chapter 12

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A/N: short chapter warning xxx

Arabella's pov:

After driving for about 4 hours we eventually make it back to my house and I am slightly surprised to realise that being home only fills me with dread. The time I've spent with Nathan seemed like an escape and now we were back i have no choice but to face reality.

I'm not ready to see my family. To have to tell him the truth. To have to see the sympathy appear on their faces. To be labelled as a liar after telling the truth by the whole town. It was all inevitable.

But I had gone through this before, so I must be able to do it again.


"It's going to alright, Arabella. I'll be there the whole time." Nathan comforts me, rubbing my bouncing knee. He had sensed my anxiety building as we sit still outside my home. Neither one of us wanting to leave the car. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, I turn to Nathan to see him already looking at me.

"I'm ready." I tell him, he nods in response. Then, he gets out the car before rushing round to my side to open the door for me. I roll my eyes at the gesture but I can't control the blush that tints my cheeks.

We walk towards the door and I open it slowly and when it shuts I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I look up to see my Aunt, Uncle and Ryan rushing down the stairs, expressions of both anger and worry.

"Arabella Hernandez where the hell have you been for the last 24 hours?" My aunt exclaims..

"Ryan here called Riley and we know you weren't sleeping at hers or Lola's." My uncle says, scowling.

"And what the fuck are you doing with Nathan? Don't tell me you two are hooking up now." Ryan adds, with a disgusted look on his face.

"I'm sorry. I can explain. It's just- I. I have something to tell you. It's important." I say, stuttering nervously. The angry looks on their face fade and their worry builds.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" My Auntie asks.

"Why don't we sit down?" Nathan suggests and I nod. Nathan and I sit down on one sofa while my family sit on the sofa perpendicular to us.

"I'm going to speak and no one is going to say anything, okay. Not until I'm finished." I announce and they all nod.

My heart speeds up at the thought of saying it all out loud. Nathan's hand goes to my knee and I realise that I had been bouncing it up and down. I look over to him and the look on his face makes me brave. I take a deep breathe before I begin to tell my story.

"It happened the night of Dylan's party. I didn't spend much of it with my friends. Most of the night I was with Charlie. I think I have told you about him, Auntie, he's the football player. We were friends, I guess. But now when I look back on the past I wonder if we ever were. Or if we were just two people who liked to get drunk together. I had- I had a few shots. But he stayed sober. I found it slightly weird at the time but didn't question him, thinking he just had a match or something the next day. We were dancing and laughing, having fun. I trusted him. And so when he-he asked me if I wanted to go upstairs I said yes. I didn't mean it, I wasn't thinking properly. I wasn't thinking at all, really. As soon as I realised why he wanted to go upstairs, it was already too late. He had all ready decided what he wanted, and I was too drunk to stop him. He started kissing me and he pushed me onto a bed. I tried to stop him, I did, but I just couldn't. I felt so so weak. If it wasn't for Nathan he would of raped me. He was going to fucking rape me. That's why I have been acting weird these last two weeks. That's why I disappeared. I just needed some time away, before I went to the police."

I did it. I really fucking did it. I told my family.

I look at their horrified reactions, and I even think I see tears in my Aunties eyes.

"You aren't weak, Bells. You are the strongest person I know. And I mean that." Ryan states, his eyes filled with pity and anger.

"And we are so proud of you for telling us. I can't imagine how difficult that must of been after what happened last year." My auntie adds. I know her intentions are good but I can't help but be frustrated at the mention of last year when Nathan in around. I don't want him to know. I want to keep the fucking past in the past. But I guess it's inescapable.

"I'm sorry that happened to you." My uncles tells me, a sorrowful expression on his face.

"Look, Bella. If you need some time before you go to the police that is-" Ryan begins to say but I cut him off.

"No. I need to do this now. Today even." I tell them. They nod in understanding before all standing up.

"Come here, my sweet girl." My aunt says, tears falling as she opens her arms out for me. Nathan reluctantly lets go of my knee and I stand up to hug my Aunt. Soon, Ryan and my Uncle join our embrace and I feel safe in all their arms.

I feel fucking safe.

And, although tears fall down my cheek, a slight smile also comes to my face knowing that I am surrounded by people that love and care about me. People that believe me.

They believe me.

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