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Peridot's POV

Log 235 "It's been a week since we've begun our journey in space towards Earth. The prisoners have proven to be quite tame other than the Quartz that keeps trying to escape anytime she's released from her cell. As of making this log, I have been making files and backgrounds of these prisoners to keep myself busy. Who would've thought a prisonership would have next to nothing to do? The robonoids have been excelling at their jobs, providing ample amounts of free time. The only issue is that Jasper tends to get on my nerves solely for the joy of it." End of Log. I've kept my eyes on the prisoners pretty much from the beginning. The Zircon is reserved and quiet. The Sapphire loves signing, which I found soothing but annoys Jasper. The Lapis tends to cry to herself and, every once in a while, decides to dance. she could've had a chance to become a dancer. That's if she didn't commit a crime so heinous. "I'm going to get Lapis and begin today's interrogation." Jasper said while getting up from her chair to heads towards Lapis cell. I only imagined what Jasper was going to do with Lapis today. It's probably another long list of questions that the Lapis will either deflect or ignore and end being poofed by Jasper. I couldn't imagine any other way Jasper would attempt to gain information from her prisoners. "Open the field, Peridot!" Jasper said. I opened the console, which gave access to opening the cells and many other purposes. I pressed enter, allowing the field to go down, which allowed Jasper to drag Lapis towards the interrogation room. The camera within the room gave me full access to see what Jasper
Is doing. Jasper enters the room along with Lapis, quickly throwing her into the chair and putting cuffs on to prevent any chance of escape or retaliation. Jasper then began her questioning, which once again fell flat due to Lapis' refusal to tell us anything of value. As expected, Jasper became frustrated, and I knew I needed to step in before she went too far and caused permanent damage to our prisoner. I quickly charged down the hallway as I heard screaming coming from the halls. I only moved quicker before Jasper tore this poor Lapis apart. As I finally reached the interrogation room, I placed the code in and entered. "Jasper! We are attempting to extract information from her! Not torture her till she poofs! If she doesn't want to say anything that is up to her and when Blue Diamond sentences her. For now, return her to her cell." I demanded. "Who are you to tell me what to do, runt? Jasper asked. "You've must've forgotten this is my prisoner that Yellow Diamond has given to me. I have finale say on what you do to her." I said. Jasper finally realized that she wasn't going to win this argument. Jasper unlocked the cuffs and began to drag Lapis back to her cell. I returned to my console to see that Jasper had just dropped off Lapis back into her cell, and I quickly sealed it back up. I'd be lying to say I didn't feel some remorse towards the gems that Jasper seems to toy with. I mean, her tactics seem to work, but I don't think Jasper just does it for work, but for fun as well. Jasper is certainly dangerous. One of the few useful things that came from Earth was her. But her callous behavior intimidates me a bit. Any moment should could snap and do whatever she pleases. I suppose that's enough about analyzing Jasper. I looked towards the security camera feed to check on the prisoners. I knew I needed to make my rounds soon. I got up from the chair and began towards the holding cell of the Zircon. 'That Lapis seems to be resistant towards our efforts of interrogation. Maybe a more layed back approach would do us good?' I thought. I approached the Zircon cell and stood in front of the cell to make the Zircon notice my presence. "I need you to follow me. we will also pick Sapphire up along with us. I'm sure you won't try anything, and if you do, I'll make sure to send you back here." I said. The Zircon simply nodded her head. I opened the field, allowing the Zircon to follow me. Both Zircon and I headed towards Sapphire's cell. I soon came into view of Sapphire. "You'll be following me today, Sapphire. I know you won't attempt anything hostile, so I am giving you the chance to walk side by side without cuffs." I said. The Sapphire nodded and quickly got up from her sitting position, waiting patiently for me to lower the field. As I did, the Sapphire began following me as well. "You'll be bringing the Lapis along with us today, right, Peridot?" The Sapphire asked. "She hasn't acted out other than dealing with Jasper,  I believe I could make the arrangements to include her." I said. The Sapphire had a smile on her face, seemingly happy she'll have someone else to talk to. Reaching the end of the hall, we entered a room that was virtually created to include furniture from Homeworld but also Xenobiology from Earth that I found pleasing to look at. I dropped the Zircon and Sapphire off and left the room. I began my journey towards Lapis Cell. I opened my security feed to see Lapis within her cell, yet something was off she was tucked into the corner shaking yet seemingly unconscious, I also noticed tears running down her face so I knew something bad was happening. I didn't really care too much about this other than her reaction when I came to her cell. I suppose I'll figure it out when I arrive. I hope she doesn't ruin her chance of having a change in scenery. I was now outside her cell and entered kneeling down to her. "Lapis? Lapis? LAPIS?!" I was practically screaming at her at this point to move. Was her gem cracked or something that would cause this? Lapis suddenly shot up seemingly in a daze. "Are you okay? I saw on the camera that you were crying and shaking horrifically. "Why do you care? Lapis mumbled. "Because I have to make sure my prisoners are okay." I said. "Well, I'm fine, so go away." Lapis said. "I know that isn't true, Lapis, but if you're not going to tell me, I have a different question to ask. What were you doing just a few minutes ago? I asked. "I was sleeping Peridot. It's something I like to do to pass the time or if I'm exhausted." Lapis said. "How does it work?" I asked. "Well, if you must know, it's where you lay down and find a nice spot to rest. You then close your eyes and think about nothing or something of your choice. After a while, you'll fall asleep." Lapis said. "Interesting." I said. "Well, if that's all you can go." Lapis said. I was surprised by her bluntness, but I didn't leave. "Well, you've been acting well during your time here, so I was wondering if you liked to follow me to show you something." I said. "I'm not interested. Go away." Lapis said. "I'm sure you'll be fine, so come along before I drag you with me." I said. Lapis, seemingly surprised by what I just said she quickly got up from the floor and began to follow me. "If your wondering why I haven't placed you in cuffs is that you've shown no signs of hostility towards me so I can trust you not to try anything. Even then, I know you won't since you don't want to make things worse for yourself." I said. Lapis groaned as a response. We continued our walk in silence till we reached the entrance of the room where the two other gems were placed. I opened the door and allowed Lapis to walk in first. "How did you do all of this?" Lapis asked. "Virtual reality does wonders. Also, if you're wondering about the organic life here, I just found it pleasing to look at while spending time on Earth. So I added them here. I hope you enjoy this surprise, and if you continue to remain on good behavior, you can expect to be in here often. There's two others here, which are the Zircon and the Sapphire. The Zircon prefers to remain isolated, but the Sapphire seems to enjoy talking with others. If you're wondering where the Quartz is, she can't be here due to her temper, so it's just you and the other two." I said. I began to walk over to Sapphire, She was standing near a fountain. Lapis quickly caught up to me and walked along with me towards the Sapphire. The Sapphire turned around, seemingly happy to see both of us. "Just on time! I was expecting you to bring a friend, Peridot." Sapphire said. "I've brought Lapis since she's been good and also to bring you someone you could finally talk to." I said. The Sapphire nodded at my response and motioned for Lapis to take a seat next to her on the fountain. "I need to head out for now, so don't get into trouble, okay?" I said. I walked away, leaving the two to talk between themselves. I exited the virtual reality room and began my way to the console room. "Jasper, I am heading towards the console room if you need me." I said into the receiver. I continued to walk till I entered the console room. I sat down and began to think. 'The Lapis seemed to be happy having someone from her court and being able to communicate with Sapphire. I was glad to make her time here slightly less miserable. I smiled to myself in content.

