Abandon Ship

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~ 3 months later and 15 days ~

Start Of Log 336
"We've reached our destination, Earth. It's been a journey, a difficult one at that. Jasper has been more than difficult to be around as she continues to taunt me. The prisoner Quartz has shown to be resistanting us at any point possible. Lapis has been trying to start conversations with me any chance she gets. I know she's sorry about what she did, but I can't get attached. I have an allegiance to Homeworld. She's just a traitor. There's no way we can be friends."

End of Log
With my daily log completed, it's time to capture the crystal gems. I need to give Jasper the run down, and we can finally conclude this chapter of our lives. I exited my quarters and headed down to the control room. 'These good for nothing, Crystal Gems have been giving us a hard time. It's time we finally end their games.' I entered the control room to see Jasper staring intently out towards Earth. "Jasper. It's time we end this. We need to touch down and begin our assault on their base." I said. I walked over to Jasper and stood near her. "This is what they've been fighting for? For a useless rock? Why? Why must've they fight? Why did their shatter my Diamond?" Jasper asked. "We can ask those questions when we bring them aboard. They shall pay for their crimes. Everything they've done will be brought apart by us." I said. Jasper simply nodded, seemingly surprised by my choice of words. "I didn't think you'd have the willpower to fight them, runt." Jasper said. "They are our enemy. They are the reason for our Empire's struggle." I said. I knew this mission was dangerous. This could easily cause my shattering. But this was my purpose. This needs to happen. There's no other way, right? Jasper began moving, and I followed alongside her. We walked in silence to the console room. We needed to move the ship and land.
We entered the console room and began our trek into Earth's atmosphere. The ship became engulfed in flames as we continued. We didn't need to worry. We sat in silence as we moved ever closer to the ground. "Jasper. Something is heading directly for us. It seems like a flash of energy. Prepare for defensive measures." I said. Jasper did as she was told, and the flash of energy hit the ship but caused no damage. The ship came to a halt, and I looked over to Jasper. "Bring Lapis with us, Peridot. She'll need to see her friends suffer in front of her eyes." Jasper said. I got up from my chair and began walking towards Lapis cell. I entered into Lapis view as she stared at me. I opened the field and allowed her to exit. "Peridot? What's happening? Are we at Earth?" Lapis asked. "Yes. Jasper wanted you to see what happens to traitors. I'm sorry. But I don't have a choice in this." I said. The two of us walked in silence till we entered the console room once more. "Jasper. Lapis is here per request. We can continue." I said. Jasper nodded and began moving the ship to make a landing. We landed without any further issues. "Peridot. Grab any essential gear required for this mission. This is going to be a battle. We must win." Jasper said. I nodded in response. I began walking away and headed towards my quarters. I heard footsteps behind me and decided to turn around to see Lapis. "Peridot? Why are you doing this? You're not going to shatter them, are you?" Lapis asked. "No Lapis. But someone will have to be hurt. Rather, that be us or them." I said. I knew this battle was coming, but it'd be the first time being in a battle. To say the least, I was nervous and scared. I entered the quarters with Lapis following closely behind. I opened my weapons locker to see modifications and spare attack robonoids. I collected them and began reaching towards a destabilizer. A blue hand grabbed my arm, preventing me from grabbing the destabilizer. "Peridot. Please. No one deserves the pain that comes from that weapon." Lapis begged. I knew I may regret not taking the weapon along, but to put Lapis worries to ease, I decided against taking it. We exited my quarters and began walking towards the console room. We entered the room to see Jasper redirecting the pointer finger to begin pointing towards the crystal gems. "The three of us need to exit the ship. At any moment when I give the okay, I'll need you to order the ship to fire on our enemies. Alright, Peridot?" Jasper said. I nodded. "Good. Follow me. We'll need to exit the ship and meet them head-on." Jasper said.
We exited the ship to be meant with only a few soldiers. Is this the remaining Crystal Gems? "Where is your army?! Where is Rose?!" Jasper demanded, wanting answers now rather than later. None of the Crystal Gems answered Jasper question. "We don't have time for this. Peridot! Fire the ships weapon." Jasper demand. I did what Jasper requested and activated the cannon to fire. The cannon charged and fired. About ten seconds went by to see a bright pink shield. "Steven? What are you doing here?" One of the rebels screamed. That rebel was a Pearl. "I'm here to help you guys! I'm a Crystal Gem, too!" Steven yelled. "You said Steven was harmless, Lapis!" I screamed. "He's just a human!" Lapis yelled back. "Whatever! It has Rose's powers. So it must be Rose!" Jasper yelled. Jasper jumped down from the hand onto the sand, and the two of us followed along. Jasper brought out her destabilizer. The fused gem began her charge towards Jasper dodged and attacked towards the chest hitting directly, causing the fused one to poof. The other rebels were terrified. The Amethyst attempted to strike Jasper but was countered due to Jasper grabbing the whip and pulling Amethyst in. Quickly poofing her as well with the destabilizer. The Pearl attempted to attack me instead. I brought my cannon that engulfed the Pearl into an orb that allowed me to bring up my other enhancer to fire. I took the shot, and it hit the Pearl directly, causing her to poof as well. Jasper turned her attention to Steven, who was shaking. Jasper quickly closed the distance between the two. Jasper reached down and picked up Steven, who tried to break free from Jasper's grasp. "This was all that was left of your army, Rose? You're pathetic." Jasper said. Jasper brought up her fist and smashed into Steven's face, knocking Steven out. Jasper dragged Steven's body towards the ship till she turned her attention towards me. "Peridot. Take the other gems and separate them into different cells." Jasper said. I nodded and collected the gems.
