chapter 2

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Nathan's pov:


Winning just felt right for our team. We just couldn't lose.

How could I lose when I live for the ice? It means everything to me. I really don't know what I would do without hockey. Without practice and hard-work. Without the ice.

And I had never met someone who loved it as much as me.

After winning the game I drove home. But since it was Dylan's party tonight I showered, got changed and went straight to Ryan's to pick him up for the party. I basically had to drive him around everywhere because he didn't drive.

And that meant driving around his little cousin, Arabella. Fuck, she was annoying and definitely brought out the worst side of me. Everything she managed to say got on my nerves and she was definitely not short of things to say. But I didn't have a choice because being best friends with Ryan meant being constantly being round their house.

I knocked on the door and Mrs Trayst opened up the door.

"Nathan! Congratulations on the game, you played amazingly." She exclaims. She really was sweet, I had know her for my life and had spent half my childhood at her house so we were fairly close.

"Thanks, Mrs T. It's great to see you." I tell her smiling.

"Call me Rosie, you know this Nathan." But I just smile in response, I had too much respect for her to just call her by her first name.

"Ryan. Nathan's here." She screams and he comes charging down the stairs.

"Lets go then." I tell him but he pauses.

"What ?" I ask.

"We are taking Bella and her friends." He tells me, awkwardly. I groan. But then I remember that Mrs T is there so I unfortunately agree.

"Bella. Come down. I'm taking you there." He shouts up to her. She comes stomping down in a short black dress that was riding up her thighs. Fuck I hated that she looked so good right now.

"I told you Charlie is picking us up." She tells him, angrily.

"And I told you no." He replies, forcefully.

"No-" But I cut her off.

"Just let me take you, we are going the same place anyways." She pauses, surprised at my offer.

"Fine." She replies, before rolling her eyes.Before walking upstairs to get her friends. It didn't matter how much I hated her, I couldn't help but watch her walk away.

Me and Ryan get in the car and put some music on while we wait for the girls. A few minutes later Arabella, Lola and Riley are all piling into the back of my car, giggling about something. And I start to drive off.

"So is Dylan single?" Arabella asks. Why the fuck does she want to know about Dylan?

"Don't even think about it." Ryan tells her. Good.

"Not for me." She replies laughing. Oh. That makes sense. I could never imagine her with Dylan.

"So is he?" Riley asks.

"Yes he is single." Ryan tells them and they begin to whisper and giggle in the back seat. Girls.


Arabella's pov:

It wasn't long till we got to the party and as soon as we pulled up to Dylan's house we could hear loud music blasting from his house.

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