*Start of Dream*
Where am I? Is this what Lapis told me about? I guess I'm sleeping. I looked around to observe my surroundings. I realized this was taking place on Homeworld. Continuing to look around, I noticed there was an ERA 1 Peridot sitting on a bench, seemingly taking in the view of the city. For some reason, this Peridot looked familiar. Suddenly, a Lapis sat on the other end of the bench, seemingly bored out of her mind. Wait, is that the Lapis that's on board with me right now? The ERA 1 Peridot shifted her attention to the rare Lapis sitting on the other side of the bench. "You know it's not nice to stare." Lapis said. The ERA 1 looked away, embarrassed by getting caught staring at such a powerful gem. Laughter could be heard coming from Lapis as she laughed at the embarrassed green gem. "I'm sorry." ERA 1 Peridot whispers. "It's okay. I was just teasing you." Lapis said. "So what are you doing here, Lapis? I mean, you don't need to answer that question. I am just curious." ERA 1 Peridot said. "I was given a break after returning from terraforming." Lapis said. "Where were you stationed? It's rare to see such a rare gem such as yourself." ERA 1 Peridot said. Lapis lightly blushed at the compliment. "The planet I was stationed on was called 'Red Phalax' it was chosen for its plentiful resources, which will be used to produce new gems." Lapis said. "As much as I liked to continue our conversation, Lapis, I must return to my shift. I do hope to see you again and hear more stories, though." ERA 1 Peridot said. "Before you go, what's your name?" Asked Lapis. "The name Is Peridot 2G1E." Peridot 2G1E said. As the two began to make distance, the dream started to fade, becoming a blur of color. What was that about? Why did I dream of this? I have so many questions, yet no answers. Maybe Lapis could help me.

