chapter 22

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Arabella's pov:


oh shit


Okay sure, he did get a call in the middle of our kiss and stormed off angrily.

But still he kissed me.

And I hated it.

Because it was a million times better than any other kiss I have had before. And it also proved one thing. That Nathan Jones has ruined all other guys for me.

Any other guy I see, Im going to compare them to Nathan.

Any other guy I talk to, I'm going to think about how I'd much rather be talking to Nathan.

And any other guy I kiss, would feel like kissing air compared to the inexplainable euphoric energy that flowed through me as he kissed me. As our lips moved in sync, as if it was our thousandth kiss instead of our first.

How I fucking wish I could of kissed him a thousand times- at fucking least. But he walked off.

So now I was sat in my bed at 1am unable to sleep and with thoughts that only contained Nathan Jones overtaking my mind.

I would wake up Ryan to get him to distract me but he and my Aunt and Uncle had gone to visit my sick grandma for the night. Leaving me alone .

For a second I regret not going with them. But then I remember the torture that comes along with spending time with dear old granny. Let's just say my Dads personality didn't just come from no where. I would of felt like a complete ghost at the dinner table as she caught up with the rest of the family and ignored me.

I turn around in bed for the hundredth time of the night before the most unexpected thing happens.

Someone knocks on the door.

Shit. Fear engulfs me and my heart speeds up as all the possible scenarios run through my head.

Of course I come to the conclusion that I am about to fucking die.

But I may as well die proud, so I confidently stride downstairs and open the door to find a serial killer with an ax in front of me.

Wait no, it's just Nathan. I have seriously been watching way too much criminal minds.

"What are doing here? Never mind, just come in it's late." I ramble as I bring him inside and turn the lights on and my mouth gapes at the sight in front of me. The lights shine down on him and reveal the dark purple bruises that cover his face and the red blood that trickles down his face.

"Nathan- I- I- what happened to you?" I whisper quietly in the dead of night.

"Where's Ryan?" He asks, ignoring me question.

"He's at our grandmas But I-" I answer but he quickly interrupts.

"I'm going to go. Sorry for waking you up." He says, quickly turning around and trying to walk off.

"Wait!" I tell him, grabbing his wrist. He flinches away and pulls his arm away from me. When he turns back around to face me there is a fearful look on his face.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't of-" I begin.

"No. No I'm sorry for just showing up here."

"Nathan don't apologise."

"No. I should! I've been horrible to you."


"I have! I ignored you in the car earlier, then I kissed you and walked away."

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