chapter 14

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Nathan's pov:

"No. No. No no no no no no no." Bella repeats angrily while attacking me a pillow.

"You are sooo wrong." She shouts.

"Fuck me, Bella. You need to calm down." I tell her, but this was obviously the wrong thing to say as her face angers even more and she begins to stretch and crunch her knuckles.

"What are you doing?" I ask, nervously.


"For what?"

She doesn't answer. Just evilly smiles before jumping on top of me and brutally attacking me with a her pillow.

"I surrender! I surrender. I'm sorry, love. You were right! You are always right." I say, giving into her like I always do. She calms down and smiles contentedly.

"Now put down the pillow, Ella."

"Why? Don't tell me, you are scared of me, Nathan?" She teases, giggling but putting down the pillow.

"When it comes to what toppings to put on a pizza then yes I am very scared of you." I admit, grinning widely at her use of my name. After being called Jones and asshole for so long I was very much enjoying the sound of my name on her lips.

"It's not crazy to think that you are a psychopath because you like pineapple on pizza." She exclaims, passionately. I roll my eyes but smile and sit up, with her still straddling my lap.

"You know Ella. I quite like you in this position."
I tell her, honestly. She freezes for a second and blushes before she quickly returning back to normal. I smirk at her reaction. She pushes my body back down to the bed and removes herself from on top of me.

"Asshole." She comments, before she leaves the room. I wish I didn't say anything.

I think she thinks that I'm joking around when I flirt with her like that. And all I want to do is grab and her and shout that I want her. All I've been doing lately is wanting her. But I don't. I let her walk out of her bedroom and follow her downstairs to the kitchen silently. I let her change the conversation away from the the flirting because that's what she needs. She needs a friend. And as much as it kills me to resist myself when I'm around her I know that's what I have to do.


Arabella's pov:

"So, what do you want to watch criminal minds or criminal minds?" I ask Nathan as he sits down and joins me on the sofa.

"Hmm. You know what I really don't know. I mean it's such a hard decision. It might just be impossible!" He sarcastically replies.

"Wow, you really are quite annoying?" I tell him, turning on the to and putting on criminal minds.

"What? I'm not annoying." He says, his mouth wide in shock.

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not."

"Yes you-"

"Fine maybe I am. But you're still friends with me, Ella. Because you like meeee." He teases, playfully.

"Ew, as if." I reply with a disgusted look on my face.


I guess I wasn't particularly lying. Sure I did like him, but nothing about my feelings for him involved friendship.

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