New Homestead

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~ 3 Days Later ~

Start of Log 339
"It's been 3 Earth rotations since my capture by the Crystal Gems. In all honesty, the Amethyst is entertaining. Pearl has capabilities that far surpass my expectations. Garent has been difficult to understand. Finally, Steven is a lot more intelligent than first expected. The gems here have attempted to make me feel at home. Yet it seems that I'm still on edge about them. I mean their traitors. But I suppose I'll need to work with them. Let's shift focus onto something else. Lapis hasn't reformed, which is expected since high-ranking gems require a lot of time to reform. Yet it's made me nervous. Would she be happy to see me? These last few months, I've been purposefully ignoring her. I wouldn't blame her if she wanted nothing to do with me. But I had taken the time to repair the robonoid that Lapis has to come to adore. Maybe she'll forgive me."
End of Log
I am currently standing outside of Steven's house. Taking in the view of the beach. To say the view was nice is an understatement. I heard the door behind me open to see Garent approaching me. "Peridot. I must know your relation towards Lapis. As of now, what do you think of her?" Garent asked. "Well, our relationship is strenuous. As much as I liked to get to know Lapis, she's a traitor. All I have ever known is how to be loyal towards Homeworld. Even if I've been around for a short amount of time. It's all I have." I said. Garnet was quiet for a moment, seemingly thinking about what I've said. "It's an experience. Make it a good experience." Garnet said before leaving. What did Garnet mean by that? I suppose Garnet is correct. It'll be experience, that's for sure. I looked towards the house and reached for the handle for the door, and entered the building. As I looked over towards the gemstone that belonged to Lapis seemingly idle. Suddenly, the gem began to float into the air, and blue light engulfed its surroundings. Slowly revealing the reformation of Lapis. In all her glory stood Lapis as she took in her surroundings and spotted me. Lapis slowly closed the distance between the two of us. Lapis now stood in front of me. The tension was thick between us, and it was obvious. Was Lapis upset at me, angry or confused? "Lapis? I'm sorry." I whispered."You shouldn't be sorry, Peridot. It was my fault. I did something that ruined our chances of being friends. I know you don't want to get in trouble, and I did something that could've had. Even now, just being next to me could get you in trouble." Lapis said. It was obvious that Lapis was nearly in tears as she said her apologies. "I've shouldn't have pushed you away, Lapis. You've been the first gem that actually seemed interested in being friends and not using me solely for benefit." I said. "Do you want to give me another shot, Peridot? I'll promise not to do anything outside of your comfort zone. I'll be a better friend." Lapis said. I brought Lapis into a hug, letting her know I had forgiven her. "I forgive you, Lapis. I promise I'll be a better friend myself." I said. It was a comfortable silence after that. Two gems found comfort within each other arms. A squeal of delight came from somewhere upstairs. "You guys! It's so nice to see you're friends!" Steven said. Lapis looked towards Steven and quickly ran to him, engulfing him into a hug. I was happy to see Lapis being reunited with Steven since Steven took the time to tell me about what had happened to Lapis. "Lapis! Peridot has something to show you!" Steven said. "Oh? What did you want to show me, Peridot?" Lapis asked. I quickly went into a separate room, grabbing the now fixed 'Steven' robonoid. I walked back into the room where Lapis and Steven were with the robonoid in hand. Lapis looked at the gift and then back at me with tears falling down her face. Lapis quickly closed the distance between us and brought me into a hug. "Thank you so much, Peri. I'll treasure it forever." Lapis said. I felt the same warm fuzzy feeling that I've felt months ago. "Awww! Peridot is blushing!" Steven yelled. Blushing? Is that what this feeling is? If so, I can get used to it. I quickly brought one of my metallic fingers to wipe away Lapis's tears. The door to the building opened to see that Garnet had returned. "I see you've made it a good experience, Peridot. Good job." Garnet said with a thumbs up following suit. Pearl