chapter 20

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A/N- sorry to be annoying but please don't forget to vote, it honestly is the best feeling! even if you don't, thanks for getting this far anyway! xx

Nathan's pov:

"Morning, Nathan! How was your sleep?" Mrs T kindly asks me as I walk into the kitchen to see her making pancakes.

"It was great thanks. How was yours?" I reply, grabbing some orange juice from the fridge.

"Oh, it was terrible! Ian's snoring just gets worse and worse every night I sleep next to him, I swear." She complains as she casually flips the pancakes. Her dramatic tone makes me snort.

"Talking about me again, honey?" Mr T teases as he enters the kitchen, dressed in his fancy work suit.

"Of course not, Nathan was just telling me about how excited he is to go to school today." She dismisses, giving me a cheeky wink that makes me grin. He shakes his head, at her lie. They know each other way too well.

"Thanks for letting me stay over last night." I tell them both as I set down on the table.

"Don't be silly, sweetie! You don't need to thank us. You are here all the time." Mrs T tells me, giving me a stern look at my manners. Every time I am grateful for staying round she always tells me the same thing, but we both know I won't ever stop saying thank you.

"It's true, you practically live here." Ryan agrees as he enters the room.

"You may as well move in with us, son, with the amount of time you spend here." Mr T comments. Ryan and Mrs T smile and nod in agreement making my ears redden.

"No thanks, he's already here too much. Him living here, would be completely unbearable." Arabella groans as she lazily collapses on a chair after entering the room. So fucking cute.

"Don't act like you don't sit around waiting for me to come back here." I smirk, making her roll her eyes.

"Whatever." She replies, standing up to pour herself some mango juice.

"No it's true! She like 'Where's Nathan. I miss him soooooo muchhhhh. It's been a whole TWO hours since I've seen him.' It's hilarious." Ryan exclaims, in a pitchy voice to imitate her that makes me smile.

"Shut up, Ryan. I don't sound like that." She denies.

"Maybe not. But you didn't deny that you say shit like that." He relies grinning proudly. Her eyes widen at that realisation.

"In your dreams." She snaps, glaring at me.

Oh trust me, it really is.

"Unfortunately, that's true." Ryan grumbles, with a disgusted look on his face. Shit, I forgot he shares a room with me half the time.

"Anyway, Arabella! What are you doing up this early? Are you finally going to school?" Mrs T asks hopefully.

"Did Charlie get hit by a car?" She replies, happily.

"Sadly, no." I say.

"Then no, I'm not auntie." She tells her, her smile quickly replaced with an empty look on her face.

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