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Peridot's POV
Start of Log 236
"I've managed to convince Jasper that we need a new approach when it comes to our interrogation tactics on Lapis. It's obvious she shuts down when confronted. For the sake of myself and Lapis, I'll be doing these interrogations from now on. Of course, my mission remains the same. We'll reach Earth and finally end the Crystal Gems once and for all. But from my understanding is that my new 'aquantice' will be punished when we return. Maybe I can put a word in and prevent her from being shattered at the least. But I should focus on my current mission, which is to reach Earth."
End of Log.
I was currently residing in my quarters. Nothing worth noting other than a workbench that would allow me to repair or create new robonoids if needed. I sat up from my bunk, preparing for the day. I've had it installed since I've learned about sleeping. It's not necessary for gems to function, but I enjoyed sleeping when I tried it. Maybe it'll become a routine while traveling. Surely won't become thing on Homeworld. That place has me working nearly all day. I suppose it's time to grab Lapis and begin the day. I got up from my bunk and began putting my enhancers on. Whenever I'm in here, I feel safe enough to take them off to stretch. I exited the room to be meant with the familiar green that the ship has been colored with. I would think it made me hate this certain type of green, yet it seems to have grown on me even more. I headed down the hallway that led to the holding cells. 'I'm curious if change of tactics will get Lapis to open up more and give us additional information on the Crystal Gems. If she cooperates, she may be able to save her own gem. If not, then I wouldn't be surprised if she'd be shattered for working alongside rebels. As much I hate the Crystal Gems, I have to respect Lapis loyalty to the Crystal Gems, though. Most in her position would sell any gem out to protect themselves.' I thought. Lapis cell was now in view, and she must've noticed my presence as she was looking towards my direction. I came into view of Lapis as she was sitting down with 'Steven' in her hands. She began to stare at me with curiosity. "What are you doing here, Peridot? I thought Jasper was going to interrogate me soon." Lapis said. "Change of plans. I've convinced Jasper to allow me to take over all future interrogations with you. I need you to get up and follow me." I said. Lapis simply nodded at my request and got up from the floor. I opened the field, and Lapis walked outside, and now we were standing side by side. I simply turned towards the direction of the interrogation room. I felt a small yet firm hand be placed onto my shoulder. 'What clod is-' I turned around to see Lapis seemingly surprised at her own self that she had the courage to grab me. But I also noticed she was scared. "Could we go to the virtual reality room instead? I know it's less secure, but I hate being in that room. Jasper always drags me into." Lapis said. I thought for a moment and simply shaked my head yes. Lapis seemed relieved that I had agreed to take her somewhere else. We walked towards the virtual room and entered. Once again, seeing the beautiful view that has been projected. We made our way towards the fountain that Lapis and Sapphire were sitting at yesterday. I sat down and patted a spot next to me for Lapis to take a seat. She took the spot I patted and began looking at me. "I know you really don't like talking about your time on Earth. But I must know. Who were you with? How many of them were there? Who is 'Steven'? I bombarded her with these questions. Lapis was taken aback from my sudden burst of questions but simply sighed. "You're correct about me not wanting to say anything about what happened while I was on Earth. But you're a better listener than Jasper is, so I'll tell you. There weren't many of them from what I could tell. Just a few. A Pearl, an Amethyst and a fusion of a Sapphire and Ruby." Lapis said. I was surprised to hear that there was a fusion within their ranks. The Diamonds always told us on Homeworld that fusion between different gem types created horrible gem monsters. I wouldn't know since I've never seen a fusion between two different gems, so I wouldn't know the answer. But why would the diamonds lie to us? "Steven is a human. He's completely harmless. Steven was my first friend and the human who saved me from the mirror I was trapped in. That's why I like to keep the Steven robonoid around." Lapis said. I simply nodded. "What about you? I mean, you've only been around for less than a year, yet you seem so intelligent." Lapis said. I was taken by surprise by her statement. Many would think I was naive and stupid. Yet here was someone that I knew saying something different from all the others. But something was different about what she had said. It made me feel proud. "Peridot?" Lapis asked. I snapped out of the trance I was in and looked over at her again. "Sorry. I don't know what happened. But that was the first time someone has complemented my intelligence. Most people think I'm too young or too naive, to be smart." I said. It became an awkward silence after that. I looked away from Lapis to see the view that surrounded us. This room was highly advanced, and so every once in a while, it would change every so slightly the fake leaves would move around some colors would change it was mesmerizing to say the least. I looked over at Lapis again to see she was also taking in the ever changing view that lays in front of us. She shifted herself to look back at me, and for a moment, it was more than peaceful it felt right. I felt something tugging onto one of my fingers to see Lapis has taken hold of it. "I've always wondered how you use these. I mean, those limb enhancers seem so uncomfortable. Yet you seem so at ease when wearing them." Lapis said. "It's pretty much a part of me now. The second I was made, I was given them." I said. "Do you have anything underneath them? I mean, I've never seen you without them." Lapis said. "I do have legs and arms underneath its just without them. I feel vulnerable. I mean, ERA 1 Peridot's have the ability to make metal do its will at any point, yet us ERA 2s have nothing like that. We are so much weaker, and to make up for that, we are given these enhancers."
