Chapter 22

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Piplup: pip pip awake before Dawn and wakes her up with peak
Dawn: gets woken up Piplup why did you do that?
Piplup: pip pip pip pip pip points at the clock
Dawn: looks I overslept thanks gets ready and feeds him before she does
Piplup: pip pip eats
Ash&Pikachu: still fast asleep when they should be up and getting ready
Serina: The Pokémon tried and waking him and Pikachu is still asleep, and they couldn't get him to wake up.
Sylveon: slv slv nodes in agreement
Pancham: Pan pan nodes also
Braixen: brai brai nodes also
Gary: me neither, he must have been tired and might have overdone it again.
Serina: Yeah, I could tell he did not want to do that last battle but he did.
Dawn: Good morning guys, Where is Ash?
Serina: Good morning Dawn, and he is still asleep.
Dawn: Of course, he is May we try to wake him?
Serina: Sure we all tried and failed.
Dawn: I know one thing to do but he does not like it but he has to be awake.
Gary: Are you going to use Piplup?
Dawn: Yes at least on Pikachu.
Gary: then Pikachu can wake him.
Dawn: Right, he does not like it but he has to today. Piplup use peak on Pikachu.
Piplup: pip pip does that and smiles
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika gets woken up and sees the time and wakes his trainer with thunderbolt
Ash: screaming as he is waken What was that for Pikachu?
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika points at the clock
Ash: looks We overslept again we must have been tired. feeds Pikachu and then gets ready
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika eats while he gets ready
Piplup: pip pip goes back to dawn proud
Dawn: Looks like it worked, he does not like it, but he needed it today.
Serina: It is rare when Pikachu had to be woken up.
Gary: It happens once in a while.
Dawn: Yep, he over did it last night so maybe that is why.
Gary: Yep, I had to take some or he would overdo it. I saw he was getting tired after the 5th battle last night.
Dawn: Yeah, you took most of them to help.
Gary: Yep, I saw him reacting to how many I offer. I knew he was tired, so I took some to help, and I have a feeling he is grateful for that.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika joins them
Dawn: You and Ash used to not get along, but you do now.
Gary&Ash: Yep
Ash: Thanks aging Gary for last night.
Gary: you're welcome.
Serina: Good morning, Ash.
Ash: Good morning Serina and Dawn.
Dawn: whispers to them you don't have to hide your relationship from me I know
Ash&Serina: whispers How long did you know?
Dawn: whispers since the second week of the school year.
Ash&Serina: whispers You did very well of keeping it a secret we can trust you
Dawn: Whispers I promise to keep it a secret.
Ash&Serina: Whispers thanks
Gary: Should you guys get going?
Ash&Dawn: Yep come one Pikachu and Piplup
Pikachu: pika pika pika
Piplup: pip pip pip
after the class
Ash: I can't believe one of the people judging is Brock I am excited to see him.
Dawn: Me too.
Ash: I have to go see you later.
Dawn: See yeah.
Lucario: Play battling with Cinderace
Cinderace: doing just that
Goh: chatting with Gary I was thinking of coming here this year but I wanted to explore first. But I know I will be here next year.
Gary: Ok Ash will be happy to hear that.
Serina: My name is Serina Nice to meet you.
Goh: I remember you now, You help Chloe back then.
Serina: Yep, How is she and Eevee?
Goh: She is doing well and her Eevee decided to just stay Eevee.
Ash: Just like Pikachu, Hi Goh.
Goh: Hi Ash long time no see.
Ash: Yep, we have not seen each other since we split.
Goh: Yeah, I know you have a secret.
Ash: You do? looks at Serina should we tell him?
Serina: looks at him Sure I meet him before.
Goh: Let me guess your dating?
Ash&Serina: How did you know?
Goh: Ash would not stop talking about you. And the time you guys talked for a little time I could see on your face you had a crush on her.
Ash: embarrassed a little
Serina: Do you promise to not tell anyone?
Ash: Even Chloe?
Chloe: walks in a little late Tell me what?
Ash&Serina: Hi Chloe How have you been?
Chloe: Good What is what you not to tell me?
Ash&Serina: Do you promise to keep it a seriate?
Chloe: Yes, let me guess you too are a couple?
Serina: Yep
Chloe: I knew you told me you had a crush on someone from Kanto and he had A Pikachu.
Serina: embarrassed a little Yep
 Goh: Same with Ash.
Goh&Chole: We promise to not tell anyone without your permission.
Ash&Serina: Thanks.
Chloe&Goh: You're welcome.
Ash: Goh want to battle Lucario and Cinderace? Since I am early today?
Goh: Looks like they need it they are starting to get a little out of control. Sure
Ash: Alright, To keep it fair I won't use any power-ups.
Goh: Alright, we have some time.
they go battle
Serina: Hey Chloe want an Eevee reunion?
Chloe: Sure calls out Eevee
Serina: calls out Sylveon
Eevee: Eve eve eve eve eve happy to see Sylveon
Sylveon: slv slv slv happy to see them aging.
Chloe: I have thought about coming here and I will next year.
Serina: Like Goh is also coming also.
Chloe: That is what he told me but he will be a day or 2 late because he said he would help with Project Mew.
Gary: Me too.
Serina: That is what I thought and I support you guys in it.
Chloe: Me too and here comes Ash and Goh.
Serina: Yep.
Ash: That was fun and those 2 are perfect partners.
Goh: I agree and I have something to tell you, I am going to be coming here next year.
Ash: That is great, is it true you're going to help with the project this summer?
Goh: That is right I might be a day or two late but they said I could.
Ash: alright.
Gary: So looks like I will be working with you again Goh.
Goh: Alright, I had fun last time and you even........
Gary: Stop right there, I said never say that name around Ash.
Goh: Why not?
Ash: It drives me crazy and angry.
Gary: Exactly, That is why I asked you to never say it when he is around.
Goh: I understand I won't say it near him. I saw him angry before.
Serina: Me too and it is not pretty.
After the class
Serina: Chole want to join me while I teach others some moves today?
Chloe: Sure.
Ash: Goh want to hang out?
Goh: I already promised Gary I would with him to get information on the project.
Ash: oh.
Gary: Sorry Ash.
Ash: It is ok I will do my homework instead walks away sad
Goh: poor Ash, really wanted to hang out with us but we need to give each other information we gather.
Goh: I agree but we need to be ready to be ready when they need us.
Gary: yep and maybe if time you guys can hang out
Goh: yep I hope we can. He was excited to see me today.
Gary: Then let's get going the sooner we start the sooner we are done.
Goh: Right.

