chapter 8

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Arabella's pov:

"Arabella. Table four wants to order." My manager Toby instructs me as I rush around behind the counter making a hot chocolate for Riley.

"Yep, one minute Tobes." I tell him before rushing over to Riley's table and giving her the hot chocolate.

"Thanks, Bells. We have to leave in 5 if you want to make it on time for your private skating slot." She says.

"Yes yes. I promise I will be ready. Thanks for taking me." I reply, winking at her before rushing off to table four.


She was right. Since she was the only one out of us with a car she was basically me and Lola's personal driver.

"What can I get for you?" I ask as I begin to scribble down the table number onto my notepad.

"You. If that's all right." A voice says.

Not just any voice. His voice. Shit. I'm gonna be sick. Any moment I'm going to be sick.

But I'm not. Instead I'm frozen, feet stuck to the floor. Eyes fearfully looking at the boy sat in front of me.

"Charlie." I say, my voice cracking.

"Arabella. You have been avoiding me."

Everything had been going great since Friday night. I had told my Aunt that I didn't want to get in contact with my dad and I was happy with my decision. I had been doing alright in school and of course my skating was good. I even was smiling more and hanging out with my friends. I hadn't been sleeping but that was just the new normal for me. Overall I was recovering.

I had successfully been staying away from Charlie at school. And even when I did see him I had a panic attack and then went back to class. It wasn't healthy but I was surviving.

Until now. In a place where I couldn't run away from him. I was stuck. And the close proximity was suffocating.

"I-" I try to get words out but I fail.

"You've been a good girl though. Haven't you? You haven't told anyone about what happened. Even managed to keep Jones' mouth shut. And you aren't going to tell anyone ever. Okay. Because nothing happened." He tells me.

If he spoke in threatening way it would be a lot less scary than the kind way he was speaking now.

He spoke softly and sweetly. It was scary. Because no one would ever believe that someone so nice would do such a bad thing.

I never believed he would do such a bad thing.

"I want you to stay away from me. If you stay away from me, I won't tell anyone. And I need you to never do that to anyone ever again? Okay?" I manage to tell him. My eyes widen at my own aggressive tone. I was proud of myself for speaking to him like that, for not running away like I very much wished too.

"We have a deal. But you can't control what I do with other people, baby." He replies, smirking before walking out of the cafe.

I can't last another second. I run towards the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. Once I've emptied out my stomach I quickly wipe the tears that have fallen from my eyes and stand up.

"See you later, Toby." I say, taking off my apron and heading towards Riley.

"Bye." He says smiling and force a smile back at him.

"Let's go." I tell her and she nods along.

We head to the car and get inside.

"So what did Charlie want?" Riley asks as she begins to drive off.

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