Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Next day
Ash: up and ready and is ready before anyone else because he is to exited for at the end of the day for the battle royal and goes to watch the sunrise like he normally did when he lived there and helps clear his mind
Serina: wakes up and wonders where Ash is and gets ready for the day and goes to join Ash and wants to talk but when he is like that he is trying to clear his head and just wants quiet
Pikachu: pika pika pika: knows where they went and joins him
Ash: fells him jump up and startled a little Hi Pikachu. Pets him
Pikachu: pika pika pika makes happy noises
Serina: Good moring Ash.
Ash: Good moring, and how long have you been there?
Serina: a few minutes, I saw you did not want to talk so I just sat here.
Ash: oh, I was just thinking how good it is to be back in Aloha. I love it here and I like watching the sunrises here. And I can't wait for tonight's battle royal because I will be battling in it. And class he is going into death about the Z crystals.
Serina: That is cool, and I am glad you love it here, sounds like you had a bunch of fun. How did you catch Rowlet at first?
Ash: he was flying with a pack of birds who took him in, but he did not fit in. one day he found me and Mallow and stopped for food. Then we flowed him back to his flock. And he saved them from danger and after that they let him join us. And I caught him, and he likes my backpack and ever since he likes it and I learn to exapted it.
Serina: That is how you caught him.
Ash: Yep, I think we should head in I think Breakfast, is almost ready.
Serina: Ok flows him
makes briefest for everyone Good morning you guys.
Ash&Serina: good morning
Professor Bernet: How did you guys sleep?
Ash: Good had a hard time falling asleep because of the battle royal tonight and I can't wait.
Serina: I did sleep well and thanks for taking me in as well.
Professor Bernet: You're welcome.
Professor Kukui: Ash are you ok if I show your Z crystals today?
Ash: Sure I trust you with them.
Professor Kukui: Ok.
Serina: I hope to see an ultra-beast while we are here.
Professor Bernet: Let's hope not they are very dangerous.
Ash: Yep and it is a lot of work to catch one.
Serina: Oh well.
Ash: Yep.
Lycronc&Rowlet&Melmaeatl&Torcat&Pikachu&Sylveon&panchum&Braxien: come and eats
Professor Bernet&Peofessr Kukui&Ash&Serina: eats
Professor Kukui: Come on Ash and Serina It is time to go.
Serina&Ash: Alright.
Ash: Serina, want to race?
Serina: You're on
Ash: starts running
Serina: same
Professor Kukui: smiles
Gary: already there waiting for everyone else
A few minutes later
Ash: Beat yeah. smiles
Serina: That was a good race also smiles
Gary: you guys are fast.
Ash: Yep, it is all the training through all the other regions and battles.
Gary: Yep, I remember ours very well.
Mallow: You guys battled before?
Ash&Gary: Yep, many times.
Mallow&Lana&Kwaie&Lillie: You have to tell us sometime.
Ash&Gary: Sure.
20 minutes later
Professor Kukui: teaching them about the Z crystals and what moves could they use
Lycronc&Rowlet&Melmaeatl&Torcat&Pikachu& Mallow&Lana&Kwaie&Lillie: already knew about them and the move
Gary&Serina: interested in the lesson
Hours later after school
Ash: Gary should we tell them what happened in Johto at the league?
Gary: Sure.
Ash&Gary: tells the story and when they get to the last Pokémon
Ash: I was having a hard time beating him. I was thinking I had made it this far we are going all the way.
Gary: I was just happy to battle you.
Lana: What happened after that?
Ash: I had Charizard battle it, and Blastoise had the advantage
Gary: Yep, it was a lot of back and forth for a while.
Ash: Then one moves I could not get in close and after that, I had an idea to do so I started to melt the battlefield.
Gary: Yeah, I tried to cool it off and it created a cloud of Steam.
Ash: Yeah, that gave me a chance to get close then I did samite toss and won.
Gary: That was a great idea, and I was not sad I lost I was proud you won after trying to beat me every time. After that, I realized I loved recurring Pokémon instead of battling. But that was fun.
Ash: Yep, I loved that battle and happy I won. But after I found respect for you. I still don't like the nickname you gave me, but we came a little closer.
Lana: what is the name?
Ash: Gary you can but just this once.
Gary: Ok, his name is Ashyboy.
