Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
*First day of school*
Pikachu: *wakes up Ash.*
Ash: *still fast asleep.*
Pikachu: *annoyed and tries thunderbolt.*
Ash: *wakes up startled* Good morning, Pikachu.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika *stomach growls*
Serina: *Thinks Ash is up thanks to Pikachu and gets ready for the day.*
Gary: *been up before them for an hour.*
Ash: *comes out and ready for classes knowing he had his friends there to help him.*
Serina: Good morning we should get some breakfast.
Ash: yeah
Gray: yeah
*they all do that and eats*
Ash: That was really good. We should head to class.
Serina, Gary: yeah  *heads there*
Ash: I am glad we got here early enough so that I could get used to the classroom.
Gary: I furied getting here early would help you from freaking out.
Ash: Thank you
Gary: your welcome.
Serina: I can be right next to your side.
Ash: I know.
Gary: I heard that for the first class with my grandpa is going to be at his lab.
Ash: YAY.
Serina: That's great.
Gray: yep it is just a few blocks away from the school and he said if you guys want you can come early.
Ash: Yay gives me a little time to get my Pokémon reunion
Gary: yeah that is part of the reason why he said if you want to come early.
Serina: Ok. I can't wait
Ash: Me neither. I can't wait to see all my Pokémon.
*2 hours later*
Ash: It is finally time. I can't wait to see all of them.
Gary: And all mine also.
Serina: I can't wait to meet all of them.
Ash: Come on let's go I can't wait.
Gary,Serina: That is definitely Ash when exited.
Professor: *laughs* hey you 3 and welcome home Chaption.
Ash: Thanks
Professor: You're welcome and I knew you would be eager to see them
Ash: Of course
ofessor: Go ahead, I will be here waiting for the others to arrive.
Ash,Serina,Gary: Ok *heads in.*
All the Pokémon: *the tours run and run over him*
Serina: Is that common?
Gary: yes, it is common
Umbreon: *sees Gary and comes running to him*
Gary:Umbreon, long time no see how are you?
Umbreon: Umb Umb *doing great*.
Gary: that is good to hear.
Serina: You can understand them?
Gary: Yeah,
Serina: that is the one Class I signed up for that doesn't have Ash in it.
Gary: that is cool.
Charizard: *comes and uses Flamethrower on Ash*
Professor: Charizard greeting is the same thing every time.
Ash: I enjoy it every time.
Class: *shocked to see that it is him and start to crowd him*
Professor: Give him space.
Class:*back away from them*
Ash: Thank you Professor, that would be way worse.
Professor: You're welcome after Gary told me what happened yesterday and we worked something out. I just don't want anyone else seeing you like that.
Classmate: Why does he not like that?
Ash: It is just a thing that drives me crazy and stuff that makes me freeze up.
Classmates: That explains why you frozen up yesterday.
Ash: Yeah.
Gary: Yeah and if he is with a Pokémon give him space they know and they help protect him.
Charizard: *nods in agreement*
Professor: We should get class started, there is a lot I want to introduce today.
Everyone: Ok.
professor: Today you will see a lot of Pokémon. A lot of them have trainers but some are wild and others have asked me to take care for them.
Bulbasaur: *sees Ash and runs to him*
professor: For example, that is one of Ash's.
Ash: Bulbasaur long time no see.
Bulbasaur: Bulbasaur Bulbasaur *happy to see him*
Classmate: What is his job?
Ash: to keep from fights breaking out.
professor: Yep he helps keep the peace between all the Pokémon.
Classmate:Interesting to know.
Ash: Yep.
*after Class*
Ash: That Was a lot of fun. I can't wait for the next one.
professor: Yeah if I need to use them for examples may I?
Ash: Yes, Thank you for asking.
professor: You're welcome.
*they head back*
Serina: that was a lot of fun.
Ash: It was a lot of fun seeing them again.
Gary: same with all mine.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika pika *happy to see his friends again.*
Ash: Pikachu is also happy.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika.
Gary: We have some downtime, should we do something together?
Ash: You know what I want to do. Pikachu you ready?
Pikachu Pika pika pika *ready to battle*
Serina: I want to work on new performances.
Gary: Ok see you later then.
*2.8 hours later they all meet up*
Ash: That was a great battle.
Serina: I also had a lot of fun.
Gary: I also had fun.
Ash: We should get something to eat.
Serina: That sounds like a great idea.
Gary: yeah then we should do something as a group tonight.
Ash&Serina: Yeah
Serina: Ash are you sure you are going to be ok? You will be going into a place where there is a big crowd?
Ash: Yes as long we get a quite place to sit
Gray: will do
*After all that*
Ash: I had a good day and got to see all my Pokémon friends again.
Gary: Me to I had not seen them in a little while
Serina: It is nice to meet them. Bulbasaur was the one that caught me off guard.
Ash: Yeah, he was the 3rd Pokémon I caught.
Gary: Yeah, I heard the story about it.
Serina: Did you guys travel together?
Ash,Gary: No we had different paths but we still were in the same league.
Serina: That is cool. Have you guys ever along before now?
Gary: Yes and no. Yes we hang out at as kids.
Ash: No when we both started on your journey we had a lot of arguments but we always made up and stayed friends.
Gary: Yep.
Ash: Yep.
*1 hour later*
Ash: I should get ready for bed it is getting late
Serina: Same.
Gary: Same.
Ash: *Takes a shower because he has been battling hard and got all sweaty and also gets Pikachu clean*
Serina:*Same but with her Pokémon*
Gary: *same*

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