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Peridot's POV

I reformed and landed onto a hard steel floor. I looked around to see that I was in a holding cell. I took notice of my new form. I was slightly taller, and my new suit had star symbols instead of diamonds. My visor was shaped to allow my gem to be free. 2G1E was right. It was larger than before. Other than that, nothing else about my physical appearance had changed. Of course, I was smaller without my enhancers, but that was to be expected. I begin to hear footsteps getting ever closer. I was dreading that it could've been Jasper. I peered over to the opening and saw Zircon standing there. The one from the prisoner ship. What is she doing here? "Zircon? What are you doing here?" I asked. "Getting you out. Jasper doesn't know you've reformed yet. This is our only shot to getting you out unharmed." Zircon whispered to me. I only nodded my head. Zircon typed something into the door, releasing the electrical field, allowing me to exit. "How did you even know I'd be here?" I asked. "A little Sapphire told me to wait for your arrival." Zircon said. Sapphire probably told Zircon to return to Homeworld to rescue me. Smart. "What's your plan of getting me out of here?" I asked. "Simple. Wear this wristband. The guards will know not to mess with you. If they were too, well, let's say the other guards will come to your aid." Zircon whispered. "Seriously?" I asked. "Why do you think I was arrested in the first place? Places like these are pretty corrupt. I'm no different." Zircon whispered. "Wouldn't the agates be suspicious if I was the only to escape?" I asked. "True. Change of plans. I'll need you to head to the control room. From there, you could release all the other prisoners from captivity. The agates won't be suspicious if we claim a power failure occurred." Zircon whispered. "What would happen to you and your guards?" I asked. "Don't worry, I'll make sure that they're on "break" when it starts." Zircon whispered. "Now go. We've already used a lot of our time speaking to one another. I bid you fairwell, Peridot." Zircon whispered. "Likewise." I said. I quickly put on the wristband and began walking down the halls after Zircoin gave me the general directions to the control room. I took extra precautions to avoid unnecessary attention. Even if Zircon assured me that I'd be safe with this band, it's better to be safe than sorry. I kept crouch-walking towards the control room. I knew it wouldn't be long before everything would be turned into madness, so it's best to enjoy the silence for now. I saw the room up ahead. The issue was that a guard was blocking the way. Luckily looking in a different direction, seemingly talking to someone. "Zircon has requested our presence. We need to go now to meet her." A voice said. The guard in front of me began walking down a different hallway, leaving the control room empty. I exited from cover and hurriedly made my way into the room. I grabbed a metal broom and locked the door behind me by jamming the broom into the locks. I looked around to see a terminal that was left open, giving me access to the facility. I walked up to the terminal and began releasing prisoners from their cells. It wasn't long before they were all released. screams of commands began blaring through the compound about a prison break. I unjammed the door and exited and was face to face with a guard. "Don't worry. Zircon told me to wait for you. I need you to follow me. We have an escape pod ready for you." The guard said. The guard began walking down one of the halls. I followed behind, making sure the guard didn't attempt anything. The guard kept on high alert, seemingly nervous. We entered a room, and there laid a singular escape pod. The guard motioned for me to enter the pod. I began walking up towards the pod till I heard loud footsteps slamming onto the floor. I looked behind me to see Jasper entering the room and charging into the guard. The unexpected guard attempted to bring out their destabilizer but was slammed into causing the guard to *poof* instantly. Jasper turned her attention towards me. "I had a feeling I couldn't trust that Zircon. I see why." Jasper said. Jasper equipped her helmet and readied herself for battle. "I see you really are a traitor! How dare you replace your diamonds! I wanted to see the diamonds shatter you. But I guess I'll just do it myself!" Jasper yelled. Jasper began charging towards me. Fortunately, the room was rather spacious, allowing me to dodge. 