With Ash
Ash: Pikachu I was excited to hang out with Goh and catch up, but he is getting ready for the changes for Project Mew. And Serina is practicing with chole. And that leads up to being alone together. I really wanted to hang out, but I am sad I can't which he wanted to do that. Dawn is also busy with contests she wants to compete in Kalos this summer. And I am ready to defend my title. I heard Gladdon and Kawie are entering because they want to battle me. I am caught up on homework and can't work ahead because it is something we have to do in class and yeah. holds back his tears and after he said it, he silently cries.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika helping but not much
Ash: smiles and manages to fall asleep while waiting since he was in no mood to battle
Gary: thinks poor Ash was excited but when he talks to himself it means something is wrong
Goh: Gary are you alright?
Gary: Yes, I just feel bad for Ash, he was talking to himself and I learned when that happens something is wrong.
Goh: Yeah I feel bad he wanted to hang out but we needed to do this. We are almost done. Then I will spend time with him.
Gary: Good idea.
30 minutes later
Ash: wakes up feeling better but still a little sad but better to go train with Pikachu
Pikachu: pika pika pika happy and goes with him
Goh: We have all the same info now I am going to see if Ash wants to hang out.
Gary: Alright, he is probably training that makes him happy
Goh: yeah sometimes when he is down that helps him.
Ash: training hard and does not hear Goh come by
Goh: tells Cinderace a move
Ash: hears and tells Pikachu to doge
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika does what he is told
Ash: Goh, you are free to hang out now?
Goh: Yes and thanks for being patient with me.
Ash: You're welcome, now do you want to train with me?
Goh: Sure I also brought Inteleon along.
Ash: Cinderace and Lucado and Pikachu and Inteleon.
Goh: a double battle, alright
Ash&Goh: does that for a little while until night came
Chole: Serina, Watching you perform is so cool, and thanks for helping me back then.
Serina: You're welcome.
Chole: I hope you don't mind me asking this, How did you know you had a crush on Ash?
Serina: Ever since I was 6, it was summer camp and I was running after a Pokémon and tripped and hurt my knee and he was running after a Pokémon and he saw me and decided to help me. Then when he came to Kalos one day I saw he was doing something dangerous. Then the day after I went to get my starter Pokémon, I got information about him and met him at the first gym he fought and after that, he remembered me. My feelings for him came back for him. And on the day, I was off to Johto, that was the day I kissed him, and I smiled. He was shocked but after he smiled. And after that, I heard that he had a crush on me. Then after the championship, He came to Kols after I visited his home to see if he was back yet and he wasn't, and I told them if he came back, I would be in my home region. Then one day I was going to hang out with my friends I saw he was surrounded by reporters asking many questions and he was starting to lose it and if he did, he would regret it. So, we got him away and he Amit he had not gotten much sleep in a few weeks. So that night we took him to stay with us for the night and as soon as he hit the bed he was out. Then the next day we let him sleep in a little and take things slow and after that, he admitted he had a crush on me ever since he left and after that, we started dating.
Chole: wow, That is the story.
Serina: Yes.
Chole: I have to find Goh it is time for us to get going.
Serina: I need to find Ash, I had not seen him since class today.
Chole: Knowing them they're probably battling.
Serina: That would be an Ash thing.
Goh: battling with Ash I missed this
Ash: Same.
Goh: I have to get going I need to get back with Chole
Ash: I need to meet up with Serina.
Goh: Let's go than
Ash: Right leads the way
Chole: I have a feeling we should wait here.
Serina: me too.
Ash: sees her and runs and kisses her on the lips I missed you
Serina: smiles and kisses him back I missed you as well
Goh&Chole: thinks how cute but does not want to ruin the moment and stays quiet
Goh: We have to go see you guys around.
Ash&Serina: See yeah.
Ash: I missed you but Goh was busy for a little bit and you were busy so I had nothing to do. So, I ended up falling asleep by mistake, and after that, they were done, and I was battling with Goh.
Serina: Me too I thought of inviting you to join us, but I wanted to just want to show her the moves.
Ash: it is ok I apparently needed the sleep after yesterday.
Serina: Yeah you we had to wake you this morning, I learned that is a sign you were tired.
Ash: Yeah but I need sleep I have a busy day tomorrow and I can't be late.
Serina: Good night I love you kisses him on the cheek
Ash: I love you to kisses her back

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