chapter 24

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Nathan's pov:

From the moment I turned 16 the Trayst family have insisted that I move in with them.

Even before then, they offered to adopt me.

But I was never convinced.

Until last night.

Until Arabella fucking Hernandez changed everything. It wasn't even the conversation we had that made me want to move in, it helped but it wasn't the reason.

The words didn't matter. But who they came from was a whole other story.

It's like when I was around her, or even just thinking about her - which was pretty much all the fucking time- she has this power over me. I can't hide from my problems, she doesn't let me.

When I first met her that was the problem- it's why I couldn't stand to be around her because I knew that deep down she saw some part of me that others different. It why she never told Ryan to get me to leave her alone. She never gave up on me, even when I was an annoying asshole.

So when she asked- oh wait told me- that I was going to move in I couldn't refuse.

I couldn't deny that fact I deserved to live away from my dad, because she saw through my mask.

And I was sure as hell thankful that she did.

"Do you want to talk about it know?" She sits down next to me on the sofa and whispers in my ear.

Please don't move away from me - I want to beg.

But I don't of course. And she moves away.

"I- yes I'm ready." I tell her with zero confidence.

Ryan was sitting on an arm chair scrolling on his phone and Mr and Mrs T were cuddling on the other sofa laughing about something.

I clear my throat loudly and they all turn to face me.

"I wanted to talk to you all about something." I announce and their attention on me focuses.

I know what they are going to answer but it doesn't stop the nerves flowing through me and my knees bounce quickly as a reflex.

Ella quickly notices and smiles up at me, before placing her hand on my knee and squeezing it gently.

Her actions instantly calm me.

"I would like to move in with you. I know that you have offered me to move in with you before, buts it completely fine if you have changed your minds or need to think about it. I would understand I mean it's a whole other person living here and-" I ramble quickly, wanting to get my words out and over with.

"Nathan, sweetie. We all want you to move in with us. There is no need to even question it." Mrs T interrupts my rant.

"Are you-"

"Yes. You are moving in." Ryan says, and most unusually he says it in a completely serious tone.

"See I told you there was nothing to worry about." Ella says, lacing her hands in mine which makes me blush.

"For someone who wants to keep our relationship a secret, you sure aren't acting like it." I whisper, leaning towards her.

Her eyes widen and she tries to take her hand away but I don't let her.

"I never said you could let go."

I see her gulp as her eyes don't waver from mine.

"Nathan-" She begins but is cut off by her family.

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