chapter 4

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Arabella's pov:

It has been a week since Saturday night. I have attempted to act like everything is normal since then.

I go to my lessons. But zone out in everyone.

I avoid Charlie when walking around school, and even moved out of the class we had together. But him and that night still can't leave my mind.

I take my tablets. But blame my bad mood on my lack of sleep and period to my friends and family.

I don't talk to Marisa. But she still sits with us everyday.

She apologised and I forgave her because I don't have the energy for drama right now.

Another thing I don't have the energy for is work. But it's a Saturday morning so I don't have a choice.

So I rush from the counter to coffee machine and back endlessly for three hours until I finally finish my shift.

And if I wasn't tired enough from my shift, I grab my bike and head straight to rink after.

Of course I'm late, but that was inevitable.

After the two hour practice, I am so ready to just go home and have a nap. But Livia calls me into her office with a stern look on her face.

"Hernandez, sit down." She instructs. My last name, that is a terrible start to whatever this meeting is.

"How can I help you, coach?" I ask, forcing a smile onto my face.

"Well, for one you can take that fake smile off your face." She tells me. How did she know? No one had noticed that in the past week.

"Sorry." I reply.

"Secondly you can tell me what insane reason you have for not booking a time for private practice."

Shit. I had completely forgot. With all that was going on in the past week, skating had lost its position as the top focus in my life. That was unacceptable.

I couldn't believe how stupid I had been to forget such an important thing.

"Now all the private practice slots have been booked up by either the figure skaters or hockey boys. Of course you will still be able to compete in the competition coming up. But you will be at a disadvantage to all of your competitors. I don't know what is going on with you, but you need to focus if you want any chance of winning."

Anyone else would be upset by her harsh and blunt language but I am used to it.

And it is motivating.

"I am so sorry, Livia. I swear to god I will work so hard to make up for the lost time."

"I know you will, Arabella. You are hard worker."

"Is there any chance, that there are any spare slots left. At any time of the day, I don't mind."

"Well there are ones when you are at school." She informs me but just as I am about to interrupt up and tell her I will take it, she cuts me off.
"But you will not be taking them, because your Aunt will kill me if she heard you were skipping school."

I frown, knowing that she is right.

"That's it, see you tomorrow."

I nod at her and just about I am about to shut the door behind me and leave, she begins speaking again.

"Wait, Arabella. Do you know the hockey captain? Jones I think." She asks. I nod nervously.

"Well, he is the only skater that has booked two private slots instead of one. Maybe you could ask him nicely to have one, or to share one?" She suggests. I sigh. My last chance. And it's impossible. There is no way he will do that for me. Or if he does it will be out of pity. And I hate being pitied.

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