Chapter 15

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Christmas Day
With Ash
8 Am
Ash: still fast asleep
Deila: getting stuff ready for the dinner for the holiday
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika asleep next to his trainer and happy
With Serina
Serina: up and volunteered to help in the kitchen so her mom can sleep in since she does so much for her.
Braixen&Panchu&Slyveon: helping her so she can be done soner and she can get some sleep while waiting for her mom
Serina: Thanks guys you helped me a lot but I should get some sleep I am tired still.
Braixen&Panchu&Slyveon:nodes in agrement
Serina: goes back to sleep
few hours Later 10 Am
With Ash
Ash: still fast asleep
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika Trying to wake him up but having no luck and heads down to wait for him
Delia: Good morning Pikachu, He is still fast asleep?
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika says Good morning and Yes he is still asleep, I even tried to wake him up
Deila: That is ok let's give him another hour, If he is not up by then wake him up. He usually does not like it but sometimes you have to wake him up by force.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika pika agres and waits just in case
30 minutes later
Ash: wakes up and gets ready wow I slept late this morning and it felt good I must have been tired.
Deila: Good morning Ash you slept long today.
Ash: Good morning, I did I must have been tired today. I don't know why. Maybe I was just tired from the battles and school.
Deila: Yep. Let's open presents We have been waiting.
Ash: There is one I got and asked to wait to open it with Serina. I want to call her if she is awake.
Deila: Sure, I don't mind but let's wait a little before we do, but in the meantime let's open ours first.
Ash: Alright says while petting Pikachu
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika happy and making happy sounds
With Serina
Grace: wakes up and sees that she prepared everything for her and did her chores so she could sleep in Aww she is so sweet she got up to help me out. Before going back to sleep.
Serina: wakes up and gets dressed and grabs the present Ash got her so she and goes out to join her mom and Pokemon Good morning Mom and Mary Christmas
Grace: Good morning and Mary Christmas, Thanks for helping me prep and doing the chores for me.
Serina: You're welcome It was a present for you.
Grace: I furied since you did it without me asking.
Serina: Yep, Could we call Ash? I want to open his present with him, It would mean a lot to me.
Grace: Sure, I think he is awake.
Serina: Knowing him well I am guessing he just woke up so I might give him some time to wake up. When he does not have the time he is not there all the way.
Grace: You are so polite and know him well.
Serina: Yep feeds her Pokemon some special food for them I made this for you guys.
Braixen&Panchu&Slyveon: eats and smiles thanks.
Serina: You're welcome you guys helped me a lot.
an hour later
Ash: I think it is time.
Deila: I agree.
with Serina
Serina: Yay it is time
Grace: Yep
Serina&Ash: talking and they both love their present
Ash: I love it and there is even something for Pikachu.
Serina: Yep I knew you would and I couldn't forget Pikachu.
Ash: of course, You know me well.
Serina: yep
Ash: you should open yours.
Serina: Yes, opens and sees there is a ribbon like the one he gave her in her journey and some special treats he made for the Pokemon
Serina: This reminds me of the ribbon you gave me when I was starting out. I love it.
Ash: I am glad you do, and how does the Pokemon like the treats?
Braixen&Panchu&Slyveon: eats them and smiles and hops up to join her
Serina: They love them, You have become a great cook.
Ash: It has to do with the cooking class I am taking.
Serina: yep, and you have improved a lot.
Ash: yep. I wish you could be here for new years.
Serina: he has no clue I am coming yes Me too but we will get through it together
Ash: I know we will. Like I said once "When in doubt give it a try".
Serina: I told someone that line and she gave performing a try.
Ash: Who was it?
Serina: Cloile, I think you were in town that day but you were wanting to watch her but you were stopped and couldn't no matter what you did by a person battling you.
Ash: That is right, If I hadn't done that battle I would and I would see you too. But we did get to talk for a few minutes and I was a little sad it was not longer.
Serina: Me too, I wanted to catch up so much.
Ash: me too. I should go I want to play with Pikachu a little he is starting to get a little restless.
Serina: alright be safe.
Ash: I will.
after that
with Serina
Serina: He has no idea about next week we are surprising him.
Grace: I heard, I can't wait. Looking at the information looks like we are going to get there late like 1 or 2 am there. Or 5 am.
Serina: The middle of the night sounds more fun and he will be surprised will be a good one. Maybe I can sneak into the same bed as him?
Grace: I think I can talk to his mom about that. But I have a feeling that will be ok.
Serina: Alright. But Sad it is my last week of break so I will have to stay behind.
Grace: I will manage getting home, Staying with them is covenant.
Serina: Yeah. I am glad I thought of that. I even have plans to kiss him on New Year's Eve.
Grace: I furied. I know he will be happy. He loves you a lot and Pokemon. He puts each other first before himself.
Serina: Yeah That is one thing I love about him. I also love he is a leader. He helped me big time.
Grace: Yep.
A week later
Serina: I can't wait to see his face.
Grace: I have a feeling he will be surprised.
Serina: Yeah, he does not know. I miss him but Talking to him helped.
Grace: Yeah he will be happy to see you.
Braixen&Panchu&Slyveon: nodes in happiness
Serina: That means the Pokemon will have to go in their Poke balls until we get there.
