Chapter 21

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Ash and his friends were sleeping in because and there was no class for the day, they were exhausted from the night and now they are having battles after his friends joined him.
Ash: Has been battling and now battling with Lycanroc vs Turtonator and Ash uses Continental Crush and wins
Kiawe: Good match Ash I had a lot of fun as well.
Ash: Me to and I got to use the Z moves that aren't used with Pikachu.
Classmate: Wait Pikachu can use other moves then 10 million ?
Ash: yes, He can use Breakneck Blitz, Corkscrew Crash, and the Z move made just for us.
Gary: Ash, Ready for our battle?
Ash: Yes, Let's do this.
Gary: Alright calls out Blastoise
Ash: Pikachu I chose you.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika ready to battle
Gary: Your first partners, brings back memories
Ash: Right, Now use Thunderbolt
Pikachu: pika pika uses the move
Gary: Doge and use Water gun
does that
Ash: Pikachu Doge and use quick attack
Ash: pika pika does that and hits him
Gary: Yep like old times now use Hydro pump
Blastoise: blas blas does that
Ash: Yep, Pikachu doge and use thunderbolt
Pikachu: pika pika uses it and hits him
Blastoise: Blas Blas gets knocked off balance
Gary: You definitely grew from Johto
Ash: Yep I want to keep my title of champion I train every day, Now use Electro web
Pikachu: pika pika pika uses it
Blastoise: Blas Blas trapped by it
Ash: now Iron tail.
Pikachu: pika pika does that and knocks him out
Blastoise: Blas Blas knocked out
Gary: Good battle I am not sad I lost. I had fun.
Ash: Me to it was a lot of fun.
Serina: What do you mean "your first partner's"
Professor Oak: tells them the story how it happened on that day
Serina: So, Pikachu is Ash's first Pokémon?
Ash: Yep, and ever since we have been together a lot and together.
Pikachu: pika pika pika smiles
Lycanroc: ruff ruff rubs his head on him
Rowlet: sits on his head happy
Toracat: meow meow also rubs on him
Meltan: hugs him
Ash: Ok ok I love you to says smiling
Hours later
Ash: Serina There is one last place I would like to show you, it is my favorite my favorite place on this island.
Serina: Sure will you take me?
Ash: Sure.
Pikachu: pika pika the way he is talking he knows that they want to be alone and tells the others
Ash: Come on Serina Let's go
Serina: Alright.
Ash: leads her to his favorite place on the island
Serina: gets there wow this place is super pretty.
Ash: I know I love watching the sunset here when I need a break.
Serina: Oh.
Ash: Yep, you know the name Gary called me yesterday there was a reason why I asked you to never call me that. It is I Hate that name. That name drives me crazy. It just makes me angry. I know he is just joking but it still makes me angry. And sometimes it just makes me start overthinking and makes me lose focus on battles or training. It is just makes he angry, so that is sometimes why I ran off sometimes without saying anything to help me not to lose it in front of people.
Serina: Oh, I am sorry to hear that. I am glad you told me the reason why you left without saying anything yesterday. I am the same way but with Minette. Every time she would try to hit on you or make fun of me for having a crush on you, I would hide it at the time, but I was angry from all that is why sometimes when I am like that it makes my Pokémon worried about me.
Ash: Yeah, I rember but she finally got the pay back and it reminds me of a way some people I used to travel with.
Serina: Oh?
Ash: I haven't told you yet. There are 2 people I used to travel with. One was and his name is Brock obsessed with pretty girls and would crush on them. Then my other friend who is a gym leader every time that happens, he would pull his ear and drag him away. I would always hide it, but it was funny. But sometimes I would be embarrassed and be like "those are my friends". So, when it happens to him, I don't find it funny. But after Mennite had that I was laughing hard. But every time it happens to my friends, I find it a little funny.
Serina: I am glad you told me this. I am glad you trust me with that information. I never knew the history of why you never wanted me to call that name. I am glad you did. I know it is hard for you to open. You are strong, brave, and kind and a leader. I love that part of you. I am glad you are opening to me. It means a lot to me. I also love that you don't give up until the very end. I am glad I am your girlfriend. You are always cute no matter what. I am glad you told me the reason why sometimes you leave your Pokémon back and I learned that is when that happens, something made you angry or upset and you just need a break.
Ash: Yeah I love battling but sometimes it is to hard on me and when people keep asking or bug me when I have to do something over and over it is just makes me angry.
Serina: I know, I learned that lesson before when I was traveling with you.
Ash: Yeah, I have a felling when I get back everyone is going to want to battle me. I hope I don't overdo it. I know when to stop but still. I am glad I told you all this, I have changed a lot when I first started.
Serina: Yep. I am glad also kisses him on the lips
Ash: surprised kisses her back on the lips
Serina: I did not mean to do that.
Ash: Don't worry I loved it kisses her again and blushes
Serina: does it back and blushes as well I am glad no one can see us here.
Ash: me to. We probley should get back I don't want to be out when it is dark.
Serina: we probably should. We have to get up early tomorrow to go home.
Ash: Right, I am a little afraid to see how many people requested to battle me. I hope it is not too many.
Serina: Me to I know you like your time alone.
Ash: yep, thinks I have a feeling I might overdo it
with the Pokémon
Pikachu: Pika pika I hope they get back soon, I miss him.
Braixen: Brai brai Me to but we know how important they have time alone.
Pancham: pan pan I agree when they have the alone time, they are happier.
