Chapter 25

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5 am
Ash: wakes up and when he looks at the time he is wondering why he is up so early and tries to go back to sleep but fails so he just gets ready Why do I have a feeling that Something is going to go wrong today? I hope I don't run into Paul. I also hate Trip. I don't mind Alain he was bad, but he changed and helped me. he says to himself out loud.
2 hours later
Ash&Pikachu: At the class as soon as Dawn gets there. Good morning Dawn.
Dawn: Good Moring.
Ash: I have been up since 5 am I tried to go back to sleep but I could not. I have a feeling something terrible is going to happen.
Dawn: Maybe that is why you were up early, thinks he has a feeling Pual will be there and he has a bad relationship with him and I will be there to help keep him in line.
Teacher: teaches and starts their final project
pual heads to the lab
Paul: Hello
Professor Oak: Hi Paul what brings you here today?
Paul: I really don't know but I want to learn a little more about Pokémon because I have been Offred to be a gym leader, and I would like to learn a little more about them and you're the best at studying them. And also, What Ash told me last year And I entered the word coronation and right now I'm trying to get into the masters 8. I want to try to beat Ash again.
Professor Oak: Alright, you can go ahead and look around the field outside you will see that some Pokémon have trainers and some we are watching and some That is wild.
Paul: Alright I will go look around.
professor Oak: Ok also I have people coming over soon so if that comes and you're still here be respectful and don't interrupt.
Paul: Alright, I hope I run into Ash I want to tell him the news.
Professor Oak: Alright, I have a feeling he won't be happy to see you.
Paul: Me too just the way I gave him my way of treating Pokémon he argued with me and yeah
Professor Oak: Yep he had respected you but you guys still don't get along.
Paul: Yep.
Serina: there early to help with activities and wonder who that guy is?
Paul: I'm Paul and I am from Sinno I came to do some observation on the Pokémon.
Serina: Nice I'm Serina, Nice to meet you.
Paul: Same.
Gary&Dawn gets there
Dawn: Hi Paul.
Paul: Hi Dawn and Gary
Dawn&Gary: Hi
Paul: standing there
Professor Oak: can I talk to you guys privately for a minute?
Serina&Dawn&Gary: Sure
Dawn: Is this about Ash and Paul?
Professor Oak: Yes Dawn it is.
Serina: What do you mean?
professor Oak: Paul is his biggest rival.
Dawn: I fuired he did not get along at all with him. He would get in arguments all the time.
Serina: I thought that was Alan?
Gary: It is way worse than that.
Professor Oak: That is exactly why I asked Gary to see if Dawn to help us today.
Dawn: Yep and Ash will be in a few minutes he volunteered to stay and clean up.
professor Oak: Ok.
Ash: gets there and sees Paul and is not happy Hi Paul says not happy
Paul: Hi Ash.
Dawn: Looks like Ash is here and right now he is not in a good mood.
Serina: Yeah. What do we do?
Gary: Right now, nothing but let's keep an eye on them.
Serina: Alright. thinks Poor Ash
Ash: talking to him and loses it and they start arguing
Paul: same
Dawn: We step in now.
Gary: Right.
Serina: Ok.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika trying to break them up but no luck
Piplup: Pip pip same
Dawn&Gary: Stop you 2 separating those 2 apart
Ash: still angry and walks away for a little bit
Serina: Should we go after him?
Dawn&Gary: No.
Serina: Why?
Dawn: I tried once and I was stopped by Brock and he told me why, It was for my safety.
Serina: Yeah when he is like this he wants to be alone.
Professor Oak: Yep So let's give him some time alone and to cool down I am glad we were able to get apart before everyone else showed up. You guys are always early.
Serina: Yep.
Gary: Yep.
Dawn: We got done early and I ran into Gary, and we came over together.
Professor Oak: I thought him asking to have Dawn to help was smart.
Gary: I knew something like this was going to happen and Serina Had no idea what to do so I needed a little extra help.
Dawn: I am glad I was free to help. But I hope Ash is ok.
Serina: Me too but knowing him he needs space to cool and calm down.
Professor Oak: Right, Serina, If he is not back during the class can you check on him after the class?
Serina: Will do.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika woired and stays with Serina
Dawn: Pikachu It will be ok He did this once when he lost a full battle against him and while you guys were getting treated he saw how bad you were, I saw him walk out all disappointed, and his pride was hurt. I remember I tried to go after him, but Brock stopped me. Then later that day they captured Pikachu and after all that he was back to normal.
Serina: Wow, That is why he does not like him.
Dawn&Gary: Yep.
Gary: I remember one day he was running after his Pokémon and it hit me in the face and he yelled at me for no reason.
Dawn: That is right before we ran into you he had a battle with him and after he was done we ran into you. That is probably why he yelled at you for no reason.
Gary: I fried he was having a bad day that day.
Dawn: Yep, I knew you were only helping.
Gary: Yep.
with Ash
Ash: I don't like that Paul guy, At least he is better than Trip. Paul, The way he raises his Pokémon is just mean and cruel. His personality I don't like. I also don't like it when people underestimate me at all. He just drives me crazy. I heard he was in 12th place right now and trying to get into the Master 8 and just battle with me. I hope I get to battle him but at the same time, I don't. I just don't get him; It is just so frustrating I wish I could say what I think of him in front of him. I feel bad that Serina had to see that. I am also glad Dawn and Gary were there to help keep me under control. I still don't like it. It is just so frustrating. Also, I was up early, and I was not able to go back to sleep and I was up early and when I am I am more likely to lose it, I am glad no one saw me lose it besides my friends. I love them for supporting me no matter what. Especially Serina My girlfriend and I love that she is there for me no matter what. whispers that part Why am I like that? But I know I am ready to head back. heads back
professor Oak: teaching them about the Pokémon from Sinno and all Ash's Pokémon are helping him
Classmate: Is that all his Pokémon next to you?
Ash: Yes It is all my Pokémon from Sinno.
Classmate: That is so cool.
professor Oak: Yep and the way he trained them is very different from another trainer.
Classmate: Who?
Ash: takes a deep breath Paul had Chimchard and abounded him so I took and raised it all the way to Infrenape used to be him but one day he had abandoned it and it chose to be with me.
Paul: That was because I did not think he was strong enough.
Ash: True.
Classmate: So does he listen to both of you guys?
Ash&Paul: Yep
Classmate: That is cool.
Pikachu: pika pika pika happy to see him and hops on his shouder
Ash: Pikachu, hugs him
Pikachu: pika pika pika happy and smiles
Serina: happy to have Ash back still a little angry but calmed down a lot

