chapter 19

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Arabella's pov:

"Five, six, seven, eight. Slide to the right, step back and turrnnnn.

Nope! nope! You are doing it wrong, Ryan!" Little Nathan exclaims angrily from the tape playing in my living room.

Riley pauses the video of the seven year old boys dancing as she bursts out laughing.

"Jesus, Ryan you were a terrible dancer! Like really really terrible. Not just bad but like the type of terrible that you couldn't even stick to the beat to save your own life." She teases as she points accusingly at him, still laughing her ass of.

"Shut up, Riley! I was a great dancer, it's not my fault that Nathan here was so strict with his instructions. He was controlling my creativity!" He exclaims, dramatically glaring at the boy who's head was resting comfortably on my lap, and who's hair was being run through gently by my hands.

"I don't know what you are on about, Ryan. For one I was not being controlling. And two without my instructions you would of been flapping around like an idiot! And your parents would have never let me stay round for a sleepover that night. Which they did! Because of me. So hah!" Nathan retorts, sitting up suddenly, causing me to frown at our loss of contact.

I'm so whipped it's embarrassing

"And that is still true today, which is kind of crazy. Nathan controlling Ryan as captain because Ryan just wouldn't know what to do without him." Dylan comments, casually from his spot on the armchair with Lola on his lap.

"What did you just say?" Ryan and Nathan ask, frustrated as they turn to glare at him. Dylan's eyes widen as he realises he said the wrong thing.

"No, no! I didn't mean it like that! It was a compliment ." Dylan defends himself quickly.

"Yeah about how cute your guys friendship is." Lola adds, smiling brightly.

"Irritating more like." Nathan grumbles, standing up and walking off towards the kitchen.

I get up quickly and follow him.

Soooo whipped...

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, fine. Just hungry." He answers, as he grabs a bag of popcorn out the cupboards.

"Oh ok, good." I say awkwardly.

"Why did you follow me?" He questions, he leans again the counter smoothly and smirks.

I am completely and utterly in love with you."

"Same, just hungry. " I reply, walking up to him without breaking eye contact and taking a piece of popcorn out his bag- slowly and teasingly placing it in my mouth. A place which his eyes don't leave even after I swallow the piece of food.

After a few seconds his eyes go back to mine and he smiles softly.

"Ella, look I-"

He begins but is cut off by the shouting of Ryan next door.


"Stupid cousin." I mumble, rolling my eyes.

Nathan's smile grows as he slowly tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear before saying " Well I don't want to miss that do I, love?" and walking off.

Asshole. Leaving me left completely flustered in my kitchen with my heart beating out my chest.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.


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