Pikachu: pika pika True they are happier, he has changed.
Toracat: meow meow Me to, he has changed from when he was going to school to know.
Lycanroc: ruff ruff Yep
Sylveon: slv slv When Serina is happy I can feel it.
after they get back
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika sees him and runs to him
Ash: Hi Pikachu I can tell you missed me.
Pikachu: pika pika pika smiles
Ash: I am happy to see you also. pets him
Pikachu: pika pika pika makes happy noises
Serina: looks like our Pokémon missed us
Ash: Yep, and especially Pikachu just look how happy and fast he was.
Serina: Yep, I am tired.
Ash: Me to.
Serina: good night honey I love you. falls asleep with Pikachu
Ash: Good night sweetie I love you to falls asleep
Next day
Ash: up and ready while Serina was just waking up Good morning sweetie How did you sleep?
Serina: gets ready Good morning honey, I slept good how about you?
Ash: I slept good, Ready to battle people when we get back. I really hope it is not too many.
Serina: Me to for your sake.
Ash: Yep, and I hope I can sleep I have 2 days before the midterm for one of my classes. And I need to meet up with Dawn to discuss what we are doing before that.
Serina: oh, I hope you don't over do it.
Ash: me to. Lucky, I talked to the teacher, and she passed me because I was here when Mallow was teaching, she gave me extra points.
Serina: yep, at least you give it your all.
Ash: yep.
they get back to the school
Ash: gets back and sees 19 people wants to battle him Looks I might over do it. Great mumbles under his breath I don't have enough energy to do so
Gary: sees him not happy If you want, I can take some? It has been a while I battle others.
Ash: You would do that for me?
Gary: Yes, I have a felling you might over do it if you take them all.
Ash: Thank you, You are helping me a bunch.
Gary: you have something else to do first you should go get ready for that.
Ash: Right, takes a quick shower and changes and goes to meet up with Dawn
Dawn: What took you so long?
Ash: we just got back and I found out 19 people want to battle me but Gary is taking a few so then I showered and now I am here.
Dawn: Alright, and for the midterm she said there was going to be people coming to judge and she will send out an Email on who is coming today or announcement it in class tomorrow.
Ash: Alright, What should we do?
Dawn: I had been looking at 2. They are the ones Brock made for us a lot in Sinno.
Ash: Alright, looks at the 2 The second one looks good.
Dawn: That was the one I was thinking as well. We should do that one.
Ash: Alright how are we on the group project?
Dawn: We are done except one last little detail you need to add on yours. shows him
Ash: Ok does that really quick.
Dawn: We are official done with the project besides precenting it.
Ash: Alright, Am I good to go? I am running a little late.
Dawn: Yes, and thanks for meeting with me really quick.
Ash: You're welcome runs and sees all 19 people are waiting but he wants to warm up first
19 People: can you battle now?
Ash: Please give me a few minutes I need to get warmed up.
Gary: Ash go ahead I will take some.
Ash: Thanks Gary.
Gary: You're welcome.
19 people: we want to all battle him, but we can see them tired.
Gary: Now who wants to battle now?
10 People: We do.
Gary: Alright, now give him a few minutes he is almost ready.
9 people: Alright.
Gary: heads out there and sees As You about ready?
Ash: Yep, and thanks for taking some it is going to help me big time.
Gary: You're welcome now get there waiting.
Ash: right, good luck.
Gary: you will need it for one Paul is one your battling.
Ash: not him, but he is last.
Gary: Yep, but I have a felling you can beet him.
Ash: yep I have to bring out my full power.
Gary: yep
10 people: can we please start?
Gary: Yes, See you Ash.
Ash: Alright, see yeah.
they both the people and Dawn sees one of Ash's chandlers and decides to watch him
Ash: on his last person and I thinks I beaten him twice so I can do it
Gary: done with his people and goes to join Serina and Dawn
Serina: Hey Gary good job.
Gary: Thanks.
Serina: You helped him big time if you look at Ash he is tired.
Dawn: Yep.
Gary: Yep, I knew that was going to be like that so I took some to help.
Serina&Dawn: yep, he just got back.
Serina: Yep, After this battle he is going to bed no what he is tired.
Dawn&Gary: Yep when he is tired he is not happy. Like right now with Pual.
Pual: giving him a hard time
Ash: angry and commands his last Pokémon to battle and wins
Paul: not surprised he lost Ash is the strongest and walks out without saying anything
Dawn: That's Paul the quiet type.
Gary: yep at least Ash did not take it personal.
Serina: Yep.
Ash: That is everyone, Thanks Gary you helped and I did not push myself to much. hides a yawn
Gary: You're welcome and now get some sleep you need it.
Dawn&Serina: You need it
Ash: alright I will I am tired. And so, is my Pokémon.
Serina: I land out food for the Pokémon because if I did not, they probably not eat. so, if they want to eat, they can.
Ash: alright and thanks.
Serina: Your welcome.
Ash: heads back to his room ate and goes straight to bed
Dawn: Right, I was going to have meet up before class but after tonight he needs to sleep in a little.
Serina: great idea, he needs it. He was up early then took on 9 full battles and did not want to do Paul, but he did.
Gary: Yep, he does not like him one bit.
Serina: oh?
Dawn&Gary: tells her the full story
Serina: Makes since. Now I am going to bed I need for teaching tomorrow.
Dawn: Alright me to come on Piplup let's go.
Piplup: pip pip flows
Gary: heads to bed as well.

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