Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Next day

5 Am
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika the first one up and is trapped in his owner's arms and can't get out and does not dare to use his move on him because the trainer is exhausted and up early and still worried about his trainer about yesterday
Unberon: un un un un awake and just chatting with Pikachu to help keep him calm and not freaking out
Sylveon: Syl Syl This is common for him. I saw this happen once in the past when he was in Kalos and when they were figuring out how it happens, There was one time when he was battling and one move made them not be able to move and he clasped to the ground and was knocked out for the afternoon. So it is not as bad as that time.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika pika pika To be honest every time he does that I get worried and scared. I have been with him since day one and that is the scary thing I saw him do. He has jumped off waterfalls, and cliffs, and fallen in holes. But when he can't move without help walking or something like yesterday I get worried about him. I love him no matter what and I want to live as long as he can.
Umbereon&Sylveon hugs him He is going to be ok he just needs sleep, all our trainers need sleep we are up early today.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika smiles Thanks guys you cheered me up.
Ash: says in his sleep Pikachu use Iron tail
Sylveon: Sly Sly Don't you do it Pikachu.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika I know and I can't either way he has me in his arms tight and I learned my lesson many times. He is not happy with me for a whole day and does not want me to sleep with him that night. But usually, when things calm down he apologizes and we move on as if nothing happened.
Sylveon: Syl Sly I've seen it a few times and I agree he does act definitely and we learned to give him space. But sometimes we need to stop him from overthinking. He did that one and it scared all of us.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika pika pika pika pika remember that day and he told me to stay with them and he ran out into the woods and if it was not for Serina He wouldn't be back so soon.
Sylveon: Sly Sly I rember that day. It had all of us scared.
Umbreon: Wow he has been through a lot and Serina might have strong feelings for him
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika Yep and it was not until after the league he had feelings for her. He would not stop talking or thinking about her and it was his friends in Aloha were supportive no matter what. He kinda drove the others crazy about it.
Sylveon: Sly Sly That is a little funny.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika True, I think that he when he started having feeling for her and realized it after he left Khalos.
Sylveon: Sly Sly She had a crush on him science she was 6 after that summer camp.
Few hours later7 Am
Ash: wakes up feeling way better and gets ready for the day sees Pikachu and apologies to him about yesterday
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika forgives him and just to see he is up and happy aging
Ash: Why don't we head down and let them sleep? I am kinda up early because I was out early last night.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika agrees and invites Sylveon and Umbreon to join them.
Sylveon&Umberon: nodes and joins them
Ash: Looks like I will be watching 3 Pokemon, alright they help me a lot so I can help them out.
Gary: wakes up and gets ready and has a feeling Umbreon is with Ash science he is not there as well. And goes to join them

Ash: Good morning, How was your sleep?
Gary: Good morning, My sleep was good, Yours?
Ash: I slept like a log and thanks for helping me last night, That bond takes a lot out of me.
Gary: You're welcome, I care about you I am willing to help you in any way I can.
Ash: Yep and do you want to hear something funny happened yesterday?
Gary: What was it?
Ash: Menite was about to hit me and Srina but her mom came and stopped her.
Gary: Really?
Ash: Yep but she got a telling off on and do you remember Misty and Brock?
Gary: Kinda, Wait don't tell me her mom did the thing Misty does to him?
Ash: Yep, It was so funny.
Gary: laughs a little That is funny.
Ash: and It was payback from a few years ago.
Gary: Well she deftly deserves it.
Ash: yep after trying to hook up on me many many times after I said no she deserved it.
Gary: Yeah when you say no you mean no.
Ash: Yep and we are the first ones awake a rare.
Gary: Yeah and thanks for keeping again for keeping an eye on Umberon.
Ash: You're welcome, You guys do it all the time for me with Pikachu.
Few hours later
Grace: teaching them
Serina: helping her mom teach them
Grace: Why don't you pair up
Serina: Mom is ok if I pair up with Ash?
Grace: I knew you were going to ask so yes.
Serina: Yes and how did you know I was going to ask?
Grace: I know you and whispers I knew you wanted to be with your boyfriend
Serina: Yeah and we can both help. I taught him one time.
Ash: I am willing to help no matter what. I had fun.
Serina: Yeah so did I and it was the first activity we did together.
After all that and at the airport
Gary: Why don't you two take a few moments alone?
Professor Oak: sees what he is talking about and agrees with him
Class: Why?
Gary: I think they want to say goodbye to each other.
Class: Ok
Serina&Ash alone for a little bit
Serina: So this is goodbye for a few weeks. Holding back her tears
Ash: I know but You wanted to spend time with your mom and she did enjoy the time today. hides his tears as well
Serina: I am going to miss you, I will miss seeing your face every day, But I will still think about you nonstop. starts crying
Ash: I will do the same and don't open this till Christmas, It is something I made for you and it is special I made for you and I want to see your reaction when you do. starts to cry
Serina: Same here hand him a box as well
Ash: hugs her and can't stop crying
Grace: It is going to be ok sweetie.
Serina: I know still in tears
Gary: Ash, It is going to be all ok.
Ash: I know but I am going to miss her.
Pikachu&Sylveon: hugging as well they are going to miss each other
Ash: Come on Pikachu It's time to go. says in a sad voice
Pikachu: pika pika pika sad as well but hops on his shoulder and worried for him
After they get back to Kanto
Ash: I just want to go home that might help me and give me space.
Gary: I understand, try to get some sleep that might help you. You just need to be left alone.
Ash: Thanks aging for caring about me no matter what and being supportive of my relationship.
Gary: You're welcome, we might have started off as rivals but know we are friends smiles
Ash: true, But I miss Serina, I think I should get going trying to not cry aging
Gary: go ahead I will check on you tomorrow if that is ok?
Ash: Could it not be tomorrow?
Gary: I understand I will be in town if you need me.
Ash: will do runs home and starts crying agin
Deila: ready to welcome him home but sees him crying and asks what is wrong
Ash: I really want to don't want to talk about it right now. says while crying
Delia: I understand I will be here when you do.
Ash: Alright it might be tomorrow I just want to be alone tonight. I miss Serina my girlfriend starts crying harder
Delia: I understand we can talk about it later. Try to get some sleep That might help.
Ash: I will try runs up to his room crying and manages to fall asleep after a few hours
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika is very worried about him because he hasn't seen him this way since he had to leave Charzard back 
with Serina
Grace: It is ok sweetie, You will see him in a few weeks.
Serina: crying I know but I miss him, is it too much if I ask if I can be alone with my Pokemon?
Grace: Nope I don't mind but I am here if you. Try to get sleep. I love you.
Serina: I will try, I love you, Mom. lets out her Pokemon and updates them
Braixen&Panchum&Sylveon: hugs her
Pikachu&Lurardo&Nobat& Hawlucha&Greennijia: hugging Ash to help him
Ash&Serina: smiles in their sleep thanks to their Pokemon

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