chapter 3

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Arabella's pov:

It's Monday morning so I'm walking into school.

I'm walking into school because it's Monday morning.

Just a normal Monday morning.

No different from any other Monday morning.

And this was how it had to be. Because nothing had happened. I went to a party on Saturday night and then spent Sunday skating and working. Normal activities that I had spent my weekends doing for the past year.

"Bellaaaaa. Are you even listening to us?" Riley asks from beside me. Her and Lola both giving me worried looks.

How long had they been there for?

"Yeah sorry I just zoned out for a second." I tell them, flashing them a forced smile.

"Are you okay, Bells? You know you can tell us anything." Lola replies.

"I'm fine, Lola. I just slept badly last night and I'm just tired"

Well that wasn't a complete lie at least.

"What were we talking about again?" I ask.

"Lola and Dylan and their cute little convo at the party." Riley answers causing Lola to blush.

"It's wasn't cute. He was just asking me about when we practice on the rink. Probably so he knows when he can practice hockey."

"Cmon you looked so hot that night he probably was waffling about that rubbish because he was nervous to speak to you. Right, Bella?"

"Yep" I agree, while opening my locker and getting my books for 1st and 2nd period.

"I'm gonna head to class but I'll see you guys later." I tell them before smiling lightly and heading off to lesson. As much as I love them my brain was way fucked up to have a conversation right now.


Nathan's pov:

Walking into class, the last thing I expected was to see Arabella sat on her own at the back in the class with her head resting on the table.

For one she always sat with the skating girls in the middle.

And two. She was always late. Everywhere.

Fuck. I was so worried for her. She has been all I can think about since that night.

I had tried to speak to her yesterday at the rink. But she had somehow avoided me.

I wanted to ask Ryan about her but I knew she hadn't told him yet because Charlie was still alive.

So I sat down next to him and listened while he talked about hockey or something. I don't know. I wasn't really listening. Even when class started I couldn't pay attention I just kept glancing back to Arabella.

I counted down the minutes until English ended.

The second the bell rings, she rushes out of class and I have to jog to catch up with her in the corridor.

How can this girl walk so fast?

"Hey, Hernández. Can we please talk?" I ask, grabbing her arm and stopping her in the corridor.

"Fuck off, Jones." She replies, glaring up at me before walking off.

It's not gonna be that easy to get rid of me. And I jog to overtake her.

"Cmon, please it will only take a minute. I'm not gonna give up till you will." I tell her, grinning as I walk in front of her. She pauses for a second and I stop with her.

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