Lana&Mallow&Sophocles&Kawie&Lillie&Serina&class: That is funny.
Ash: not to me. Goes to be alone for a little bit to train and clear his head
Lana&Mallow&Sophocles&Kawie&Lillie&Serina&class: What is up with Ash? He left without saying anything.
Pikachu: pika pika pika knows and goes to train because he knows when he is like this, he does his best work
Gary: I have a hunch that the name annoys him, and he just needs to get his anger out. I am a little surprised he let me say it in front of him.
Serina: Yep, he does that all the time. Sometimes it is best to give him space.
Gary: He knew that was coming but you see why I don't do it anymore.
Professor Kukui: That teasing has happened to him many times and if in battle he is full focus on it. But when it is out all of a sudden the best way for him to calm down is to give him space, which means he trains or just wants to be alone. I learned that lesson the hard way.
Serina: I remember one time when he was trying to get his 8th Kalos bag he lost the first time he was angry he had lost 2 battles in a row and headed out into the forest and left the Pokémon with us and that is when we knew he was frustrated and just needed time to think.
Lana&Mallow&Sophocles&Kawie&Lillie&class&Gary: wow.
Serina: yep but after a night and he did not come back I had to help him and I did. And I am glad I did.
Gary: Let me go talk to him. I need to apologize.
Lana&Mallow&Sophocles&Kawie&Lillie&class: Us also.
Serina: Let Gary go alone he knows him well as much as me. He does not want a bunch of people bugging him.
Lana&Mallow&Sophocles&Kawie&Lillie&class: ok.
Gary: goes to Ash, Ash I am sorry I crossed the line calling you that name.
Ash: It is ok, it just bugs me every time you do it. I know you mean no harm it just drives me crazy. And my friends laughing made me angry than usual and before I lost it I removed myself from that and I am glad I did.
Gary: I am glad you did also, when you get angry you tend to lose it.
Ash: I know but thanks for coming to apologize I appreciated it.
Gary: You're welcome, we may still have stuff we don't like but that makes us friends.
Ash: Yep, I am ready to head back now.
Gary: alright.
Lana&Mallow&Sophocles&Kawie&Lillie&class: Ash we are sorry we laughed at the name. We did not mean to hurt you.
Ash: Thanks for apologizing I appreciated it.
Professor Kukui: looks at Kawie like it is time to get going
Kawie: nodes I must get going.
Professor Kukui: Us to Ash.
Ash: alright see you guys later.
Lana&Mallow&Sophocles &Lillie&class&Gary&Serina: alright see you there.
At the battle
Gary: Where is Ash?
Serina: you will have to find out. I can't wait to see him battle
Lana: wow there are a lot of people here. It must have to do with the champion battling.
Gary: That is why Ash left early to warm up.
Serina: yep, and Ash is excited he had a hard time falling asleep.
Gary: That is like him.
Serina: Yep, and he was up early.
Lana&Mallow&Sophocles&Kawie&Lillie: Yep, that is like him.
Lycronc&Toracat&Rowlet&mentan&Panchum&Slyveon&Braixen: ready to cheer on Ash
announces the people who are battling
Ash&Pikachu: happy and ready to battle
Professor Kuku&Incineroar: cool and ready to battle
Kawie& Marowak: ready to battle
Gladon&Lycanroc: ready to battle
Faba& Wicke: Begin
Ash: Pikachu use Iron tail on Incineroar
Pikachu: pika pika does that
Professor Kuku: Incineroar use Bulk up
Incineroar: roar roar uses bulk up
Gladdon: Lycanroc use Stone edge on Pikachu
Lycanroc: ruff ruff does that
Kawie: Marowak use shadow bone on Pikachu
Marowak: does that
Ash: Pikachu use quick attack to Doge and use Thunderbolt
Pikachu: pika pika does that

everyone doges but Incineroar got knocked off balance
Professor Kukui: You've powered up even more haven't you, Ash?
Ash: I train every day because I want to become stronger
Gladon&Kawie: Just like you
Kawie: Marowak Use shadow bone
Marowak: maw maw uses the move
Gladdon: Lycanroc use crunch
Lycanroc: ruff ruff uses that
use Blast burn

Ash: Pikachu use Thunderbolt
Pikachu: pika pika pika uses the move and doges them
Ash: Alright! use electrweb!