'Your weapon will appear naturally. You just need to reach for it.' These wise words from 2G1E began to ring in my head. I reached towards my gem and began pulling a weapon out. The weapon now fully visible was obviously a Falchion. Jasper was taken by surprise. "You're an ERA 2. How? How do you have a gem weapon?" Jasper asked. I simply adjusted my stance to prepare for any attacks that could come from Jasper. Jasper took my silence as a challenge and chuckled to herself. "This will be fun." Jasper said. Jasper began charging once more towards me. Once again, I successfully dodged without issue. Jasper attempted to charge again. This time, I was able to take a slash into her side, causing her to stumble in pain. Jasper turned her attention towards the escape pod and walked over to it. Jasper picked it up and prepared to throw it. Jasper threw it at me, and I dodged, yet the pod then slammed into the wall. That might've just ruined my only escape. I only became enraged by Jasper's actions. If I was going down. I was taking Jasper with me. I quickly closed the distance between us, attempting to slash into her. Jasper managed to move away from every strike. Jasper raised a fist and slammed it down towards me. Grazing my face with her fist, causing me to lose balance. I quickly got back up from the floor and readjusted myself. Jasper once again had a sickening grin, yet this time, it filled me with determination instead of fear. My stance didn't falter. Jasper took it as a sign that I wasn't backing down. Jasper attempted to strike. I dodged with ease. An opening presented itself, allowing me to strike. With a swift strike from my sword, causing a wound to open. Jasper herself became enraged and threw a fist into my lower abdomen. Causing me to fall backward and roll onto my stomach. My weapon beyond reach. I tried to crawl towards my sword before a foot slammed down onto my hand. "I know who you're. You were 2G1E. I remember you clearly now. I knew it wasn't a coincidence when you were made additionally. I looked into the records. I knew at some point you'd return. But I wasn't expecting a coward to take 2G1Es place. 2G1E surely would've been disappointed in you. You're weak. You were created for work. You will never replace 2G1E." Jasper said. Jasper added more pressure onto my hand, causing me to yelp in pain. 'Your metallic powers were blocked by your enhancers. With them gone, you can bend metal to your will.' I reached out towards my sword with my free hand. Slowly, the sword began to rise from the floor and then flew into my hand. Using this to my advantage, I quickly sliced into Jasper's leg, causing her to howl in pain. Jasper, no longing pining my hand allowed me to get up from the floor and to press my newfound advantage. With Jasper's leg being injured, it was difficult for her to maneuver. Getting deep cuts on her, causing her to only become weaker and weaker. Jasper soon tripped and now laid on her back. I made my way on top and began attempting to shove the sword into her chest. Jasper resisted by trying to prevent me from stabbing her. I pressed my foot onto her wounded leg, causing her to release her death grip on the sword, allowing me to shove it into her chest. I continued to push deeper with all my might. I wasn't going to lose now. I knew what needed to happen. I plan on just doing that. Jasper's physical form began to fuzz in and out. Jasper was now too injured to fight, so she changed her tactics. "Peridot. Please. I surrender. You won this round." Jasper said. Her voice laced with the tone of begging. A major tone shift then earlier. "We both know I can't allow that. You'll just come after me again. Goodbye Jasper." The finale push of my sword caused Jasper herself to *poof*. I looked around my surroundings to see the carnage we've created. It didn't matter now. I bend down and bubbled Jasper's gem. With a light tap on the top of the bubble, it was sent home. I made my way over towards the guards' gemstone. I also bent down and observed the gemstone that lay in front of me. Luckily, no damage had occurred to the gem. The guard was going to be alright. I took a glance over at the escape pod and began walking over towards it. I stored my weapon into my gem and raised both of my hands. The escape pod began to shake every so slightly till it was levitating. I slowly moved the machine back into the middle of the room. Dropping it back down onto the floor, I began to observe it for damages. Nothing too serious. This vessel was still good for flight. Metal doors in front of me began to open, revealing the light coming in from outside. I slowly piloted the pod out of the building and began flying. I was racing against time. I knew if I stayed at Homeworld any longer, I was putting myself into more danger. The pod began flying upwards, bursting through Homeworld's atmosphere. I was meant with a familiar view of our system. But this wasn't home anymore. Earth is. I knew it was going to take some time to reach Earth. Now, I have the time to think. All these emotions began to flow through me. Confusion, fear, anger, hope, and many more began to circle around my head. Visions of past events began circulating through my head. Many of them felt distance yet familiar at the same time. Many of them with Lapis, the good and the bad. This is what 2G1E meant. It's going to take time to fully understand. Maybe I never will. I just need some time to rest and think.

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