. Kaveh was sitting on the floor next to the already decorated Christmas tree - which already had gifts under it and everything - that he and Alhaitham had purchased the other day, sketching for a new project. Even if it was the holidays, Kaveh still always had that work spirit. It sometimes kind of bothered Alhaitham, because Kaveh would just forget to eat or sleep when he forced himself to work like that. However, it was what Kaveh was passionate about, and there was nothing Alhaitham could do about it.

Alhaitham walked out of his room. It was almost midnight, and Kaveh had had one meal the whole day. He sat down next to Kaveh with a wrap in his hands, setting it down on Kaveh's lap where his notebook was, "Stop drawing for a moment and eat."

Kaveh looked absolutely annoyed at Alhaitham, but that didn't mean he didn't appreciate him for bringing food. Kaveh grabbed the wrap on his lap and took a bite. "Thanks, I guess, but you didn't have to place it on my notebook when I was drawing. That was important work." Kaveh said, food still in his mouth, resulting in him mumbling.

Alhaitham badly wanted to say no and give him a huge lecture about what he said about not overworking himself, but he decided to keep quiet to not upset Kaveh in the middle of the night. Kaveh just continued on eating, and they both sat there quietly. Although they had been dating for six months already, they both sometimes enjoyed it when they sat together in silence. It was sometimes peaceful, and it just made them feel comfortable.

After Kaveh had finished his snack, he threw the wrapper on the floor and went back to sketching for his project. Alhaitham was annoyed at this behaviour. Yes, Kaveh was usually a neat and clean freak, but he was always messy when he was focused on his work. Alhaitham wasn't as crazy about cleanliness as Kaveh when he was, but Kaveh was never consistent with it, and it annoyed Alhaitham.

Alhaitham reached out to grab the wrapping and went to put it in the bin. After that, he came back and sat down at the same spot, watching as Kaveh continued his sketch.

"Have you ever thought of, you know, sleeping on time?" Alhaitham suddenly said, looking down at the notebook. He didn't know much about art, but he could tell Kaveh put a lot of effort into his sketches considering the time he takes and the details there were in each sketch he made.

Kaveh dropped his pencil onto the notebook as it slightly bounced back and forth. Then he looked up at Alhaitham and just shrugged, "What do you think? I need to get this project done as soon as possible. You know how big this is. Just let me finish this and I'll be right there, okay?" Then he looked back, staring awkwardly at his sketch. It seemed as if he didn't like it or something.

Alhaitham sighed. He paused for a while before responding, "That's what you said last time. Every single project is big to you. You're just overworking yourself at this point. How are you going to stay up all day tomorrow? You were super excited about Christmas and stuff. It's not healthy for you."

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