Grace: Yeah but you will do with it.
Serina: Yeah but I want them safe. But the good thing is I can carry them.
Grace That is true. We should go there
Serina: Right calls her Pokemon to their Pokeballs.
heads on their way to Kanto
with Ash
Ash: I think I will head to bed now, Love you, Mom.
Delia: Love you too, I will be staying up a little longer.
Ash: Alright be careful and safe.
Delia: I will. thinks he is going to have a nice surprise in the morning
1 Am
Serina: This is their place, calls out her Pokemon
Grace: smiles
Delia: Welcome, Nice to finally meet you, Serina. I heard so much about you from him.
Serina: Nice to meet you too. This is Sylvon, Panchum,Braxien
Delia: They look so well-trained.
Serina: Yep Ash helped me with tips.
Deila: Yeah and if you want you can sneak into his room and sleep with him if you want.
Grace: It is up to you. I don't mind.
Serina: Thank you I will take up the offer
Deila: I furied but just be quiet.
Serina: I will but We know once he is asleep he is asleep.
Deila: Yeah but be extra quiet for Pikachu.
Serina: I will be careful.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika hears voices and goes to check it out sleepy and after seeing who it gets all happy
Serina: Hi Pikachu, pets him
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika has a big smile on his face but is still really tired
Serina: Pikachu Will you show me where he sleeps?
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika confused but puts two and two together and smiles and nodes
Deila: Looks like he has it covered Have a good sleep and be careful he tends to sleep in many different ways.
Serina: I know.
Delia: Ok have a good night, sleep well.
Serina: I will, Braixen,Sylveon,Panchum come on.
Braixen&Panchu&Slyveon: nodes and flows
Serina: Changes and craws into bed with Ash without knowing and falls asleep
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika gets back to where he was sleeping and craws into a ball like he was before.
New Year's Eve
7 Am
Serina&Ash: Still fast asleep together and the Pokemon are asleep together
30 minutes Later
Braixen&panchum: wakes up and deices to go downstairs to talk so they don't wake anyone
Pikachu&Sylveon: Still asleep by their trainers
3 hours later 10:30 am
Ash: wakes up and notices that there is someone next to him and sees Sylveon and gets happy, but lets her sleep a little longer
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika wakes up and sees his face and also gets happy because of his surprise and loves it
Ash: Good morning Pikachu, I am so happy this morning whispers to him
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika happy that he is happy
Ash: gets ready but instead of heading down he crawls back into the bed awake so she can see his face
Sylveon: Slv slv slv wakes up and sees that they are happy and wakes Serina
Ash: Good morning Serina.
Serina: Smiles when he heard that Good Moring Ash.
 Ash: When did you get here?
Serina: like 1 in the morning.
Ash: This was a great surprise, I am happy you are here. kisses her on the cheek
Serina: Me too kisses him back.
Ash: I love you
Serina: I love you too.
Ash: I will leave so you can get dressed.
Serina: Will do
Ash: come on Pikachu and Sylveon
Pikachu:Pika pika pika pika
 Sylveon: slv slv slv slv
 Serina: does that after he left
Delia: Good Moring Ash.
Ash: Good morning Mom.
Grace: Good morning Ash
Ash: Good morning.
Deila: You are in a great mood this morning.
Ash: yes I am Serina surprised me this made me super happy.
Grace: We fuired and I am glad you love it.
Delia: Me too That is why I was up so late.
Ash: Thank you Mom crying happy tears while hugging her
Deila: You're welcome smiles and hugs him back
Serina: comes down and hugs her mom and is also super happy I am glad we did this.
Grace: hugs back Me too sweetie.
Braxien&Sylveon&Panchum&Pikachu: goes awwwwww and does a group hug of their own
Deila: Ash doesn't forget you said you could help Gary with the Pokemon this morning.
Ash: Right, Serina want to join me?
Serina: Sure and the Pokemon can come also.
Ash: Alright Pikachu helps all the time.
Serina: Ok let's go.
Ash: Ok.
Serina: race yeah
Ash: oh your on
Ash&Serina: race there
Gary: sees Ash and is glad he is coming to help
Ash: beat you and That was a lot of fun.
Serina: Like old times in Kalos.
Ash: Yeah
Gary: I was not expecting to see Serina until next week.
Serina: I really wanted to spend time with him so I came a week early.
Gary: Makes sense.
Serina: Yep and made him so happy this morning.
Ash: yep it was a great surprise.
Gray&Ash&Serina: feeds all the Pokemon
Gary: That was way faster thanks for the help
Serina&Ash: You're welcome.
later at 11:50 pm
Ash: I am glad I am bringing the new year with you.
Serina: me too that is a reason why I wanted to come a week early.
Ash: I am glad also and looks like your moms get along well.
Serina: me too
Ash: It is now midnight kisses her on the cheek and blushes and smiles
Serina: Yep kisses him back and also blushes and smiles
Deila&Grace: smiles
Serina: smiles This was a good way to start the year.
Ash: I agree smiles
Serina:  holds hands with him and smiles
Serina&Ash: head up to bed after that because they were tired and fall asleep with their Pokemon pals

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