chapter 6

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Nathan's pov:

"Nathan, can I ask you a question?" Ryan asks, in the middle of a workout session at the gym.

"Yes, I think your mum is really hot." I reply and laugh at his disgusted face.

"Ew, shut up man. This is serious."

"Ok then shoot."

"You know Arabella?"

I freeze at the mention of her name. Why would he want to ask me a question about her? We never talk about her together.

Also why the fuck did the mention of her name have such an affect on me. My heartbeat was speading up and I played with the rings on my fingers.

"Nah I don't actually. Wait is she that weird girl that's been living with you for the past year?" I ask, using my sarcasm to calm my nerves.

"Haha very funny. But like have you noticed her acting different lately?"


As much as a didn't want to lie, I always told Ryan the truth about everything. I mean, he's the only person I trust.

But it's not my secret to tell.

Fuck she better be grateful for what I'm doing for her, I hate this.

"She probably just on her period or something, man. Don't worry about it."

Do worry. You should definitely be worried.

"Yeah you are right. Never mind. So, what are you doing later on? Or should I say who?" Ryan questions me, moving on from the subject of Arabella.

"My dads back." I tell him.


That's one way to ruin the mood of a situation, bring up my shitty dad. If I can even call him that, he probably doesn't deserve that title. He's away half the time on long hauls (he's a truck driver) and the other time...

Actually I don't even want to go into that part of my shitty life- too fucked to even think about.

"You can stay round mine tonight." He offers.

Why did he always have to be nice? There was no way I deserved him as friend. He was so pure, growing up in a perfect household he'd never been damaged before. He was warm and kind, the kind of guy that everyone loved.

"No, I'm fine." I snap at him.

"It wasn't an offer, it was an order."

"I'm your captain, I should be the one ordering you around." I remind him. He begins to smile evilly and walks towards me slowly.

"Yeah but I'm your best friend." He tells me, smiling brightly and tackling me in hug.

"Get off me." I shout at him, pushing him off. He knows my hate for physical touch.

"I know you love me." He coos at me as he returns back to bench he was sitting on.

"Fuck you."

"Alright, whatever you want, cap." He reaches his arms out for me.

"So annoying." I roll my eyes and turn around but can't help the smile that comes to my face.

"I know you are smiling over there."

"Get back to working out before I cut you from the team."

An empty threat but he shuts up anyway.


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