chapter 23

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Arabella's pov:

"Babe, wake up.

Ella. I'm serious.

We have to get up."

Nathan annoys me from below.

"Shut up and go back to sleep." I complain my head going deeper into his chest. He chuckles slightly.

"Fine. But your family is coming back in 10 mins. And because you have wrapped yourself around me like a sloth I can't get up. I have feeling you don't want them to see me in your bed, do you Ella?" He tells me, and even though I can't see him I know he's smirking, knowing he's right.

I shoot up at his words my eyes dart around the room before hitting him. Fuck. His hands are rested behind his head, flexing his muscles and his chest is still bare.

"Take a photo it will last longer." He teases, smirking of course. So bloody predictable.

"Shut up, you asshole." I reply, glaring at him as I stand up from the bed and walk to the bathroom.

"Original as always." He shouts as I walk away, causing me to put up my middle finger.

"You better have a shirt on when I get back." I shout back as I sit down on toilet and piss.

He doesn't reply, which is hopefully a sign that he is doing what I said.

As I walk back into the room I see him looking around my room confused.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't find my shirt. Why the fuck can't I find my shirt?" He questions. I roll my eyes at his dramatics as I quickly spot it half under my bed. I  point at it, rolling my eyes again, before going towards my drawers.

"Idiot." I mutter.

"Hey. It's not my fault you were so desperate to see me half-naked that you threw my shirt away." He says defensively.

"God, you are so annoying. Why did I let you kiss me again?" I ask, putting on some tracksuit bottoms.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and lips gently start kissing my neck.

"I'm not really sure, but I am glad you did." He murmurs into my neck. My body feels weak at his words. How can a guy go from being so frustrating to the sweetest person ever?

He turns me around and places his lips on mine for just a second before I push him away.

"What?" He asks confused and slightly worried.

"Morning breath." I simply say before heading back to the bathroom. He groans.

"You didn't have to put pants on. We have got 5 whole minutes. And I was enjoying you without." He says, following me.

"I can tell." I reply, looking down at his boner and smirking. He blushes but a proud grin also appears in his face.

I begin brushing my teeth and he does the same with my spare toothbrush. One of his arms is wrapped around me and his chin rests on my head.

"You are so clingy." I complain as spit out the toothpaste, he does the same and smiles at me through the mirror.

"You love it."

I do, I really fucking do.

I turn around and face him, my hands wrapped around his neck bringing his face closer to mine.

"I hate you so much." I mutter and I bring his lips to mine.

He smiles into the kiss and quickly reacts by lifting me onto the counter and opening my legs. He steps in between them so we are pressed up against each other as he slips his tongue into my mouth. I moan in approval making his grip on me tighten.

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