and Amethyst suddenly appeared from the warp pad that was inside the building. "Welcome back, guys! Lapis is here!" Steven yelled. Steven quickly runs over to hug Pearl and Amethyst. Lapis seemed uneasy near the Crystal Gems, and I couldn't blame her after hearing her story. "Good to see you again, Lapis. I hope we can make you feel comfortable after all we've done." Pearl said. Pearl seemed remorseful while Amethyst was attacking Steven's fridge for 'food'. "Guys! I've been thinking where they could live, and my Dad said that he owned a farm they could move to." Steven said. What's a 'farm'? I thought. "Come on, I'll show you guys and let you think about moving in or not." Steven said. Lapis began following Steven with the robonoid in hand. I followed quickly behind, and we exited the building. We walked down the stairs and soon came into a view of a machine. "Dad! I want you to meet Peridot and Lapis! They're my new friends." Steven said. Lapis giggled at Steven's enthusiasm. Soon, another human exited the machine and began walking towards us. "Hey, I'm Greg, and I'm sure you've already meant scthuball." Greg said. Greg reached towards Steven, placing his hand into Steven's hair and ruffling it to mess it up. Steven playful removed Greg's hand and blew raspberries at Greg. Lapis giggled and blew raspberries as well at Greg. "Well, I'm sure Steven has let you two know about the farm, so get into the van, and I'll take you two there." Greg said. Greg motioned for us to enter his van, and we did. The van started, and we began moving. "Dad? Do you think they'll like the farm?" Steven asked. "I'm sure they will scthuball." Greg said.
The ride was peaceful. I thought in silence while Lapis looked through the back windows at the view that was visible. While Greg and Steven talked about the farm and what they could do to spruce it up. The van stopped moving, and Greg, Steven, Lapis, and I got out of the van. The view was a sight to see. Beautiful colors were plastered everywhere, I believe the current season on Earth is fall. "Doesn't this look nice, Peridot? Look at all these colors." Lapis said. Lapis stood next to Peridot while the two continued to stare out into distance. "Peridot, Lapis! Come on, I want to show you guys the barn!" Steven yelled. Lapis and I began to follow after Steven till he led us to a building. "What is this building?" I asked. "It's a barn! Belongs to my Dad! He said it was okay for you two to move in!" Steven said. Steven quickly ran inside the barn. We followed closely behind. The room inside the barn was spacious with a ladder, leading to an additional floor above us. The color was the same inside as it was outside, which was the color red. A large hole in the wall on the second floor would give us a view over the farm. To say this place would be more than suitable for me, not sure about Lapis. "Lapis? What do you think? I like it but I wanted to get your opinion." I said. Lapis thought for a moment to herself. "I think it'll be great to live here Peridot that's if you'd want to live together." Lapis said. "I don't see why we couldn't. I mean, that's if you're up to it." I said. "I wouldn't have offered If I minded you living here with me." Lapis said. Lapis had a smile on her face, looking at her new roommate. "You'll guys will be great barnmates!" Steven yelled from the second floor. Lapis flew up stairs while I climbed the ladder to be meant with the layout of the second floor. There was a black box and a couch sitting in front of it. "What's that?" I asked. Pointing towards the black box. "It's a TV! Here I'll show you a TV show that I watch." Steven went through a container and quickly grabbed a smaller rectangle and brought it out, and put it onto the TV. Colorful pictures were placed onto the TV with music playing as well. "This show is called 'Camp Pining Hearts'." Steven said. Me and Lapis sat down near Steven to begin watching the show.
~ 3 hours later ~
"Alright guys, I have to go but I'll come by tomorrow!" Steven said. A collective goodbye came from me and Lapis. "So? What do you want to do now?" Lapis asked. "I really like the TV show. How about we watch more?" I asked. Lapis gave a nod in agreement. That night continued to be filled with binge watching their new favorite TV show and small talk.
~ 11 hours later ~
