Chapter 8 (part 1)

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a few weeks before winter break
Ash: has been struggling with homework,Battles that everyone wants to do with him (they know they would lose) and his friends also.
Serina: Has been doing well for her and has helped with a few classes for performing
Gary: *helps teach a research class that wants to study Pokémon after they finish school*
Ash: Why is this all hard? Why does everyone want to battle me even though they probably will lose. But the fun part of them is just the battle no matter what. But I also have not been able to sleep well and that is starting to affect me. And If I don't get this done and sleep tonight I won't be able to make it to see my other Pokémon friends tomorrow.
Pikachu: pika pika pika helping him staying calm
Ash: Thanks Pikachu you have helped me hugs him
Pikachu: pika pika pika happy and your welcome
Serina: there helping him I know it has been hard for you, I want you to secede. Come on, we only have one question left. while helping him with homework
Ash: True it is one I understand does it right on the first try
Serina: thinks making into something he is into is helping him
Ash: That is the last of the homework
Serina: *looks at the Clock and sees it was 9:00pm* I think we should head to bed we have a long day tomorrow and I heard there is a group coming to see the professor and Knowing you said yes to help them practice with their battles.
Ash: Yes that is why I need sleep and I have a big project in my class tomorrow morning so I might be a little late. Lucky I kept Charizard just in case.
Serina: That is good, get some sleep, if you are not up before I leave I will wake you.
Ash: Alright, Good night love you.
Serina: Good night, love you too.
Ash: gets ready for bed and passes out right away after putting his alarm across the room
Gary: How is he doing today?
Serina: I helped him from freaking out, I think without your help and support he would lose it and he is now sleeping.
Gary: Good he is resting now, I just hope he does better tomorrow.
Serina: Me to one of the things he is helping with is teaching about battles and there is one Pokémon coming tomorrow and he tends to get tired. Mostly because it is a special bond between them.
Gary: That will be interesting but I am tired. I am going to bed.
Serina: Me too.
Next day
Ash: As Usual he sleeps through his first alarm and his class starts at 9am but prefers being up 2 hours early
Serina: wakes up knowing her class starts at 9am also but likes having the extra time to have the quiet and get the Pokémon all brushed and ready for the day
Gary: already up and gets ready for the class he is helping out with in the morning before he joins the others for the afternoon and going to be at the lab all day
One hour later
Pikachu: hears and trys to wake Ash the normal nudge but he doesn't respond to it
Ash: still sleeping
Pikachu: gets annoyed and uses Thunderbolt on him
Ash: Ahhhhhhhhhhh gets woken up and gets ready for the day really quickly and doing the same to Pikachu
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika Happy to get a good brushing even it was quick one
Ash: Sorry Pikachu I was extra tired last night and didn't hear my first alarm and I didn't hear the second one but thanks to you I was able to wake up in time.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika It is ok at least you had me to help you wake up
Ash: Thank you for helping me out looks at the time and realizes she is running late, 30 minutes till his Class. Ahhh class starts in 30 minutes rushes outside while grabbing something to eat and runs to class after remembering to grab his other Pokémon especially Charizard because he has a feeling his first class is going to go over and to be a little late to his second class and the last one.
Serina: thinks he is in a huge rush to not say good morning to her and kissing her on cheek
Gary: already off helping at the lab all day
At the lab
Professor Oks: Gary meet professor Sycamore and Alain
professor Sycamore: Nice to meet you trying to hide a pokeball
Alain: Same
Gary: Nice to meet you guys.
Professor Oks: sees the ball Is that a Pokémon of Ash's?
professor Sycamore: Yes it is Greennija, Ash has a special bond with it. That is part of the reason I brought Alain is he helps bring it out of them.
Professor Oks: What is it?
professor Sycamore: You will have to wait to see. But only waring I see him do it before, It makes Ash really tired and it takes a lot of him.
Alain: I remember the first time we where battling and he couldn't move and passed out.
Gary: So that is what he was talking about last night.
Alain: So you did warn you guys.
Gary: Yeah. I have a feeling he might be a little late for the battle part because his class is doing a big project and this is a class he has fun in.
professor Sycamore: I furigerd so that is why we agreed on doing the battle last at the end.
Alain: Same
Gary: Also please don't have all the attention on him when he comes.
Professor Sycamore,Alain: Why?
Gary: He tends to freeze up.
professor Sycamore,Alina: What happens when he does?
Gary: He just needs space and a quiet space and a few minutes.
Alina: Now thinking about how he did that a lot with me at battle.
Gary: So you know
Alina: Yeah
professor Oks: ready guys? Here they come. And of course it is Serina first and a little early.
Alina,professor Sycamore: Yes and we can't wait to teach them and Battle Ash at the end.
Serina comes first
Serina: Hi Guys
Alina,professor Sycamore: Hi Serina long time no see brings out her Pokémon
Professor Sycamore:Looks like you are treating all your Pokémon with Great care.
Serina: Yep I brush them Everyday and keep them healthy and strong.
Professor Sycamore: That is good, keep taking great care of them.
Serina: Will do, also no news from Ash?
professor Oks: Just did he is going to run a little late. But luckily he has Charizard so if he is Late he can get here fast.
Serina: That is great he loves these days because of his other Pokémon also.
professor Oks: Yep
Serina: also sees the ball Is that who I think it is?
Professor Sycamore: Yep
Serina: I hope the battle happens at the end because you know what happens to him.
Alina: Yep we agreed to do it at the end.
Professor Oks: Serina, If anything happens to Ash can you and Gary help him?
Professor Oks: If plan A goes wrong we can send him a few of his Pokémon to help. And I hope it is not bad because knowing him he wants to battle.
Serina,Gary: Yeah other than battling he loves Pokémon.
Professor Sycamore: Here serina here is one of his Pokémon that has a bond together.
Serina:Why are you giving me this?
Professor Sycamore: Just in case.
Serina: Ok
Gary: I can't wait to see the Pokémon it is.
Professor Sycamore: You will like it
Gary: Ok.
Professor Oks: Yep I should get class Started before all the others start to listen in between us.
Serina,Gary: right.
With Ash
Ash: Working hard on his project and doesn't stop until the teacher wraps up
Teacher: looks at the class and it says 10am and realizes she went over. I am so sorry guys I got busy and we went over so class Dismissed.
Ash: Sees Pikachu laying at his feet and gently wakes him up all the sudden feels a really strong bond and wonders what he is doing here?Pikachu, we should get going. We don't want to be any later than we are.
Pikachu:Pika pika pika *Happy to be able see his friends in a few minutes*
Ash:*heads outside and calls out Charizard*
Charizard: *lets out a big roar and a flame thrower on him*
Ash: Crarzard, Can you help me get to the lab?
Charizard: Roar Roar *agrees and let's him clim on and starts flying there

I am so sorry I have to do this as a Part1 and a part 2 because I don't want it to turn into a really long chapter

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