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Peridot's POV
Log 16. "It's been two weeks since I've started working, and it seems to me not much happens during my time of work. There's many other peridots here, but they all seem to annoy me." There is one person here that seems somewhat responsible, and that be a gem named Jasper. For some reason, she seems rather familiar, but that's probably because I've been working near her due to the last two weeks." End of Log. I quickly returned to my papers and soon became lost in a trance while typing away on logs that I've created related to work. Soon, something knocked me out of my intense focus. "These papers need to be completed for the new arriving gem." Said Jasper. I sat up looking at these pages and soon began to review them and see I would be interviewing a Ruby this day. I quickly finalized these papers and got up to head into the room where this gem was being held. I quickly opened and quickly closed the door and began to sit down in a chair. I then saw the Ruby and began to look over their features.  The gem of this Ruby was placed in the center of their chest. As I continued to observe the gem, I quickly remembered the purpose of being in this room. "What's your purpose of returning to Homeworld?" I asked. The Ruby looked and stared at me for a second, making me rather anxious. "I was left alone drifting in space until I was picked up by a patrol ship." Replied the Ruby. I checked my notes, and everything Ruby said was on file and recorded. "What was your original mission, and what happened to your crew?" I asked. "That's a sore topic." Replied the Ruby. "Well, if you want to get out of here and back into society, I need to know what happened." I said. "My crew and I were supposed to overview a potential sight for a coloney and destroy anything that could provide a threat." Said Ruby. "What happened to you and your crew?" I asked. The Ruby obviously stressed became more stressed and stared at me like it was going to attack and shatter me if it could. The Ruby quickly calmed itself and looked away for a second, averting my gaze. "As we landed, it became obvious that something or someone already been there rather that be gem or something else." The Ruby replied. "Continue," I said. "We attempted to discover whatever seemed to be nearby but whatever it was either hiding or stalking us." The Ruby said. "As fast as we came, we began readying to leave." We knew this sight was rather suitable for a coloney, and we began to lift off." The Ruby let off a soft sniffle obviously upset with the story. "As we lifted off, we were about to exit from the planets atmosphere when we were attacked. The attack took us by surprised and we knew the ship was heavily damaged by whatever hit it. We continued flying out of the atmosphere but soon realized that the ship was too damaged to head home. So we abandoned the ship. We didn't have time to go through the escape pods, so we just flew out from the ship and floated through space. I never saw my crew again after an asteroid field forced us to separate." Ruby said while having tears within her eyes. I wanted to offer my sympathy, but knowing how stubborn Rubbies could be, I decided against it. "Alright, I'll be sure to write all this down, and I'll return and show you around the city if that's fine with you." Peridot asked. The Ruby just shaked its head, yes. I quickly left the awkward situation and sat down and quickly began filling out information that the paper required. After writing down all the necessary information, I quickly returned to the room where I left the Ruby. As I entered, I heard the sounds of sniffling and saw the Ruby who was obviously still upset. "Alright, I am done with my papers so we can go out and explore the city if you liked." I asked, trying to make the Ruby even remotely happy. "I have nothing better to do so sure." The Ruby replied. We began to walk around the city as I pointed out landmarks to the Ruby and the Ruby seeming to enjoy the walk and being in awe at any landmark I pointed out. After returning to the reintroduction center, I talked a little more to the Ruby and told them where they could find housing and what they needed to do to get a job once more. The Ruby left seeming rather happy compared to earlier. After they left, I returned to my desk and noticed that I had completed my work and was able to clock out."

(This isn't really related to the story but more of showing you the work Peridot does daily.) 

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