I said. "If you were an ERA 1 or ERA 2 Peridot, you're pretty great either way." Lapis said. I felt the same feeling as of yesterday. It was a burning feeling, yet it felt good. I don't know what this feeling is, but I like it. I checked the time and realized that we've spent a lot of time talking. I didn't want our conversation to end, but I needed to bring the other prisoners. "As much as I liked to continue our conversation, Lapis. I must bring the others in here." I said as I brought myself up from sitting on the fountain. Lapis simply nodded. I walked away from her exiting the room. I headed towards the holding cells of the Sapphire and Zircon. I approached the Zircon cell first, making it known I was there. The Zircon simply got up from the ground and waited for me. I opened the field, allowing her to walk next to me without issue. We began our trek towards Sapphire. I soon came onto view of the Sapphire seemingly already prepared to leave her cell to follow me. I opened the field to allow her to accompany me. "Is Lapis going to come along with us today, Peridot?" Sapphire asked. "Yes, she is already there waiting for me to drop you two off." Sapphire seemed pleased at my response. The walk to the room was quiet as expected. I allowed the two to enter with me following behind. The Zircon simply walked away to a corner of the room, wanting to be left alone in peace. Sapphire walked towards the fountain where Lapis was already sitting. "Peridot, you're needed in the meeting room. Make it quick, " Jasper's voice boombed over the radio. I looked over to see Sapphire and Lapis talking. I turned around to leave. I exited the room and headed towards the meeting room where Jasper wanted me.
I entered the room, and it was eerily quiet. I was expecting Jasper to be here. "So you think you can walk over me, huh? I thought about what you said, how Yellow Diamond gave you control over the prisoners, but she didn't give you control over me. Now I'll play your game of not harming the prisoners any further, but I'll be doing much more to you." Jasper said as she reached for a destabilizer. As she had it firmly in her grasp, she lunged at me with the weapon in her hands. I managed to dodge at the last second and raised my arm to shoot a blast of energy at her. Before I could, she slammed me into a wall, knocking me down. I quickly brought myself up and looked at her charging once more at me. I tried to dodge, but she collided with me, ramming me into the wall, causing it to break with her continuing her charge with me being dragged along. She stopped suddenly, causing me to fall forward away from her. I felt weak. I knew I couldn't beat her, never will, but I shouldn't stop fighting. I got up once more heavily, panting trying to catch my breath even if it wasn't necessary. She attempted to strike with her weapon but failed to meet her target as I moved further back. I brought my cannon up once more. I was able to get a shot off that hit Jasper directly. She didn't go down. It made her more furious. She tried to attack once more but was brought down due to her injuries from my cannon. "You've might've won this little fight, Peridot. But I'll get you back." Taunted Jasper. She got up and limped away from me. Leaving me alone with my own injuries. This was the first time I've used my weapons, and it was on my own colleague. If this was reported to Yellow Diamond, we'll both be punished for fighting each other while being on an important mission like this. I needed to return to the prisoners and return them to their cells. I don't have the energy anymore to deal with Jasper or anyone else, for that matter. I limped my way to the virtual reality room. I opened the door to the room and entered. I limped my way over to Lapis and Sapphire. "I need you two and the Zircon to follow me, and I'll lead you back to your cells." I said. "Peridot? What happened?" Lapis asked. "Nothing worth noting. Don't worry about me, okay? Just follow me." I said. The prisoners followed me as I limped towards the exit. We exited the room and began our walk to their cells. Zircon was dropped off without issue. Sapphire was dropped off without issue as well. Me and Lapis made our way to her cell. I felt her grab my shoulder. "Peridot. What happened?" Lapis asked. "You really want to know? I'm Jasper's number one enemy now." I said. I opened the field to her cell and motioned for her to get in. She did what I requested. "Peridot. Why don't you stay here with me? If Jasper wants to hurt you and you're already hurt, wouldn't it be best to be safe in here?" Lapis asked. I thought for a moment and nodded. I entered the cell with her and closed the field now, being the two of us in this cell. "I feel horrible. I'm just going to take some time to rest." I said. Lapis simply nodded. I sat down, but what surprised me was that Lapis also sat down next to me. Lapis scooted closer and rested her head on my shoulder. I didn't know what to do. It didn't feel wrong to let her do this. It made me feel safer and more comforted. I simply allowed her to rest her head on my shoulder without complaint. I slowly drifted off to sleep with a small smile on my face.

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