chapter 11

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Arabella's pov:

I open my eyes and yawn. I try to sit up but realise that a pair of arms are tightly wrapped around me. I shiver at the cold temperature and the rain.

Shit. The rain. It's pouring down.

I turn to Nathan and begin to shake him, and he soon is groaning as he wakes up.

"Nathan. Shit. We fell asleep and now it's pouring down with rain. We have to go." I tell him.

"No. I'm comfy." He complains, keeping his arms wrapped around me.

We both freeze at the sound of thunder and lightning.

"Still want to stay?" I ask.

"Fuck no. Let's get out of here." He replies, quickly standing and helping me up. I grab his AirPods before he takes my other hand and we run back to the car.

"Shit we are fucking soaked." I complain as we climb inside.

"And it's 11." He tells me as he checks the time on his phone.

"Shit." I panic. Getting my phone out to see a load of messages on the family group chat. I quickly text them, apologising and saying I am having a sleepover at Lola and Riley's.

"They are going to kill me in the morning." I say.

"Let's not worry about that now okay, love." He tells me and I nod in agreement.

"What do we do? I can't exact go home and show up at 3am."

He pauses for a second before starting the car.

"I've got an idea."

I wait for him to tell me what it is. But of course he doesn't. I can't be bothered to question him so I just blindly trust him and close my eyes as he drives off.

"We are here." He tells me about 5 minutes later.

I open my eyes to see that he has parked outside of a small and shitty motel.

"Great." I comment, sarcastically.

"It's better than sleeping in the car." He defends.

"That's debatable."

"Fine, do whatever you want. But I'm going in." He says, before getting out the car. I wait for a minute debating my options before sighing and going after him. I enter the reception to see Nathan having a discussion with the reception.

"Shit." He says.

"What's going on?" I ask, confused at his annoyance .

"There is only one room available." He tells me.


OH. So-so that means I'm going to be sharing a room, actually a BED with Nathan Jones. My heart speeds up at the thought of it.

"Sorry, darling but it's our only choice." He tells me, noticing my shocked face. He grabs the key and heads to our room. I nervously follow after him.

I open the door to see a shirtless Nathan unzipping his pants.

"What the fuck?" I ask covering my eyes, as my face heats up.

"Calm down. Not trying to fuck you, unless of course you're begging for it." He says, causing my face to flush even more.

"What are you doing then?"

"I'm not really keen on getting hypothermia so I'd rather not sleep in wet clothes" Nathan answers me, actually making sense. I uncover my eyes to see him sitting in the bed, smirking.

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