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Peridot's POV

"I've been assigned to a new mission that's related to Earth. My last mission went horribly. But this mission isn't just me and Jasper. We have a Lapis with us this time. She's not here currently, but I'm assuming she'll be gone for a little while. She seems so familiar, yet she becomes distant whenever I attempt to discuss her past with her. She's difficult, but she's so interesting. It'll take time, but that's what I have when I live this type of life. END OF LOG. I ended my log as I heard the door to the apartment. I left the room I was in to see the entrance, and there was Lapis standing there. She was looking towards the floor. I walked over to her to check if she was fine. As I approached, I noticed she had tears freely falling from her face. "Lapis? What's wrong? Is this about Peridot 2G1E again?" I questioned her. "No. It's something else, but we need to wait." Lapis said. She began moving towards a chair and sat down, continuing to stare away from me. "Peridot? Can you promise something? Will you be there when I need you? I've done something that'll put me into a lot of trouble. But if you are there, it'll make it easier on me. I know it's a lot to ask, but please. Do this for me." She asked. She turned her view to me as I saw her ocean eyes filled with tears. "What did you do, Lapis? Surely it couldn't be too bad? And why me? We've barely known each other, and you are placing a lot of trust in me." I said. "Because I have no one else to turn to, and I'm scared. I don't know what's going to happen, but as long as you're there, it'll make it easier on me. Lapis said. "I guess that's what friends are for. I promise I'll help you with whatever you did." I said. As I said that, I heard banging on the door of the apartment. I quickly made my way to the door, and as I opened the door, a blur of orange passed by me heading into the next room. "You traitorous runt! I knew you'd be against us! How dare you warn our enemies about us?!" Jasper yelled. I walked into the next room to see Jasper towering over a cowering Lapis. "What did she do, Jasper?" I asked. "She's a traitor! She sent a recorded message to our enemies of our arrival!" Jasper yelled. "She's our prisoner now. She'll give us information about our enemies. That'll be the last thing she does before we return her to be shattered by Blue Diamond!" Jasper screamed. I saw Lapis shutter at the words but saw tears when she heard that'd she'd be shattered for helping rebels. "We are leaving now with a prisoner's ship. We'll be escorting a few criminals along with this runt!" Jasper said while grabbing onto Lapis arm and dragging her towards the entrance. "Get your stuff. we are leaving now!" Jasper yelled as she walked out of the apartment with Lapis in tow. 'Is Lapis really a tratior? She just returned. Why does she care about some rebels on a floating rock to betray her own kind?' I thought to myself as I readied myself. I grabbed all the robonoids and placed them into the bag while placing "Steven" at the top of all the robonoids. I grabbed a few other itmes and was ready to leave. I quickly exited the apartment, making sure to lock it once more. I quickly headed down the hall and out of the building and made my way to the docking bays. 'Jasper was angry that Lapis had warned her friends of our arrival. But was it worth selling out her only chance of returning home?' I thought to myself as I saw Jasper standing near the dockingbay with Lapis now cuffed in electrical cuffs. Lapis was still crying while Jasper held her close, not wanting to risk the chance of her escaping. "I'm here Jasper shall we get this mission going?" I asked while looking towards Lapis as she continued to cry. Jasper simply nodded and began walking towards the prisoner's ship, dragging Lapis along with her. The shuttle door of the ship opened and allowed us entrance. It was bigger than our scouting ship. It was made to house criminal gems, and there were a few within the walls of the ship. I suppose Lapis is just another criminal now. I wanted to feel bad for Lapis, but this was her fate that she chose. I don't understand her reasoning behind her rash decisions. Maybe I'll never will, but I still feel bad for her. The three of us entered the ship, and Lapis was quickly deposited into a cell. She will probably stay here for months or more before she is sent to be shattered for her crimes. Lapis seemed to stop crying, probably accepting this fate of hers. "Start the ship, Peridot. I'll make sure the other prisoners are here, and we will be able to take off." Jasper demand. I headed towards the control room and began basic start-up commands to ship to allow Jasper and me to have control over the ship. I also deployed my robonoids while "Steven" stayed with me, and all the other robonoids ran off to do their jobs. I heard loud footsteps and turned around to see Jasper staring at me. "I see the ships working as planned. Let me take control for a while, and you maintain eyes on the prisoners. It'll be a longer trip due to the size of the ship, so it'll take 3-4 months before we reach Earth, so get comfy." Jasper said. I nodded as I moved out of the way to allow Jasper to take control of the ship. I sat down as I felt the ship left off, heading to leave Homeworld. So I did what I could, which was to read files. But I noticed something new. It was an audio file that my enhancers had picked up. I clicked the log and began to listen. It was Lapis voice on the other end warning her friends and "Steven" about us coming and surrendering peacefully if they wanted to live. 'Lapis had told me about this "Steven" a bit. Said she was a friend of his. He must be a part of the rebels that took over Earth. I hope they don't give us too much trouble.' I thought to myself. This was going to be a long journey, and I had to agree with Jasper's semi wise words and tried to make myself comfortable. But it was near impossible as I kept thinking about Lapis. This isn't normal. I shouldn't be so worried about a traitor. She made her choice and was to suffer the consequences. But I had promised her that I would be there when she needed it, and this seemed like the time to fill that promise. I opened a screen within my enhancers and began to view the holding cell of hers. She was in the corner holding herself and seemingly in tears once more. 'Whenever I get time, I'll think about seeing her and talking to her once more. But for now, I need to be patient.' I thought to myself. 

(This is chapter 16, and I am glad with the progress that I've been making. If there's any major complaints, please tell me)

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