chapter 13

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Arabella's pov:

Unfortunately, not everyone in my town was so quick at believing me than my family was. After going to the police, Charlie was brought into questioning and news of my accusation spread quickly. So quickly, I didn't even have time to tell my friends about what happened before they found out from gossipers. I wanted to tell them myself, be brave. But my stupid small town took that privilege away from me. Riley and Lola had been paying me a few visits for the past two weeks, but I wasn't going to school or going to group practice so I hadn't seen them that much. Sometimes I even told them I needed time to myself and told them I couldn't hang out.

Well, partly to myself. There was only one person that was able to speak to me whenever they wanted and that was Nathan. And it wasn't because I realised that I was developing a slight crush on him. It was because he understands me, frankly he understand what I need more than I do myself. He knows when I'm in the mood to talk and when I want to sit in silence. He can always somehow make my smile or laugh or get up when all I want to do is lay in bed and cry my eyes out. And he was there that night. Actually, fuck that, he wasn't just there. He protected me. So now whenever we were hanging out or even if he was just near me I felt protected, safe even. And god knows I need that right now.

"Bells. Riley and Lola are here." Ryan shouts from the corridor. I had been so zoned out I guess I didn't hear the door bell. I turn off the tv and leave the living room to see Lola standing bored and Ryan and Riley in an in-depth conversation.

Once Lola sees me, she breaks into a smile and runs towards me, embracing me into a warm hug. I chuckle at her enthusiasm and hug her back, grateful for her presence.

"I missed you so much at school today. It was dreadfully boring without you. Do you know when you are coming back?" She asks.

"Nope not yet." I answer, and luckily she doesn't press on about it because honestly I am dreading my inevitable return.

"Should we go upstairs?" I suggest and she nods energetically.

"What about Riley?" She asks. I look over to see her still in a conversation with my cousin, so interested in what he is saying that she hasn't even noticed I am here. How does she seriously deny that she likes him? It's obvious.

"Nah. Let's just see how long it takes for her to notice that we went upstairs." I tell her as I ahead up to my room.

"Okay." Lola agrees, following after me.

When we get into my room and sit down on the bed together I immediately begin my interrogation.

"Soooo. How is everything going with Dylan, lately?" I ask, and her eyes light up at the mention of his name.

"Good." She answers, softly. Her cheeks flushing a dark red and her eyes avoiding mine.

"Lola Laus. I want details." I demand.

"There's nothing to say. Things are good." She lies.

"Lola I swear to god if you don't give me details right this second I am going to never return to school and you will have to deal with grumpy Riley every morning alone." I threaten her, glaring at her evilly. She groans at the thought of it and gives in.

"Fineee. Well, um I don't even know where to start. So far we have been on three dates. I told you about the first one, the picnic. And then last week we went to the outdoor cinema and he payed for my favourite film to be shown, which was like crazy sweet. And then yesterday he took me out to dinner and refused to let me pay, which was also sweet. He's just so goddamn good to me. I-I've never felt like this before. And I think he wants to meet my family which is so scary because, well you know I've got a massive family, and if even one of them doesn't like him then it's going to be a disaster. So since last night I have been stressing about that." She admits, slowly pouring out the details.

"Aw, Lols that's all so great. I am so happy for you. You deserve a guy that treats you well. And of course if he ever does anyone at all then you know who to come to." I tell her, winking. Her eyes widen, imagining what I would do to him if he ever hurt her.

"And don't worry about him meeting your family. As long as he is respectful then they will love him. I promise." I reassure her and she smile's grateful .

"Thanks, Bella. I think I needed that. It's just he's the first guy that's ever really showed me attention, I don't want to mess it up."

"For one, he's not the first guy who's ever showed you attention. You are just blind. And two you are not going to mess it up. And even if you do, he sounds whipped he'd probably forgive you anyway." I say making her giggle.

"Yeah he is kind of whipped. Talking about whipped... Whats going on with you and Nathan?" Lola questions me, smiling cheekily.

I freeze at her question, unsure how to answer it. Normally when I liked a guy I would immediately tell Lola and Riley and they would tease me about it and we would plan my entire future with the boy. But things with Nathan were different, nothing about our situation was normal.

Truthfully, I wasn't planning on telling Lola or Riley. And definitely not planning on telling Nathan. I needed him too much right now to make it awkward after he probably rejects me. Arabella. No. Not probably. Definitely. He has seen me at my low, there was no way he is interested me after that.

Luckily I am saved by Riley bursting into my room with a very annoyed look on her face.

"Why did you abandon me with your annoying cousin, Arabella? How dare you!" She complains, before collapsing on the bed next to me.

"Don't act like you don't have the biggest crush on my annoying cousin." I retort.

"I don't." She denies, dramatically. What a liar!

"Sure you don't." Lola comments, sarcastically as we share a knowing look with each other.

"Anyways, what did I miss?" Riley asks, changing the subject from her massive crush on Ryan.

"I was just asking Arabella about Nath-" Lola begins but I cut her off and give her a 'shut up' stare.

"Actually Lola was telling me about her new boyfriend." I say.

"He-he's not my boyfriend!" Lola exclaims, blushing.

"Yes he is." I tell her.

"No he is not." She replies, quickly.

"Well not yet." Riley says making me laugh.

"I bet he's going to ask you on your next date." She adds.

"Nope. He's not gonna wait till then. He's too desperate for you." I disagree. Riley and I both laugh at how embarrassed Lola looks.

"Stop betting on my relationship!" She shouts, playfully.

"Oh, so you are confirming it's a relationship?" Riley asks, smirking. Lola widens her eyes at her mistake.

"Ugh I hate you guys." She complains, groaning.

"No you don't." I tease, embracing her in a hug and kissing all over her face.

"Bells stop don't leave we out." Riley says, pouting. I turn towards her evilly and then jump on top of her, giggling as I squash her.

After a few minutes of us attacking each other and laughing we calm down.

"I love you guys so much. Like I seriously don't know what I would do without you." I say, changing my voice to a serious tone.

"We love you too, Bella." Lola replies.

"And we will always be there for you, honey. Throughout anything. The good, the bad, the really bad." Riley adds, smiling at me.

"Well let's just hope that the really bad is over." I reply.

Because I seriously don't think I can deal with anything else right now.

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