Chapter 6

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Pikachu:Wakes up and tries waking him up and seduces a little before Ash falls asleep again.
Ash: Pikachu, Let me sleep it is the weekend says before rolling over and falling asleep again.
Pikachu: Mad but understands he has been through a lot this week and walks out the door made for Pokémon to enter and leave.
Sylveon: hears them and sees her trainer is also asleep and they both end up joining Gary's Umbron.
Pikachu: Your trainer's still asleep?
Sylveon,Umbreon: Yep.
Pikachu: Is it a little inconvenient?
Sylveon,Umbreon: Yes but luckily there is a place for Pokémon to play while waiting for their trainers.
Pikachu: Is there a little place to play?
Sylveon,Umbreon: yep flow us. They make a count of who is who so there is no stealing.
Pikachu: ok flows then and goes through the process to know who Pokémon is who's.
3 Hours later 10:30AM
Ash: wakes up and wonders where did Pikachu and decided to get ready for the day and starts looking for him
Serina: also wakes up and wondering where her Pokémon are also and gets ready for the day
Gary: Knows where they are and waits for them so they can all head over to get them.
Ash: Where is Pikachu?
Serina: He is missing? Sylveon is also.
Gary: I know exactly where they are, there is a place where Pokémon can play while they have downtime or when they are sleeping or trainers are busy studying.
Ash,Serina: That makes sense they wanted to wake us to play.
Gary: That is why they made an area just for them.
Ash: Pikachu did try to wake me up and I have a feeling that I will pay for it later.
Serina: I am guessing this is common?
Pikachu: pika pika pika can't wait to get back at his trainer with his thunderbolt.
Ash: I see him and he is happy and a little angry with me.
Gary: yeah.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika sees and gets his thunderbolt ready and shocks him.
Ash: was expecting that and smiles.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika happy to getting his revenge.
Sylveon,Umbrone: thinks that is why he was charging his power.
Serina: Are you ok Ash?
Ash: I am ok I am used to it.
Gary: It has been a long time since I saw that.
Ash: Ok.
Sylveon,Umbreon,Pancham, Braixen: meets up with their trainers.
Serina: Hi guys I missed you this morning.
Gary: you to Umbreon.
Sylveon,Pancham, Braixen: happy to see her
Umbron: Also happy to see him.
Ash: I am sorry Pikachu I was just really tired and just needed the extra rest.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika pika says I understand you and we know when you're tired.
Ash: Yeah well now we have a person waiting, for us to Battle and I know who it is so let's do this.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika ready and sees the Z ring and gets excited.
Serina: what is that on your wrist?
Ash: It is my Z ring and the person who I am battling is from Aloha and I promise that I will battle them first thing at 11am. Speaking of which, I should get going. I can't do it here because it is too small and his move is big and needs lots of room. says before he rushes off.
professor Kukui: waiting for him
Ash: Running as fast as he can so he can meet up with him and stopped on his side.
professor Kukui: Long time no see Guys.
Pikachu: PIKA PIKA Super happy to see him.
Ash: Pikachu is definitely happy to see you
professor Kukui: Looks like it and see you have the Z ring so I am guessing you will be using it.
Ash: you know me.
professor Kukui: brings out Incinerator.
Ash: Pikachu I Choose You.
Pikachu: PIKA PIKA hopes out there.
professor Kukui: Incinerator use Fire Fang,
Incinerator: uses it.
Ash:Pikachu doge it.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika doges it.
Ash: Pikachu Use Thunderbolt!
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika uses it
Kukui:Incinerator Doge it and use Darkest Lariat!
Incinerator: does that.
Ash: Pikachu Doge it then use eltaicle ball!
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika does that.
Gray, Serina: thinks wow He is strong
Kukui: Incinerator I think it is time!
Incinerator: looks at him and agrees
Ash: Pikachu tosses his hat to him!
Pikachu: Pika pika acknowledges, and agreement
Serina,Gary: Thinks wow they are pulling it out all the stops.
Kukui: says the phase and then use Darest lumant!
Incinerator:does the Z move.
Ash: A high five and a tail slap Much bigger than a Thunderbolt ten million Thunderbolt, yeah this is much much bigger at super Full power. Pikachu, Use ten million Thunderbolt!
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika-Chu.
Ash:Alright let's do this at full Power.
Pikachu: PIKA PIKA PIK uses it!
Gary,Serina: WOW that is what a Z move is.
Incinerator: gets knocked down and stayed down.
Kukui: You get me every time and I have fun every time.
Ash: I know and I have a lot of fun every time.
Kukui: I should get going. I have to do a lot when I get back.
Ash: See you later.
Kukui: See yeah Gary and Serina says while waking by them.
Gary,Serina: see yeah.
Gary: That move is way cooler in person than on Tv.
Serina: Yeah.
Ash: Yep I don't like showing it off so that is why I don't wear it all the time anymore.
Serina: Wow, that was a lot of fun. So was he the one who taught you in Aloha?
Ash:Yeah. He is amazing.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika stomach grows.
Ash: Looks like Pikachu is hungry stomach grows himself It looks like I am hungry also.
Serina: We should get back and have lunch.
Gary,Ash: Yea.
After lunch 12:30pm
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika pika pika.
Ash: I have some homework to do see you later.
Serina,Gary us to see yeah.
Ash,Serina,Gary: you guys can go play with the others. We will come get you when we are done
Pikachu,Sylveon,Umbreon: goes and plays
Ash: Finishes and has a few hours to himself and just takes a nap to recharge.
Serina: finishes and Practice her routines.
Gary: Same as Ash.
Diner time 5:00pm.
Umbron: goes to his trainer to wake him
Pikachu: same but Ash by thunder shocks him
Ash:Wakes up and looks at the time and realizes he slept longer than he thought and heads to dinner with him.
Gary: same.
after dinner they hang out for the rest of the night.
Ash: Today has been a great day but I am tired so I am going to head to my room.
Serina,Gray: Ok we were thinking the same.
Gary: If you're awake before us they can go play says to the Pokémon.
Ash&Serina: Ok.
they all end the night doing there own stuff

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