Chapter 14

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Next day

4 am

Ash: had a rough night sleeping but woke up and was still sad  I miss her, But I am happy to be home. I am thankful for all my Pokemon; they are here for me, like that one time with Charmander, Squirtle, Bulublesore, and Pidgeotto. I remember it was snowing and I got separated from Misty and Brock and I found a cave and stayed there for the night. I wanted to keep everyone in their Pokeballs. But they came out to keep me compy and I could not say no. so that night we all were cold together. I did not feel cold because I had my friends there for me no matter what and they help me through tough times, Esipaly Pikachu. We might have started together and were not the best but after a while, we came friends and he is my number 1 partner. hugs Pikachu and smiles I love you Pikachu he whispers in his ear says while he is sleeping
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika still asleep but heard everything he said and feels the hug and smiles 
Ash: after saying all of that he felt better and falls back asleep happy and hoping Serina is ok because the brake thing for her to stay was his Idea.
with Serina

Serina: also having a hard time sleeping I miss him and I wonder how he is. I am guessing he is having a hard time sleeping as well. I remember the first time meeting him when I was 6. It was at summer camp. I was running and I don't remember from what. But I remember I tripped and hurt my knee and he was running through chasing a Pokemon. He stopped when he saw me and treated my knee. I was thankful he did that. Then after he took me home with him and we spent the night together when we were kids. My mom and his mom came friends. Then when I first started my journey He was there with me from his first gym battle and on. He is a person who I look up to. I had Fenkian back them. But now she has evolved into Braixen and I could not be happier. Ash has been there with all my ups and downs but He has been through all of them with me. I am happy Braixen is here with me. She has helped me through a lot. hugs Braixen and falls back asleep
Braixen: Brai brai hears her say all that and feels the hug and smiles in her sleep
7 Am
Delia: Up and making Ash his favorite breakfast for him to make up for last night's science he was not in a bright mood and understood and have a feeling that food might help him.
1 hour later
Ash: smells the food his mom made and gets dressed and goes down still half asleep from the night before, even though he was able to get back to sleep
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika sees he is a little better and joins him
Ash: Good morning Pikachu. Thanks for being here for me no matter what. You help me through a lot of my downtimes, Like last night after I was up in the middle of the night. I knew you were asleep but I had a feeling you could hear me.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika smiles and says I am here no matter what

