chapter 17

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Arabella's pov:

I am on Snapchat texting Lola and Riley when I notice ice cream on my nose. I put my phone down and snap my head to Nathan.

"What the hell?" I ask, angrily. He turns towards me, anxiety visually appearing on his face due to the anger on mine.

"Whats wrong, love?"

"When were you going to tell me I had ice cream on face?" I demand, grumpily. His face relaxes and he begins to laugh at my anger.

"Hey, it's not funny!" I exclaim.

"It kind of is. And anyway I thought you looked cute." He tells me, smiling widely and wiping off the ice cream with his thumb. I can't help but smile at the contact, but I still roll my eyes at him.

We were on our way home after the game and although around 30 minutes ago I was having a panic attack right now I felt very calm. Going to an ice cream place and driving with Nathan was extremely relaxing for me.

"What are we doing tonight?" I ask, as we pull up to our houses.

He doesn't even glance at his own house as we step out. He grabs my hand as we walk towards mine.

As much as I wanted to ask about his home life and his dad I hadn't so far. If  he wanted me to know he would have told me, so for now I was just waiting patiently for him to open up to me.

"I don't mind, love. Whatever you want." He says, as I get my keys out and open the door, Nathan still tightly holding onto my hand.

"Well, dinner with my family. And then maybe we could have a little movie night with like fairy lights and everything." I tell him, he smiles and nods.

"Sounds great."

We walk towards the living room and I hear voices speaking inside.

"Hey, Aunt Rosie, Uncle Ian. We are back." I say walking in with a smile on my face.

My smile instantly drops at the sight in front of me and I slip my hand away from Nathan's, causing him to give me a confused glance.

Sat, in my living room, talking with my Aunt and Uncle was my father. He looks up to me awkwardly.

"Arabella. You look good." He states. Trying to fill the awkward silence.

I glare at him, not wavering for a second.

"I don't want you here." I tell him.

"Bella give him a chance, he's your father." My aunt tells me. And I can't help but feel betrayed by her words.

From the corner of my eye I see Nathan straighten up at the realisation of who is sat down in front of him.

"I'm Nathan Jones. I'm a friend of your daughters." He says. My father not even glancing at him. That's ironic. If he knew Nathan played hockey it would be the opposite, all the attention would be on him.

"Nathan, sweetie. Would be okay if you left us to talk for a bit?" My aunt asks, sweetly.

I know she thinks she is doing what is best for me but she isn't, because she doesn't understand. She didn't see the way he treated me last year, what he said to me.

Nathan begins to back away but I grab my arm stopping him. Nathan was the only thing keeping me calm right now, the last thing I wanted was for him to leave.

"No, I want him to stay. My father should be the one of leave." I say, sarcastically emphasising the word father.

"I know we haven't had the best relationship but I am still your Dad. So I would appreciate it if you showed me some respect." He declares, annoyed at my behaviour.

"Respect? You think you deserve respect from me? What have you done to earn respect from me? Huh. You have been a shitty dad. You never cared about me. The only time you showed me any attention as a kid was when I was becoming a problem for you. That's all what happened last year was for you wasn't it? It was a a problem. YOUR OWN DAUGHTER GETTING RAPED WAS A FUCKING PROBLEM FOR YOU. I TOLD YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN WHAT HAPPENED EVEN THOUGH IT KILLED ME TO DO SO AND YOU STILL DIDN'T BELIEVE ME. THE ONLY REASON YOU FUCKING CAME HERE WAS BECAUSE YOU ARE WORRIED THAT AFTER I REPORTED CHARLIE I AM GOING TO REPORT YOUR PRECIOUS FUCKING HOCKEY PLAYER. SO DON'T EVEN START ON YOU BEING MY DAD. BECAUSE YOU NEVER WERE. " I scream at him, tears flowing down my face.

"I needed you. I was all alone and you didn't give two shits about me." I sobbed. I feel Nathans arm reaching around my waist and pulling me towards him for support.

"Arabella. I am not going to apologise for what I did because I did what I knew was right." He tells me blankly.

What was right for Garrett he means.

"And you are right. I came here to make sure you don't mess up another poor boys life with another silly accusation."

I wish I could be surprised, like my Aunt, Uncle and Nathan. But his words were so familiar that I was frozen.

"You should leave, Carlos." My uncle instructs him, disgust laced in his voice.

"What?" My father asks surprised, turning to my aunt for support. She just shakes her head.

"If you don't want my help, Arabella then don't take it. But when everyone realised what a lying little bitch you are, I'm not going to be there to help." He spits at me after he storms up to me.

"Fuck off." Nathan demand, stepping in front of me.

My father storms off and slams the door on the way out of the house. I finally breathe again at the realisation that he is gone.

"We are so sorry, sweetie. We had no idea that was going to happen. We thought he had come to support you." My aunt apologies.

"It's alright. I'm over it, over him. I don't need him. Not when I have you guys." I say, smiling slightly. My Aunt and Uncle both bring me in for a hug before I back away.

"I think I'm going to go to my room. I want to be alone for a bit." I tell them and they nod in understanding.

"I'll leave then" Nathan suggests, but I shake my head.

"Could you stay, if that is alright of course?" I ask nervously turning towards him. His eyes light up at the suggestion and nods eagerly before taking my hand and leading me upstairs. I shut the door behind me and we both go sit on the bed. He awkwardly sits on the opposite side to me, making me roll my eyes and move closer.

"Can we lay down for a bit?" I ask. He doesn't answer just lays down and opens his arms out for me to join him. I rest my head on his chest and the sound of his beating heart and the feeling of him gently stroking my hair comforts me.

"I-I want to tell you. I just don't know how." I admit.

"Its alright. Take your time. Start from the beginning."

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