After the class
Ash: I just want to be left alone for a little bit I am still a little worked up.
Gary: I can tell you were very quiet today.
Ash: Yeah it was best for me. Serina, will you keep an eye on Pikachu for me?
Serina: Sure thinks he must be alone if he asks me to watch Pikachu
Ash: Thanks walks away to be alone for a while
Gary: I knew he hated Paul but not that bad for him to be alone.
Dawn: I think it was his pride, just the way he was acting yeah.
Serina: Yeah, It happened to him in Kalos as well.
Gary: Yeah.
Dawn: Also he was up early and we know when he is up and can be a little more aerated
Serina: Yeah we should get back.
Dawn&Gary: Ok.
Ash: heads back after cooling down for a while and is tired but he has stuff to do first and without Pikachu He can do it fast
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika playing and still worried for his trainer but thanks to his friends he is distracted and knows when He is ready for him he would come get him

30 minutes Later
Ash: And done I have to show up to classes still but I have all the work done for the year. Now I miss Pikachu, But before I get him I should lay out food, so he eats when he comes back. does that and gets him
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika happy to see him and runs to him and races him back to the room and eats
Ash: I am so tired tonight I had a rough day. I am sorry you had to see me like that Pikachu I am sorry. says before falling asleep
Pikachu: pika pika hopes up next to him smiling and falls asleep

Last day of school
Ash: enjoying the time helping and spending the time with Serina while she packs up I a sad we won't get to see each other much this summer. You with your contests and me with battles and being in two different regions.
Serina: I know but the sad part is that the master class is on the day before the final and I wish I could watch in person, but I can't.
Ash: I am sad about that, but we will support each other no matter what. We are working hard torus our dreams and keep them alive. Good thing we have a week before we have to be busy.
Serina: Yeah but we need it to practice. But We can try our best to call each other every day.
Ash: Let's try that. We have been apart for a few years before but we dealt with it.
Serina: I love you, Ash Ketchum.
Ash: I love you to kisses her on the lips and smiles and helps her finish
Serina: I love you to do the same back
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika goes awwwwwwwwwwww
Sylveon: slv slv same
Pancham: pan pan same
Braixen: Brai Brai same
few months Later
Ash: training with his team to make sure they are ready to battle the people he is teamed up with
announcer: introduces the Master 8 continents Now it is time to see who is battling who. So, the first matches are Paul Vs Korrina, Trip vs Gladdon, Kiawe Vs Cythina, Ash Vs Diantha.
Ash: Thinks I can't wait. This is going to be a lot of fun I cannot wait to start.
announcer: Let's get The battles underway.

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