After collecting all the gems, I entered the ship and separated them into different cells. All that was left was Lapis, who was following me. "Lapis, I'll need to return you to your cell now. So follow me." I said. "What's going to happen to those gems?" Lapis asked. "What's expected. They will be judged for their crimes. Most likely, be shattered for it." I said. Lapis seemed upset that these gems fates were already sealed. We stayed quiet after that. We went into view of Lapis cell. I motioned for her to enter, and she did it without complaint. I closed the field once more and left. 'We've won. The rebellion is over. Homeworld can finally make use of this rock.' I entered the control room to see Jasper standing there. "Nice job today, Runt. We'll begin our trip back home soon." Jasper said. I nodded in response.
We've lifted off without issue, and we are now sitting outside of the Earth's atmosphere. "Peridot? What do you think will happen when we return?" Jasper asked. "I'm guessing we'll get frontrow seats to see the sentencing." I said. Jasper grunted in response. I opened the prison cell cameras and began to check on the prisoners. All of them were inside from the looks of it. Wait? Where is the 'Steven'? "Jasper. I think the 'Steven' got out." I said. "What?! How? Where is Rose?" Jasper asked. I checked the other cell cameras to now see that the Ruby was gone as well. "Jasper! We have a jail break. Get your destabilizer! I'll continue to survey the cameras from here and begin our route to Homeworld." I said. Jasper got up from her chair and quickly ran out of view. I checked the cameras to see 'Steven' not poofing when opening an exit from the cells to the other gems. Now, the Pearl and Amethyst were missing from their cells as well as both Sapphire's and the Zircon. I couldn't continue to watch any further. I turned my attention towards the controls of the ship and began plotting a course to the nearest outpost. "There she is!" I turned around to see a Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven. I grabbed a destabilizer and attempted to strike Steven with it. Steven grabbed onto the weapon and held onto without poofing. 'WHAT? Steven's a gem. How isn't Steven poofing?' Steven broke the destabilizer, leaving me defenseless. I attempted to bring up my cannon but was quickly grabbed by a whip that belonged to the Amethyst. Quickly pulling me in towards her and rapping it around me, subduing me. The Pearl made her way to the console and began redirecting the ship. "You clods have no idea what you're doing!" I yelled. The ship shifted and caused the Amethyst to lose her grip on me, allowing me to break free. Amethyst attempted to whip me into her again, but I was able to get ahold of it and sent electricity through it, causing the Amethyst to release her whip and allowing me to escape. I ran down the halls till I reached the escape pods. 'Were all the prisoners released? Has Lapis been released? Should I go back for her? I did promise that'll I'll be there for her.' I made up my mind and quickly ran down the halls. I kept running till I saw her still in her cell. Lapis turned to look at me. I was seemingly surprised that I was there. I ran over and opened the cell and motioned for her to grab my hand. Lapis took it without hesitation. "Lapis! We have to get out of here! The ship is falling. We need to go!" I yelled. I started running with Lapis following closely behind. "We are almost there! Just a lit-"
'Uhhh, my head feels like my gem is going to explode. Where am I?' I took off my visor, allowing me to use my gem as a light source. Debris were all over me. I began pushing off the scrap metal that was engulfing me. After moving the pieces of metal. I looked around to see we were back on Earth. Seemingly in the same area where we beat the crystal gems. 'Where is Lapis? Is she okay?' I looked around seeing a pile of debris and began moving them out of the way. I continued till I saw a light blue. 'Is that her gem? Was she poofed? Doesn't matter. I need to save her.' I kept moving the scrap metal out of my way till I was able to reach her gem. Lapis must've been poofed when the ship crashed. 'Alright, I saved her, but what do I do now?' I thought as I looked around. The ship was damaged beyond repair. Considering that some of the pieces were still clinging onto me. I started wiping them off till another thing caught my eye. I started moving over to confirm my suspicion. It was the 'Steven' robonoid. Seemingly intact. I used my free hand to reach down and grabbed it. 