chapter 7

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Nathan's pov:

"Can someone tell me what just happened?"

I am so fucking confused right now. We were just having a normal discussion about hockey and then Arabella suddenly got all upset, shouted at me then walked out.

"It's complicated, Nathan. Bella's Dad is a hockey coach and she has a difficult relationship with him." Mrs T tells me, smiling nervously.

"Should I go after her?" Ryan asks.

"If she wanted to talk to us, son. She would have stayed." Mr T says.

"Do you want me to leave?" I ask, feeling guilty for worsening the situation earlier.

"Of course not, sweetie. You are staying." Mrs T tells me.

Ryan's parents were 100% the best people I knew. I mean they practically raised me. They didn't owe me anything, they could of just ignored the problems I had at home. But they didn't. They offered their house out to me all the time.

And for that reason I knew that I owed it to them to make up for what just happened.

"I'm going to go find Arabella." I tell them, causing shocked looks from the family surrounding me.

"What?"  They all ask in sync. All equally surprised by my want to be near her.

"Why? You guys can't go a conversation without arguing." Ryan states.

"He isn't wrong, you might make it worse, son" Mr T agrees.

"Let him go." Mrs T says. "I have a good feeling about this."

"I'll be back in a bit. Thanks for dinner Mrs T it was amazing ."

"Call me Rosie" She shouts as I walk towards the door.

"Never." I reply, laughing lightly before shutting the door and jogging towards my car. I get in and begin to drive to the only place I can think of that she could be.

The rink was closed so she wouldn't be there. The only place that you could really go at this time of night is the park.

About 10 minutes later I arrive. After parking my car, I climb over the fence and spot her straight  away slowing swinging on the swing.

Her eyes peacefully shut and her head slowly moving up and down to the music.

As much as we didn't get along I couldn't help but admire her occasionally. I wasn't blind. I could see how beautiful she was. Her dark wavy hair, her soft pink lips and the light freckles that were lightly scattered on her nose and cheek.

Her connection to music seemed almost as deep as her connection with skating. It looked like it was part of her, like an organ she couldn't live without.

Part of me didn't want to move, just stand there memorising each part of her. The other part knew I had to help her. Because even though she looked peaceful, her escape with music was only a short term solution not long term.

I slowly walk over and sit down on the swing next to her. I reach out and gently tap her shoulder causing her to jump up and take her headphones off.

"What the fuck?" She shouts, her hand over her heart. I can't help but laugh at her shocked reaction.

"It's not funny. You scared me." She says, sitting back down next to me and playfully smacking me.

"Sorry, I had to get your attention somehow." I tell her. She rolls her eyes and looks over at me, a confused expression on her face.

"Why are you here?" She asks, softly.

"I-I wanted to see if you were okay." I stuttered. What the fuck why was I stuttering? When have I ever stuttered?

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