Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
Note:So for the next 2 or 3 chapters I am planning to have them go back to school.

Ash: I have been thinking about this for a long time and at least a year. I have decided to go back to school. I hope you all understand.
Serina: I do, I also have been thinking about going back for at least two years after Ash left.
Ash: That is so sweet of you. Maybe we can decide on one together?
Serina: I was actually thinking that also. What are you going for?
Ash: I don't know.
Serina: I also don't know.
*they start looking at schools together and making sure they are together*
Ash: I'm glad we did this
Serina: Same, we have all but one class together because we have different personalities. To bad it is far from home but at least we have each other.
Ash: It has been a long time I have been in my home region.
Serina: I can't wait to see it
Ash: I am willing to show you around sometime.
Serina: Yeah.
Bonnie: Are you guys leaving us?
Ash: Yes this is something that we both want to do.
Bonnie: I support you. One thing I ask is that you come to visit from time to time.
Ash&Serina: will do.
Serina: Looks like there is a place where we can live with our Pokémon. It was a school that I was looking at. I'm glad I chose to go.
Ash: I don't know what I would do without Pikachu. He has been with me since the vet began my Journey. He has helped me get through many rough patches of my life and fights I had been in. He has stopped me from doing stuff I would regret later.
Serina: Wow, you went through a lot. I am glad you did stuff that helps the world and chased your dream and completed it.
Ash: *blushes* Thank you.
Serina: *blushes back* you're welcome.
Bonnie: Are you going to move in together?
Serina: I want to but when we looked they were all full.
Ash: That is sad but we found a place that allows us to live in the same building but we have to stay in separate rooms.
Serina: We can always see each other every day.
Ash: That is true. But at least we are on a floor where they allow Pokémon up to 6 per person just in case we want a full 6 on 6.
Seeina: That is good to know if I ever want to battle with you. But we need to make sure we follow the rules.
Ash: True I hope people will understand we need your space. I just don't want people to crowd me. You know I don't do well with them. I don't know why I don't like them.
Serina: Maybe because you are used to either being 3 or 4 people with you at once and you were close.
Ash: Maybe that's why.
2 months later
Bonnie: Do you guys really have to go today?
Ash: Sadly yes I am a little excited to have a room for just me and my Pokémon. I requested it.
Serina: I did the same and Since we did it so early we got them. We can practice your moves without bugging anyone else in the room
Ash: They did mine for privacy. They found out that the Champion was attaining and they did it so I can have space I need. And of course no one is allowed in without permission or not with me.
Serina: I am allowed right?
Ash: Of course you're my girlfriend.
Serina: That is good news.
Ash: Yep.
Serina: should we get going? We have a long way to go?
Ash: Yes I am so excited.

Sorry it is so long, I had a lot to say.

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