Chapter 1

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*Ash comes back to the Kalos Region and decides to meet with all his friends again afterwards becoming the champion.*
Serina: *wondering about the region and see a group of reporters and goes to investigate*
Ash: *tring to walk but can't get free because of all the reports.*
Serina: *hears the voice of answering the questions and then starts blushing.*
Ash:  *just want to be done  mostly because he is tired and mostly because he didn't get much sleep because yesterday with all the reporters.*
Reporters: *keep asking him questions.*
Ash: *starting to lose his patience with all of them.*
Clemont: *sees him looking about to lose it and rescues him from the reporters.*
Reporters: *breaks up after all that*
Ash: thanks a bunch for that I have not had a break in the last week except to sleep and not much sleep.
Clemont: I could tell you where starting to lose it and I remember the one time you lost it.
Ash: yeah.
Pikachu: pika pika pika
Serina: *walkes up all comfant and happy to see him* Hi Ash *tring to not blush*
Ash: Hi Serina *trying to not blush either* how have you been?
Serina: I have been really good been winning most of my competitions.
Ash: yeah I saw some of them but I had been very busy with everything.
Serina: yeah I saw most of the battles, the ones where I was not busy.
Ash: That is cool, you still cheered me on after I moved on.
Serina, why wouldn't I?
Pikachu pika pika pika pika *falls asleep on him*
Clemont why don't you guys follow me?
Ash: You sure?
Clemont: yeah you need some sleep and it is starting to get dark and you will be safe.
Ash: ok.
Serina: ok.
*they all get to his house*
Bonnie: Ash long time no see.
Ash: Bonnie *smiles* you definitely got taller than the last time I saw you.
Bonnie: yep and now Deanna is officially mine now.
Ash: nice.
Bonnie: yep.
Serina: It is late, we should get some sleep especially Ash.
Ash: yeah I hadn't gotten much sleep the last few days.
Bonnie, that is bad so you should definitely get some sleep.
Clemont: it is all set up.
Ash: thanks *gets ready and passes out as soon as he hit the bed*
Serina: wow he must have been exhausted.
Bonnie: yep I saw on the news that he was losing his mind and looked tired.
Serina: yep he barely got sleep because people couldn't let him have any down time.
Bonnie: I agree we should let him sleep in tomorrow because we know how he is like
Clemont: I agree.
Serina: Me too.

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