Pikachu: pika pika does that
Gladdon, Professor Kukui, Kawie: Doge
Lycranoc&Marowak& Incineroar: doges but Incineroar doesn't in time
Ash: Use Thunderbolt once more!
Pikachu: pika pika pika uses the move
Professor Kukui: Incineroar use Throat Chop!
Incineroar: roar roar breaks free and doge
Kawie: Shadow bone
Marowak: maw maw uses it
Professor Kukui: use throat chop over and over
Incineroar: roar roar uses the move
Ash: Conter with Iron tail
Incineroar&Pikachu: fighting like that
Glandon: use crunch
Lycanroc: Ruff ruff uses the move
Kawie: use shadow bone
Marowak: Maw maw uses the move and knocks Lycranroc off balance
Gladdon: Ash is my rival
Kawie: Use Iron head
Marowak: maw maw uses the move and knocks him out
Gladdon: says thanks for a great battle
Kawie: Ash I'm giving it my all actives his Z move The zenith, of my mind, body, and spirit! Like the great mountain of Akala, become a raging fire and burn! Inferno overdrive.
Marowak: maw maw uses the move
Ash: Pikachu Doge it Use Thunderbolt
Pikachu: pika pika pika doges it that way
Kawie: surprised he dodged a Z move
Incineroar: roar roar uses the move
Ash: use quick attack
Pikachu: pika pika uses it
Kawie: Marowak use Shadow bone
Marowak: maw maw misses it and gets knocked out
Professor Kukui: fond memories?
Ash: yeah.
Audience: starts chanting Champion
Ash: You guys, tosses his hat Pikachu?
Pikachu: pika pika pika catches it
Ash: Here we go! Let's do this!
Pikachu: Pika!
Professor Kukui: Here it comes, Incineroar
Incineroar roar roar roar in agreement
Ash&Pikachu: powers up the Z move with a high five and a tail slap
Professor Kukui: Here we go, Incineroar! Now get Fired up and incinerate the ring!
Incineroar: fells the Z move
Ash: Much bigger than a Thunderbolt! Ten-million-volt Thunderbolt! Yeah, this is much much bigger at super full power!
Pikachu: pika pika
Professor Kukui: Use Malicious Moonsult
Ash: Pikachu, use ten million volt thunderbolt
Pikachu: pika pika pika uses the move
Incineroar: roar roar uses the Z move
The 2 Z moves collides and Pikachu is still standing
Faba& Wicke: The winner is Ash and Pikachu
Ash&Pikachu: Smiles and happy
Professor Kukui: happy he had a great battle
after they get back
Ash: That was a lot of fun, I love battles.
Professor Kukui: I know when I heard you guys were coming my first thought was to invite you as a competitor.
Ash: Makes sense, I had a lot of fun but now I am tired.
Serina: Me too but those last 2 Z moves were so cool.
Professor Kukui&Ash: Yep.
I know Mallow won't be at school tomorrow she is teaching a class on one of her recipes.
Ash: thinks he knows what he is talking about I think I might have to be there as well.
Professor Kukui: Oh?
Serina: he has been learning how to cook.
Ash: Yep and I am good at it.
Professor Kukui: then you can join her.
Serina: Where is Professor Burent?
Professor Kukui: Working they have a sighting of an ultra-beast in the area.
Ash: That is not good.
Professor Kukui: Yep, but we should get some sleep.
Ash&Serina: alright does that
later that night
Hala: working on Z rings and hears a noise and calls out his Pokémon to stay safe but it gets knocked out and calls the ultra-guardians
Professor Kukui: wakes up Ash in the middle of the night Emergency dispatch
Ash: Wakes up in the middle of the night half asleep and knows what he has to do
Serina: also gets woken up and confused
Ash: Go back to sleep I got this covered says half asleep
Serina: ok does that
Ash: gets staled and half-awake by the ultra-beast at the scene of the beast scene
Lana&Mallow&Sophocles&Kawie&Lillie: same
Ash: Hala
Hala: It's Ash
Lana&Mallow&Sophocles &Lillie&Ash: sees the beast run away super-fast
Hala: Explains everything he saw
Ash: It got away, we should get home and regroup tomorrow.
Lana&Mallow&Sophocles &Lillie: Right.
does that and goes back to sleep and Ash falls fast asleep when he gets back to bed

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