First Mission

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Peridot's POV

Log 90 "I am finally done with my second robonoid. "Didn't take as much effort as the first one but still a demanding task." I'll need to meet Jasper soon, but I'll be sure to take these two prototypes and see them in action in our first mission today." End of Log. I put away my tools and began to get ready to head out and meet Jasper. As I was leaving, I made sure to take the two robonoids along with me. After closing and locking my apartment door , I hurriedly exited the building and headed towards my office, where Jasper told me she'd be waiting. During my walk, I only noticed how beautiful this sector of homeworld really was. It was vibrant with colors and many different gems seemingly moving around doing their daily schedule of chores or work. As I walked, I soon entered a deep thought. 'None of these gems here seem to be a Lapis.' 'I don't know why, but if I could ever find one, maybe that'll answer my question that's been bothering me for some time now.' 'Who is the Lapis that I keep remembering periodically?' Now paying back attention, I've entered the sector of where my office building was, so I continued walking until I saw Jasper. She was standing there with her eyes closed, seemingly relaxing. 'Probably just waiting for me'. I thought to myself. I walked up to her. "I'm here." I said. Just at that moment, Jasper, seemingly dased and slightly confused, stared at me. "You asked me to show up and be your assistant today, remember?" I said in a confused tone due to Jasper's unusual state. "Oh right, sorry, I've must've been thinking about something and surprised you were here pretty early." Jasper says. "That's fine, but I'd love to see your ship that was given to you." I asked. "That's right, and don't worry about clocking in today. I've got you covered." Jasper says. "Thanks, but you haven't given me much detail other than you now being a commander of a vessel. What about our mission?" I asked. "Yellow Diamond has entrused us with a rather simple mission today ."We simply need to head other to an asteroid field that was sighted and survey for any possible resources." Jasper says. "Doesn't sound too hard, but I hope you don't mind me bringing my pet project along, would you?" I asked. "Sure, if they don't cause any trouble or damage in my ship, I don't care." Jasper replies. We both began walking towards the ship, but suddenly, I felt legs. I quickly reacted and tried to throw off whatever was on me until I noticed Robonoid 1 was attempting to climb into my hair. I calmed down and allowed the robonoid to climb itself into my hair while I could hear Jasper not being able to contain herself and laughing at me. "Your face was priceless, Peridot!" Jasper yells while tears still coming out of her eyes. "Best, stop laughing, or else I'll send these robonoids after you." I growled. After Jasper calmed down, we continued our way towards the ship with the 4 of us. Two gems and two robonoids are going on a grand mission. As we entered the ship, I realized how spacious it was while seeming quite small on the outside. The ship was shaped by a hand with the pointer finger pointing straight forward. The walls were a bright green, and the ship seemed very advanced. "What's the point of those balls that have legs for?" Questioned Jasper. "They are here to assist with repairs and damages for our mission today." I replied. "Hope they work." Jasper says. "I can assure you they do." I replied. After some small talk and convincing that they can work and will work. We finally began heading to the control room. Jasper took a seat at the command console while I found a seat nearby and tinkering with the robonoids, seeing if they could be programmed to fix anything damaged while on board. After seeing the two robonoids scatter off in two different directions and in an attempt to survey their new surroundings for damages. The ship suddenly powered on and began speeding up while continuing to leave the atmosphere of Homeworld in an attempt to an asteroid field.
After a few hours of drifting towards the last asteroid sighted I suddenly heard a loud booming voice on the intercoms "Hey P I need you to come up here and bring your robonoids up here as well." Jasper asked. I did as I was told and gave the command to the robonoids using my enhancers to recall them while heading towards the command room. "I don't know what happened but as we were nearing the asteroid field the console is not responding." Jasper says while seeming tensed. "It's probably because we began to near the sun of the system due to the asteroids being near it." I said. Opening my logs to find a manual if there was a way to protect our selves from the solar rays. "Right here it says their's a button that you need to press to bring up our shields to protect electronics within the ship." I said. Pointing towards a button on the command console that would bring the shields up. Jasper presses, and seemingly she has control of the ship once again. "Heh you'd give me a pass since. This is my first time commanding a ship, right?" Jasper asks while looking away seemingly feeling ashamed. "Probably would've crashed the ship already if I was incharge." I said. A small chuckle came from Jasper's mouth as we moved closer to the now visible asteroids. Jasper clicked a button and seemingly light came from the ship towards the asteroid and began its scan. I hooked myself up to the scanner to see what resources these asteroids contain. 'It's high concentration in Iron and titanium making these asteroids quite valuable.' I thought to myself. "What's the prize for our patience?" Jasper asks. "Seems here we've hit a quite deposit." " We've completed our mission we should send a report soon as possible to Yellow Diamond to tell her our of success." I said. I opened my log screen and began to type a message to one of the overseers running the mining operations of our succes.
Nothing eventful happened with our return to homeworld as we landed I turned to Jasper giving her a thumbs up. "We did good for our first mission." I said towards Jasper. "Yeah if I get another mission it I'll surely bring you again." Jasper says. "One more thing I'd say you should build more of those robonoids. You've got talent and those robonoids prove of it." Jasper says. "Of course". I said. Waving goodbye to Jasper and began my way home. 'Maybe working with Jasper could help me figure out this mystery person I keep seeing when I'm thinking.' I thought to myself as I opened the door to my apartment and dropped off my gear and began my work on my third robonoid.

(I know this is intended to be a Lapidot story but I don't really want to rush into the story and I was planing of making a second where Peridot and Lapis interact a lot more.)

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