Chapter 23

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Next day Friday
7 Am

Ash: awake and gets cleaned and ready for the day because he needs to ready and be there by 8am
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika flows his lead.
Dawn: Ash you ready?
Ash: almost give me a few minutes so I can get dressed.
Dawn: Alright.
Pikachu: pika pika joins Dawn after he was ready.
Serina: wakes up 30 minutes later and gets ready and see that the master class in 2 months and the same week as the master 8 I can't wait but it is going to practice a lot. Too bad it is during the same week as the master's 8. At least I have time to watch this year. looks closer looks like it is the day before the championship so maybe if I can compete and win, I could leave right after and I could make it.
Sylveon: slv slv wakes up and hears and gets happy.
Pancham: pan pan same
Braixen: brai brai same
Gary: been up and ready and helping out with the Pokémon at the lab today Have you seen Bayleaf?
Professor Oak: Nope but there is something going on and Ash will be there, so I have a feeling that it is going to be there with him. I am going to show some Pokémon from Johto today, I know Ash can't be here for it, but he had experience already.
Gary: Yep, let's hope Bayleaf does not ruin it.
Bayleaf: bay bay sees their teacher and jumps on her.
Teacher: Can someone help?
Brock: I can, and I know whose Pokémon is that.
Bayleaf: bay bay jumps on Brock.
Brock: Nice to see you again Bayleaf.
Teacher: Thank you that is one very hyper Pokémon.
Brock: Yep.
Misty: also, there goes Bay leaf jumping on people.
Brock: Yep, Watch out.
Bayleaf: bay bay jumps on her.
Misty: Hi Bayleaf I have a felling Ash not here yet and she is just happy to see many new people.
Gary: There is Bayleaf, we have been looking for it. Also, Hi Misty and Brock
Hi, Gary, long time no see.
Gary: I am so sorry about that, that is one of the Pokémon We are studying today, and she got away from us.
Teacher: It is ok at least it did not mess anything up.
Misty&Brock&Gary: That is good.
Teacher: Yep, I hope her trainer shows soon.
Gary: If I know who it's owner will be here soon.
Teacher: I hope so.
Ash: I'm ready Let's go dawn.
Dawn: Right.
Ash&Dawn: heads there
Bayleaf: bay bay bay bay bay bay: sees Ash and starts running to him.
Ash: sees her coming Dawn go ahead or move out of the way please.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika see why he was saying and gets aside
Dawn: I will move out of the way.
Ash: Alright but take this if I think the Pokémon is I don't want anything ruin.
Dawn: Smart choice, takes his backpack from Pikachu
Bayleaf: Bay bay bay bay bay sees him and jumps on him.
Ash: gets talked Bayleaf I am happy to see you to says smiling
Bayleaf: bay bay bay showing her love on him.
Misty&Brock&Gary: We furred it was his.
Ash: Bayleaf I am happy to see you to says laughing Now please get off me.
Bayleaf: bay bay bay gets off him.
Gary: Bayleaf return.
Bayleaf: goes back into her ball.
Dawn: now I see why you said that, also Hi brock.
Brock: Hi dawn How have you been?
Dawn: good been practicing hard. Who is next to you?
Ash: Hi Brock and Misty long time no see.
Misty: Hi Ash and hi Dawn My name is Misty, and I am an international beauty and leader of the Cerulean Gym.
Dawn: Nice to meet you I'm Dawn.
Misty: nice to meet you.
Ash: Dawn ready?
Dawn: Yes, let's go.
Misty&Brock&Gary: heads there
Teacher: There you two are and what happen to that Bayleaf the talked me?
Ash: Sorry about that, Bayleaf is one of my Pokémon from Joto.
Gary: She is in her ball, so she won't be any more trouble.
Ash: I am so sorry.
Teacher: That was a surprise I was not expiating but nothing got ruined. And you guys are 15 minutes early so no one saw so You're good.
Ash: yep.
Serina: Ash Hi.
Ash: Hi Serina
Serina: you left in a huge rush this morning.
Ash: I know it was because I wanted to be early.
Serina: That is good.
Ash: Yep, also This is Misty and Brock 2 of my good friends.
Serina: Nice to meet you.
Misty&Brock: Nice to meet you.
Teacher: I will leave you guys to chat I still have a few things to do.
Ash: Alright.
Ash: Serina, should we tell them?
Serina: Yes, they are your friends for a long time.
Ash: Right, Do you guys promise to not tell anyone?
Brock&Misty: Yes, we promise
Ash: Me and Serina are dating.
Brock: I knew you grew up since Unnva I support you guys
Misty: Me to, I am proud you found someone Ash. You definitely have grown since I saw you after Hoan.
Ash: Good thing I did or I wouldn't be with Serina today, but after I went to Kalos and travel With Serina I had feelings for her.
Serina: I did not know that, but I am glad Ash chose me.
Ash: Me to.
Dawn: come on Ash we need to get set up we are running a little behind on setting up.
Ash: Right, See you guys later.
Misty&Brock&Serina: See yeah.

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