chapter 15

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Arabella's pov:

"So, Nathan how have you been lately?" I ask. He gives me a questioning look.

"I've been alright, love. How about you?" He replies, a smirk on his face.

"Fine." I answer, nervously.

We sit in silence for a few minutes before he speaks up again.

"Cmon out with it. What's wrong?" He questions.

"Nothing is wrong, I promise."

"Arabella. It's me. Just say what you want to say." He demands.

"It's just- you- you have a game tomorrow." I admit, stuttering at my words like an idiot.

"I know, Ella. I happen to be playing in it." He teases, a glint in his eyes conveying his amusement.

"Well, I was kind of thinking of going. If that's okay with you of course! I don't want to intrude." I ramble nervously.



"I would love for you to come to one of my games." He tells me and my eyes light up at his words.

"Really?" I ask, happily. And he nods, chuckling. His eyes suddenly widen and he shoots up from the sofa.

"I'll be back in one minute, Ella." He says before rushing out of the house. What's up with him?

The truth is I was extremely nervous to go to a hockey game. I hadn't been to one single game since I moved here, a year ago. All hockey was associated with was my dad and Garrett. And they were two things that I hated to be reminded of. But the past few weeks with Nathan I realised how much hockey meant to him and I wanted to support and be there for him.

And I do quite like the high energy when you go to a hockey match, it is so unique and fun. And just knowing that Nathan would be nearby gives me the sense of security that I needed before.

The door opens again and Nathan comes rushing back into the room, out of breath. And he's holding a jersey. His jersey. My mouth opens slightly and my eyes widen.

"Is that- is that for?"

"You. Yes it is." He says, throwing it towards me and I laugh at his enthusiasm.

"Unless of course you don't want to wear my jersey. I can't force you. And I promise I won't be offended if you say no. Like I would understand because-" He rambles nervously, suddenly second guessing himself.

"I want to wear your jersey, Nathan." I reassure him, cutting him off. He smiles and looks relieved at he sits back down on the couch next to me.

"Have- have you ever? Has anyone ever?" I ask, trying to out together the right words but failing. Luckily he understand me somehow.

"No. I haven't ever given a girl my jersey before." He tells me, causing me to blush.

"Oh okay." I reply, quietly as I recompose my self.

"So I'm special then?" I ask, my confidence reappearing.

"Arabella Hernandez you are the most special girl I have ever met." He tells me in a way that I know he means it.

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