Chapter 4

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*after they arrive*
Ash:It feels so good to be back in Kanto. I missed it.
Serina: I can't wait to explore. But before we do we should get moved in. They already have all our stuff to be waiting in your rooms.
Ash: That is good to know. They probably would know us and we wanted to have the space. But will you stay with me?
Serina: Yes I know you don't like people who crowd you so I am here with you and I can keep you safe. Ready to head in?
Ash: *Takes a deep breath and reminds himself he can do this* Yes as long as you are here with me and Pikachu.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika *there for him to*
Ash: *Smiles* Let's do this
Other people: *stares at him and starts crowding him*
Ash: *Getting a little scared and nervous*
Gary: *walks in and grabs Ash's arm and pulls him out of the crowd and to a spot there is less people*
Serina: *wonders who he is*
Gary: Hi I'm Gary what is your name?
Serina: My name is Serina, What is up with Ash? I have never seen him like that.
Gary: He must have gotten Scared, and froze up right there.
Serina: Did I do anything?
Gary: Nope, He doesn't like big groups or all the attention on him.
Serina: good thing he has Pikachu to help, looks like he's coming back to reality.
Gary: Yep sometimes he just needs a quiet place to calm down.
Pikachu: pika pika pika *helping him come back*
Ash: What happened? *says after coming back to reality*
Gary: You froze and I pulled you aside.
Seeina: I never seen you do that before
Ash: Now you know why I don't like having all the attention on me. Thanks Gary for getting me out of there.
Gray: You're welcome, you will be seeing me a lot. I am a student here also.
Ash: Great with Seeina and you and all my Pokémon I brought. I know that I can make it through the year.
Serina: I know we can do it together along with help. We can do anything.
Ash: Yeah, I just want to be alone for a little bit, but I am excited about this experience.
Gary: Why don't we get together later when you have a chance to calm down and unpack.
Ash&Serina: That's a great idea.
Serina: Looks like we 3 are all next to each other
Gary: I asked if mine could be by Ash just in case he freezes up again.
Ash: with your guys help I wouldn't make it through that experience with the people.
Gray and Serina: No problem we are here for you.
Ash: I just need space for a little bit
Serina: See you later *heads in*
Gary: See yeah
Ash: *Alone and Thinks, Why do I have to act this way around crowds, Why Can't I deal with big crowds? Why can't I just handle my emotions? Why am I overthinking all of this*
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika *wondering if he is ok*
Ash: *snaps out of his thoughts* Pikachu I am sorry you saw me like that. It is just being the Champion is tough on me, I don't like all the extra attention on me and asking me a million questions and if that happens I will freak out or freeze up. Thanks for being here for me no matter what.
Pikachu: pika pika pika *saying you're welcome*
Ash: *smiles and hugs him*
*2 hours later*
Gary: *finished unpacking and waits in a quiet spot while waiting for them*
Serina: *also finished and just waiting for Ash to be done so they can all meet up.*
Ash: *having a little trouble getting everything unpacked but manages to get it done and joins with the others* That part is all done now for the fun.
Serina: yeah come on let's Meet up with Gray
Ash: ok
*they meet up*
Gary: let's explore the area
Ash, Serena: yes let's go
*they explore*
Ash: Awesome there is a battlefield. I have a feeling I will spend a lot of time there.
Serina: *thinks that is todly an Ash thing to say*
Gary: I knew that would make you happy
Serina: Nice a stage, a place where I can prattle my routines for contastes.
Gray: There is even a lab we can go to but it not here exactly. It is the one my Grandfather works at. He even comes here a few times a week. I see you guys sign up for his class, nice to have people I already know.
Ash: Also all my other Pokémon are there.
Gray: yep and they are doing great.
Serina: It is so cool that he is your grandpa.
Gray: Same, sometimes I help him but not as much anymore.
Ash: *To distracted watching new trainers battling*
Gray,Serina: That is so him watching a battle.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika *also watching*
Serina: I hope that the school understands that if you want to meet him do it on his time off. We don't want a repeat of us walking in.
Gray: I think they already know that is why we are all right next to each other.
Ash: What are you talking about?
Gray: just ways to have everything work with you and the school.
Ash: Thank you for care about me.
Gray: Your welcome, That is what friends are for. I might have teased you when we were younger but I grew up and now I am a lot nicer and caring.
Ash: Yeah you helped me back there and now staying with me. Even if we have different interests I still appreciate you staying with me.
Gray: Your welcome.
*they all hang out till late*
Ash: I think I am going to bed I am getting tired.
Gray: same.
Serina: same.
*they all fall asleep for the night*

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