Delia: Good morning dear, How was your sleep?
Ash: It was ok I had a hard time sleeping because I was thinking too much. I miss Serina.
Delia: I furied what was wrong last night. I just never saw you upset and sad.
Ash: You always future out what is wrong. And Thanks for giving me space last night I just wanted to be alone.
Delia: You're welcome, I knew you wanted to be alone and it helped you cheer up a little.
Ash: Yes it did. I just had a hard time sleeping that is all.
Delia: Yep but you should eat something since you have not eaten since lunch yesterday.
Ash: Alright, and I am party hungry does that
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika eats also but sees his trainer is tired so I know don't misbehave
Delia: thinks if he is eating he must be feeling a little better but he looks really tired so looks like a slow day
With Serina
Grace: made her favorite food the way she likes it
Sylveon: Syl Syl awake and goes out there
Grace: Good morning Sylveon, am I not wrong she had a hard time sleeping last night because she misses Ash?
Sylveon: Syl Syl nodes in agreement with that statement and also what she said in the middle of the night
Grace: She does care a lot about her Pokemon and him. He had helped her. And now they are a couple. She is growing up so fast. Will you wake her for me? Breakfast is almost ready and it is her favorite.
Sylveon: slv slv agrees and does that
Serina: For real my favorite? says while getting ready and half asleep
Sylveon: Slv slv Yep and let's go.
Grace: good morning sweetie sleep well?
Serina: Good morning Mom and no I had a hard time because I miss Ash and my Pokemon helped a little but not fully.
Grace: Maybe you can call him later, I have a feeling he hardly got sleep also.
Serina: You sure?
Grace: Yes, but let's wait till after lunch so he has time with his mom.
Serina: Yay and understandable when he left he was crying and I felt bad but he wanted me to spend time with you for the holidays.
Grace: Yep, I think he made the right choice. I heard he wasn't like this when he first started.
Serina: Yeah and I am glad he deceived this. I was up in the middle of the night thinking about my journey when he came to Kalos for the first time and when we were 6.
Grace: He was the one who helped you right?
Serina: Yes. and after that, I started developing a crush on him. But after he came a Champion he admitted his feelings for me. I heard when he was in Alhoa he would drive them crazy talking about me none stop. It just felt like he was missing something in his life.
Grace: Chuckles a little  Yeah, and makes since you miss him you helped you get started on your journey.
Serina: Yeah, and thanks for the breakfast
Grace: You're welcome if you want you can take a nap you look ready to fall asleep any time.
Serina: You sure? You don't need help with the chores?
Grace: Yes I am sure, you are in no shape to help anyway. I don't want you hurt. I will watch the Pokemon
Braxien, Panchum, Sylveon: encoders her to rest and Braixen, I am glad you chose me.
Serina: I think I will sleep the pokemon are telling me to do so.
Grace: I know they care about you. And want you have you heatly and well.
Serina: ok goes to lay down and falls asleep right away.
With Ash
Deila: If you want I can watch Pikachu or he could go play with the others while you rest you look like you are half asleep.
Ash: I am fine hides a yawn
Pikachu&Delia: No you are not.
Ash: Yes I am yawns big
Delia: No you are not 
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika orders him to rest he is not at his best right now and can tell that by the way he is acting
Deila: listen to Pikchu he wants you to rest.
Ash: Alright, I am pretty tired. yawns big and falls asleep right away
3 hours later
Ash: wakes up feeling much better and has a hunch they need Greennijia back so gets ready for that That was a great nap I fell like my normal self again. But I still miss her.
Deila: How are you feeling?
Ash: So much better, I feel like my normal self again.
Deila: I furged you needed that sleep. Aslo pikachu Whent to go play with the other pokemon an hour ago. I am guessing he will be happy to see you better.
Ash: Yes, I was also on my way to see if they could send Greennigia back to Kalos.
Deila: Then when you come back you can call Serina. I talked to her mom about it and she thought it was a great idea.
Ash: Yay, I will be right back.
Deila: Ok
Ash: runs all the way there
At the lab
Proferser Oak: chating to him and he aslo asks if they could send greeninnija back
Gary: We have to wait to see if Ash is better.
Proferser Syickmore: Alright.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pops up
Ash: gets there walking
Proferser Oak: Hi Ash, How are you?
Ash: Had a rough start today but I am all better.
Proferser Oak: Great to hear. Also they need Greennijia back so could we do that?
Ash: Yes that is what I exactly came here to do. hands the ball to him
Proferser Oak: Thanks and also Pikachu and Gary are outside if you want to join.
Ash: Of course I want to join.
Proferser Oak:Exlant, Go have fun.
Ash: I will
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika hears him and he is happy
Gary: There is the Ash all happy agin, How are you felling?
Ash: I still miss her but better after a nap. I had a rough night and barley slept.
Gary: That is good you where able to get some sleep.
Ash: yep Pikachu told me to and my mom after not admitting it. But I glad I listened to pikachu.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika nodes and I am glad and hops the shoulder
Ash: smiles while petting him
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika makes happy noices
Gary: smiles I guess you going to play with the pokemon for a little while
Ash: Yes I have not done that in a while.
Gary: That is what I thought, have fun
Ash: I will plays with them all
with Serina
Grace: How do you fell?
Serina: Much better Thanks for watching the pokemon for me.
Grace: You're welcome they where not much trouble just pratice outside.
Serina: That is them and good they where no trouble.
Grace: You trained them well.Serina: I know, Could I call Ash now?
Grace: let's try after dinner.
Serina: Alright, knowing him he wants time to play with the pokemon.
Grace: You know him well.
Serina: Yep. I will go play with them. I haven't in a while goes to play with them until dinner
After dinner
Grace: ReadySerina?
Serina: Yes I can't wait
Grace: I had a felling you are
With Ash
Delia: Ash You ready?
Ash: Yes of corse.
Ash&Serina: chats for a few hours
Delia&Grace: Smiles in the background
Serina: This is a lot of fun but I have to help my mom now.
Ash: I understand we should do this agin. I think christmas is the next time.
Serina: Yeah I love you.
Ash: I love you to sleep well tonight.
Serina: I love you to and same to you.
Ash: hangs up
Delia: You look way happier.
Ash: Yep but somehow I am still tired
Delia: You had an emotional day I hope you can sleep tonight.
Ash: Me to but thanks mom for that surprise.
Delia: Your welcome.
Ash:I should head to bed before I fall asleep again.
Dilea: Alright have a good night.
Ash: good night, Pikachu
Pikachu: pika pika pika yawns and heads up with him
With Serina
Serina: Do you think we can go to Kanto for a week before school starts back up?
Grace: I don't see why not You guys get to reunite and I can explore.
Serina: Yay maybe the week after Cristmas?
Grace: Sure, and let's not tell Ash
Serina: he does not do well with surprise, but yeah.
Grace: Maybe he might like this one it is his girlfriend.
Serina: True and let's do it.Grace: Yeah.
Serina: I should get to bed
Grace:Good night sweetie
Serina: Good night mom heads to bed and falls asleep

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