"Hey guys!" Steven yelled. Steven quickly made his way into view and climbed the ladder. "Hi Steven." Lapis said. Quickly getting up from the floor to meet Steven with a hug. "So what did you guys do after I left?" Steven asked. "We continued to watch 'Camp Pining Hearts' after you left." I said. "I knew you'd guys would like the show! What season are you guys on?" Steven asked. "We are currently on season 2." Lapis said. "Wow, you guys must've watched all night to be that far along." Steven said. Lapis simply nodded, confirming his suspicion. "I wanted to show you guys something." Steven said. Steven motioned us to begin following him. We exited the barn and followed him around back. "Now that you two are living here, we've decided to move a warp pad here!" Steven said. Garnet was standing near the warp pad, giving us a thumbs up. Before walking onto the pad and leaving. "Now, this place will feel like home to you two." Steven said. Steven quickly ran back to the front of the barn. "I wanted to show you guys something else. Come on." Steven said. "Now that you're living here, you'll be expected to take care of the barn and the crops." Steven said. Steven began walking towards the field of 'crops.' "Because it's fall, you guys don't have to worry about keeping the crops alive. But when it's spring, I'll show you what you'll need to do." Steven said. We simply nodded in unison, allowing Steven to know we understood him. Steven quickly ran back into the barn with us, following in tow. "You guys will need to clean up the place. You guys can do whatever you want with the junk, but just make it look presentable." Steven said. We nodded again. "Alright. I need to head out to meet Connie. I can't wait to come back and see your guys' progress!" Steven said. Steven used to the warp pad to leave me and Lapis alone with the information he had given us. "So? do you want to see what we can do with the junk?" Lapis asked. "Sure. Let's see what we can do with it." I said. The two of us entered the barn and began messing around, pulling out piles of junk to begin sorting and organizing. After a little while of scavenging through the piles, I think I've made the greatest discovery. "Lapis! Look at its compassionate eyes! It's swollen head filled with thoughts!" I yelled. I held the figure towards Lapis as she giggled from my reaction. "That's pretty great, Peri." Lapis said. "We should build something from these piles. I think we should call them meep-morps." Lapis said. I thought it was a good idea, so I nodded in agreement. We returned our focus, looking through the piles. "Peridot? I found something. I think this is what Steven sleeps on." Lapis said. "It looks old. Maybe it should be washed." I said. Lapis must've agreed since she began dragging it outside. I assisted her by grabbing the other end. We brought the mattress outside, and Lapis began using her hydrokensis to clean the mattress. After cleaning the mattress and making sure it was dried, we brought it back inside the barn. "I think we should have this upstairs." Lapis said. I hummed in agreement. Lapis grabbed the mattress and flew it upstairs. I climbed the ladder to see that Lapis had moved the mattress against one of the walls, I walked over to see if I had agreed with her placement and nodded in support of its location. "Lapis. I think something is missing. Give me a second." I said. I climbed down the ladder and grabbed a blanket and pillows. Steven taught me what these two items were since he gave me them when I spent time in his house. I quickly climbed the ladder and made my way over to the mattress, and began placing the pillows down and finally the blanket. "Alright, I think it's good now." I said. "Yeah, I think it's looks great, Peridot." Lapis said. "I'm not sure about you, Lapis, but I feel pretty tired." I said. "I can say the same, Peridot." Lapis said. "Alright, you can have the bed, Lapis. I'll sleep on the couch." I said. "It's fine, Peridot. We can share the bed without issue. It's big enough for the two of us." Lapis said. "You sure you dont want me to sleep on the couch, Lapis?" I asked. "It's fine, Peridot. We are barnmates now." Lapis said. I moved quickly back over towards the bed. I snuggled myself under the blanket, and Lapis followed suit.

"Good night, Lapis."
"Good night, Peri."

The two gems slept peacefully that night.

A/N (Chapter 22 Completed. Is this too cheesy, or is this what you guys prefer in your stories? As always, I love you guys ❤️)

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