*End of Dream*

I opened my eyes and looked around, getting my bearings. I realized I was still on the ship. 'How long was I out for? Minutes? Hours? Maybe a whole day?' I thought. I got up from my chair to see Jasper controlling the ship and driving us through an asteroid field. "Hello, Jasper. I believe I need to return the prisoners to their cells. I'll be back." I said. I got a grunt as a response from Jasper. I got up from the chair dusting myself off even if it was unnecessary. I walked away from the console room towards the virtual reality room. I needed to return the prisoners to their cells. I continued walking till I approached the entrance of the room. I entered and was meant with the beautiful view being displayed in front of me. I looked over towards the fountain and saw Sapphire and Lapis speaking with each other. I walked over to the two, seemingly arriving at the end of their conversation. They both gave me their full attention. "I see you two are getting along well." I said. "Yes, it's been enjoyable to speak with Lapis here. If you wouldn't mind bringing her here more often, I'd appreciate it." Sapphire said. I saw Lapis give a nod of approval. "Well, if she continues to act well, I can assure you she'll be here more often than not. But I'm sorry, I'll need to return you three back into your cells." I said. Lapis, Sapphire, and the Zircon followed me and led Sapphire and Zircon into their cells, while Lapis continued to follow me. "Peridot, I know it might be a lot to ask, but could you come to my cell whenever you can? It'll make me feel better if you did." Lapis said.  Does she want to spend more time with me? What's the purpose of that? "I could head to your cell whenever I can, but that's not going to be often Lapis." I said. Lapis nodded to my response and finally reached her cell. I quickly opened the electrical field and allowed her in. "Peridot? Could you bring me Steven to keep me company?" Lapis asked. "The robonoid?" I asked. Lapis nodded. I was hesitant at first but agreed to give her the robonoid. I walked away from Lapis and began my search for the robonoid Lapis wanted. I noticed that it was within the reactor room. I headed down there, and after finding the robonoid, I quickly returned with 'Steven' in my hands. I brought the field down and handed her 'Steven'. "I'm hoping you won't try to escape using the robonoid."I said. "I promise I won't try anything, Peridot. Thank you for being so kind." Lapis said. Suddenly, my face felt warm, and I wasn't sure what this feeling was. "You're welcome, Lapis." I said before walking away from her cell.  If she really does want to talk to me more, I'll put the effort into seeing her more often.

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