chapter 18

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Arabella's pov:

The truth was apart from my dad no one knew the whole story about what happened last year. I never felt strong enough to tell my family or Lola and Riley the whole story after what happened with my dad. But things with Nathan were different, he made me feel strong. So here I was about to explain the story that changed my life.

"I knew him my whole life. We went to the same kindergarten and then the same middle school and then the same high school. He was my best friend. We were so close, we hung out all the time and we told each other everything. I was even the one who introduced him to hockey, and so in high school he played on the team my dad coached. Which of course my dad absolutely loved, Garrett was his prodigy. All his spare time and thoughts were all about Garretts future and career. I don't think he even asked once about skating or what I wanted to do with my life. None of that mattered to him.

I loved Garrett. But I think the only reason I ever started dating him was because I knew my Dad would be so happy. And he was. He actually started caring more about my life, it wasn't the normal level of care a child would expect but it was something. And that was enough for me.

Dad invited him round for dinner every single night, he even let Garrett stay the night in my room. So maybe I should of expected it, should of known that he would never take my side. Never believe me. Genetically I was his daughter but in his heart Garrett and the rest of the hockey players were his family.

We had a normal teenage relationship for the most part. Picnics in Central Park, going to the cinema and hanging out with our friends.

But then he-he changed.

I think at least. Maybe he was always like that, but I was so wrapped up in having my dads attention that I didn't notice.

It was his birthday. He threw a massive party and basically invited the whole school. I-I dressed up all nice for him. I remember exactly what I was wearing: a short white dress with white heels. I fucking bought that dress for him because I knew he would like it.

Anyway, the night was going okay. But he was acting slightly weird because he was being extremely touchy. Like putting his hand up my dress in public and feeling up my ass. But I just blamed it on the fact he was drunk and wasn't thinking. I mean-I- I trusted him. I never thought he-he would-" I stutter, suddenly being unable to finish my sentence.

"You are doing so well, Ella. Im so proud of you. Just take your time." Nathan reassures me, kissing the top of my head.

"Okay, okay." I say, taking a deep breath before carrying on.

"Well when the party ended at like 2am and everyone left. I stayed. My dad didn't mind and I wanted to help Garrett clean up in the morning. So we went up to his room and I was taking my heels off when I felt him walk up behind me and press up to my ass. I-I looked around to see him smirking and I could smell the alcohol in his breath when he talked.

He kept on complimenting my body and saying how nice I looked in that dress. He-he kept on saying that I was his and he was so excited to do whatever he wanted to me.

He began to unzip my dress but I told him no. I said the fucking word no but he didn't listen. I said that I was on my period and wasn't in the mood.

He decided that because it was birthday he could have whatever he wanted. And he wanted me.

I-I tried to fight back, I did! But he was just too strong.

That night it-. It was the worst fucking night of my life.

I never forgot it. I couldn't sleep because every time I closed my eyes I saw him. Standing over me. The thought disgusted me so much I threw up.

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