That Fateful Meeting

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Peridot's POV
As the two walked towards the palace Peridot soon became panicked 'I am such a clod how could I be so focused on the past that I could be shattered for not working as much as I should'. While Peridot kept wondering what could happen to her until she walked right into Jasper, nearly sending her into the ground. "You okay, pipsqueak?" Jasper asks? "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I must've lost track while daydreaming about how horrible this could go for us. " I say. "Wow, calm down with the enthusiasm Peridot, we surely don't want Yellow Diamond to be scared." Jasper says with a smirk, seeming amused by my freak out. "Sorry," I whisper. The two began to look up and take in the view of the palace obviously owned by Yellow Diamond since it was the same color of the Diamond herself. The two walked up the stairs and entered the palace and walking through the doors and seeing a clerk already waiting for them to talk to her. "What's the purpose of your visit? The clerk asks. "Names Jasper and here with my friend Peridot, and me are here to meet with Yellow Diamond." Jasper says.  "Alright, I'll let you two know when she's ready, and then I'll have a Yellow Pearl asset you two to meet with the Diamond." Clerk says. The two walked away and found a spot to sit. While sitting, they brought up small talk, but nothing exciting was talked about. I soon started to daydream. 'Every day without her feels like a thousands of years. I am reminded of her every day about what I'm missing in my life. It seemed like our love and appreciation for each other would never end. Not until she was sent to Earth and never returned. What if she left me on purpose? What if she did return but didn't return to me? NO! I can't think like that if she wasn't captured or shattered, she surely would've returned to me. Right? "PERIDOT," an angry voice yelled, which belonged to Jasper. "What?" "Sorry I must've daydreamed again." I say. "We need to get to our meeting, so come on. " Jasper said with hints of anger in her voice. As the two followed, the seemingly quiet pearl down the hall until they've reached the palaquinne. "Make way for the bright Yellow Diamond." Says Yellow Pearl. The two bowed down to pay their respects towards the Yellow Diamond. "My Diamond," the two said in unison. "I see you two managed to make it in time." As she holds two gems, belonging to two Topaz's. "These two failed even the easiest tasks."I don't know how we could thrive if these are how every ERA 2 acts." Yellow Diamond says, following with a sigh. "If you don't mind, what's the purpose of our visit, my Diamond?" Says Peridot. "Well, I'm sure Jasper has brought up your lack of professionalism when it came to work, so we've come up with a plan to assist you." Yellow Diamond says. "You have two options. One you be monitored during a 10 year period and show significant improvement or we could try an newly made experiment that would allow you to "Begin Again". So which option do you choose Peridot?" Yellow Diamond says. "What's this begin again experiment that you've brought up?" I asked. "Oh it's where you could have a clean slate, and any burdens you carry will disappear." Says Yellow Diamond. "But we want your consent before we do." Yellow Diamond says. "I want to take part in this experiment." I say. "Wonderful, I'm sure you won't regret. I can assure you that you will be safe and sound." Yellow Diamond says with glee. "Seems to me that this meeting is over, but I need you and Jasper to follow me to White Diamond if that's okay with you two?" Yellow Diamond says. "Of course." Jasper and Peridot say at the same time.
They both begin to walk with Yellow Diamond as she leads the way, taking them outside and towards the large white palace.

A/N I know what a cliffhanger, but I can assure you the next chapter will cover whats about to happen to our two lovely gems.

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