'Surely Lapis will be happy that this robonoid didn't shatter.' A slight smile grew at my face, realizing not everything was lost. "PERIDOT!" A voice yelled. I turned around to see the Fusion charging its way towards me. I couldn't move. I was terrified. The only thing I could do was shake in fear. Before I knew it, I felt a punch land onto my lower torso. Causing me to fall backward. I must've regained my senses. "WAIT! Please! I surrender! Don't hurt me or Lapis!" I yelled. I lost my grip on the 'Steven' robonoid and quickly wrapped both arms around Lapis's gemstone, protecting it from any harm. The fusion seemed taken aback from my actions but quickly regained her composure. "Then you're coming with me. If you try to run, I won't hesitate in poofing you and bubbling you away." The fusion said. I simply nodded. I stood up and grabbed the robonoid, and kept Lapis close to me. I followed the fusion closely but cautiously. "Garent? Where are you?" A voice yelled. "Over here, Steven!" Garent yelled back. 'So her name is Garent? Huh.' "Hi, Garnet." Steven said. Garnet simply pointed towards me, making my presence known to Steven. I was afraid of what Steven could do. "You captured Peridot?" Steven asked. "She surrendered peacefully. But she isn't alone. Show him, Peridot." Garent said. I slowly revealed Lapis gemstone. Steven seemingly had stars in his eyes quickly ran up to me and stood there looking at Lapis gemstone. "You rescued Lapis? You saved my beach summer fun buddy!" Steven yelled as he quickly pulled me into a hug. I looked over towards Garnet to see that she had a smirk on her face as Steven continued to crush me into a hug. "Steven! Get away from Peridot!" A voice yelled. I looked to see both the Pearl and Amethyst rushing over to the three of us. Garent simply walked over and stood between the two of us blocking Pearl and Amethyst. "Garent! What are you doing?" Pearl yelled. "Peridot won't harm us unless we give her reason to." Garent said. Amethyst seemingly calmed down, but Pearl seemed angry. "What is she holding then?" Pearl asked. Steven allowed me to escape from his death grip, and I was able to show them the Lapis gemstone I was holding. Pearl stepped closer. I quickly stepped back and wrapped my arm around Lapis gem and brought it closer to my chest to protect it. Pearl seemingly understood that I didn't want her to get closer to Lapis and then redirected her focus onto my robonoid. "Could I see your robot instead?" Pearl asked. I nodded and handed the robonoid to her. "Why is it named Steven?" Pearl asked. "That one belonged to Lapis. She named it herself to remind herself of her 'beach summer fun buddy'." I said. Pearl was obviously confused but accepted the answer. "Where's Jasper?" Garnet asked, trying to shift the topic of discussion. "We've haven't found her, but we are guessing she retreated into the ocean." Pearl said. "So what are we going to do with those two?" Amethyst asked. "For now, they'll stay with us until they can be trusted." Garent says while looking towards me. I simply nodded in hopes of calming the tension between all of us. "Yay! More friends!" Steven yelled while jumping up and down. "Sounds good to me. I'm hungry anyway." Amethyst said. "I'm not sure about this Garnet are you sure we can trust those two?" Pearl asked. "Like I said. Peridot won't attack us unless she has reason to. That goes for the same for Lapis." Garnet said. Pearl was still uneasy about the two new members, but I couldn't blame her. I followed along, keeping my eyes on the crystal gems. Garent seemed to be the leader. Amethyst was laid back and relaxed. Pearl was nervous. Steven was seemingly excited about having new 'friends'. We continued our walk till we approached a building. It wasn't an apartment that'd you see in Homeworld it was larger. "What is this place?" I asked. "It's home!" Steven said. "What's 'home'?" I asked. "It's where we live, and it could be your new home too!" Steven said. "Peridot and Lapis have a lot to learn about Earth before they know half the things you are talking about, Steven." Pearl said. That obviously didn't deter Steven. "Then it's best to get them started on what everything means!" Steven said. "Alright, it's time to decide. Where do they get to sleep tonight? We don't have enough rooms here. Maybe the couch?" Steven suggested. "That's the only reasonable spot for them to sleep." Pearl said in support of Steven's idea. "What's a 'couch'?" I asked. Steven pointed towards a long piece of furniture. I simply nodded in understanding and walked over to the 'couch'. 'Huh. This is surprisingly comfy.' I thought to myself. "Here's a pillow for Lapis to rest on." Steven said as he handed me a 'pillow.' I took up on his offer by placing Lapis gem on top of the pillow. Seemingly fitting right on top without issue. I shifted around to make myself more comfortable while keeping Lapis gem in view to make sure no one would try to take her. I attempted to fall asleep till I heard whispering. "We can't be expected to keep them here, Garnet!" A voice said. "For now, this is where they are staying. We have to know if we can trust them or not. But as long as the other one is here, the other will stay." A different voice said. "Yeah, P! They don't seem too bad. Who knows, maybe they'll join us!" I could tell this was it Amethyst since she was practically screaming. "I guess you're right. But still not happy when she poofed me." I'm assuming this voice is Pearl. "If she tries to poof you again, P, I'll be there." Amethyst said. The conversation seemed to have ended, or they moved out of earshot. I slowly drifted to sleep afterward.

A/N (Alright, I know I said updates would be slow, but for some reason, it feels like I've been reborn and feel completely fine after 3-4 days feeling like death. Also , I nearly had a heart attack after this part because it didn't get saved immediately when I pressed back. Luckily, it reappeared after refreshing, but I probably lost a few days of my life after this event. As always, love you guys ❤️)

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