Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

10 Am

Ash: Still fast asleep from the night before when he almost passed out in the middle of the battle because he pushed himself when he didn't want to.
Serina: I hope he wakes up soon but I don't blame him he over did It yesterday. I could see him last night he wasn't there fully. I think Meintte made him overdo it. with the begging over and over after he said No. She needs to learn to not mess with him. Because she tried many times to get into a relationship with him many times and he always said no and now with me and I couldn't be happier. says to herself out loud
Gary: Ash is a great friend, He might not like it but he overdid it yesterday. I saw how tired he was during the battle and The Z move was not super full power. I think that is what causes him to be extra tired last night. He is hard-working and knows how to take breaks when needed but the girl pushed him and he gave in and wore himself out and that is why he is still fast asleep. says Umbreon
Umbreon: Umb umb umb agrees to what he said and can feel how much he cares about Ash and is willing to help as much as he could as well, even if it is not much but he can help
27 minutes later
Ash: wakes up a little confused but doing way better and thinks out loud I must have overdone it again. I hate when I do it. but that Meintte pushed me yesterday to the point I almost snapped. But thanks to my friends I was able to stay calm and still get stuff done and have stuff ready for the last week of the semester. Yesterday I wanted to take the day off Battling because I was getting overwhelmed and I wanted to spend the day with them but nope. Menitte had to battle me no matter what. But I did not want to do it and I was not able to pull out the max power of the Z move I felt bad for Pikachu he was all fired up but I wasn't I wanted to bring his full power out. I was that tired and stressed out and I just wanted to be alone with my friends and get happy without battles. Being A champion Is hard work but I worked so far and hard to get to this point and it is worth it. It is almost that time of year for the Master 8 and I can't wait but it is hard work.
Pikachu: wakes up after saying that and looks like he is overthinking aging and goes to calm him down
Ash: snaps out of it Hi Pikachu good morning, I am sorry about yesterday not pulling out your full power during the battle, I was just overwhelmed and tired.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika pika says It is ok I understand you were not at your full power and I could tell you needed that night off but they didn't give you a choice
Ash: Looks at his wrist and starts panicking a little because his Z ring is not on him or his desk gets ready and starts looking for it.
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika pika pika pika goes to check with Umbreon to see if they have it.
Gary: sees Pikachu looking, then he looks at his desk and sees the Z ring he was keeping safe for him and gives it to Pikachu Sorry Pikachu I forgot to put it there on my way out last night. Is that what he is looking for?
Pikachu:Pika pika pika pika pika pika says Yes He is panicking over it
Gary: I will come with you I wanted to see if he was ok. He overdid it yesterday and without help, he wouldn't be saved now.
Serina: already with him helping calm himIt is ok we won't stop looking for it no matter what. Maybe Gary took it by mistake?
Ash: Maybe he got distracted last night and forgot if he did it is ok I trust him.
Gary: heads over and sees Serina helping calm him down I think this is yours?
Ash: My Z ring, May I have it back Please?
Gary: Yes, give it to him Sorry I got dictated last night and forgot.
Ash: Thanks for telling me the truth it means a lot to me.
Gary: You're welcome, we have grown up since we were little.
Ash: Yep I used to be so competitive and now we are friends.
Gary: Yep I should go I am supposed to help my grandpa today.
Ash&Serina: See yeah.
Serina: Do you want to go on a date with me tonight?
Ash: Yes I would like that a lot.
Serina: Maybe we can leave the Pokemon with Gary?
Ash: sure or at least let him know if any wakes up and we are gone.
Serina: Good point Pikachu was worried yesterday but after I told him he was calm.
Ash: Good. I trained him well.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika
Ash: Let's say 3 pm?
Serina: Sounds good it still gives us some time to do our stuff and get ready
Ash: Yep looks at his clothes sitting there looks like I need to was those first embarrassed a little
Serina: That is ok you don't have to be embarrassed we are students and living on our own. At least you had clothes to wear right now. but I should go and leave you to it she smiles while walking out the door
Ash: Ok and yep I always have a set aside just in case.  See yeah when is the time for the date. he smiles
A few hours later
Serina: gets ready and waits for him to be ready and in one of her dresses from her Kalos quest esibaly the one given to her as a surprise
Ash: running a little behind schedule and rushes a little on Get ready his clothes are drying but was smart to do his best clothes but not the performance ones, The ones from Kalohs his nicest outfit, first so those are dry, and puts those and meats up with her.
Ash: sees and is in shock You look wonderful blushes
Serina: You too. blushes
Pikachu: pika pika pika thinks they look very cute
Braixen,Syveon, Panchum same
Ash&Serina: Now you 4 be on your best behavior we will be back in a few hours
Ash: no using your moves in your sleep if you do decide to.If you are still full of engry when we come back me or Gary will train with you.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika hears and hides the dang it and agrees
Ash: Good now behave.
Serina: We should get going we are running late.
Ash: Yeah lead the way.
Serina: Yeah.
Serina&Ash go on the date
Gary: comes back and sees those 4 alone and wonders why they are alone then sees the note and smiles They are finally going on a date Ash needs it he is all worked up and he loves her. says to himself out loud
2 hours with them still out
Ash: I have something to admit.
Serina: What?
Ash: I had a crush on you ever since Kalos, but I was not sure you had one so I did not say anything back then. But after the championship, I knew I was missing something and that was love every time I said that word to myself or out loud I started to blush thinking about you. It drove the others around me crazy.
Serina: I had a crush on you since I was 6. After you helped me at summer camp I fell in love with you. When I heard you were in Kalos I wanted to leave the house for 2 reasons.
Ash: Oh?
Serina: Yeah, One was because I did not want to be a Ryhorn racer.
Ash: Yeah, and the second reason?
Serina: Yeah, The second reason is that I wanted to travel with you and the day we left after the league I knew I would see you again and I gave you a kiss because I love you. Blushes
Ash: I love you too kisses her on the cheek and blushes
Serina: smiles and blushes
Ash: I love this place I am glad I brought you here. This is one of the places if I want to be alone. No one before you knew, so this was my little secret place.
Serina: I understand and I promise to not tell anybody about this place even the Pokemon besides Braxien and Sylveion and Panchum.
Ash: Thank you, I just want a place just for us to be alone and it is out and no one can bug us.
Serina: You're welcome, I am glad you showed me this place it is so peaceful and this area reminded me of where we first met as little kids.
Ash: Yep this is where we first met and I helped you with your leg kisses her on the cheek and smiles
Serina: kisses him back and smiles
Ash: I think we should head back but take the long way I don't want the night to end.
Serina: me neither I am enjoying the time together holding his hand while walking back
Ash: notices and smiles
Back with the Pokemon
Gary: They are taking a long time but the Pokemon are eating so they are not causing trouble and they have been so well-behaved. They have raised them well especially Pikachu he was a Pokemon who showed up one day and he caught him and saved him for a special person That was Ash after Ash showed up late that day. They had a rough start but now look at them they are closer than normal. They were a rough start but by the time he got back from Hoenno he changed a little and I think he was starting to mature. When he came back from Kalos he completely change. Sure he still acts like he is little from time to time but he has grown.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika had heard the whole thing and thinks he did and so did I.
They get back
Ash: Pikachu kneels so he can climb and hug him
Pikachu: pika pika pika happy and hugs him
Serina: Slyveon, Panchum, Brixen does the same
Slyveon, Panchum, Brixen: happy to see them
Gary: They were very well-behaved Pikachu did not use his moves even though there was a few times but someone stopped him every time.
Ash: sounds like he needs to train to get that build up engry out
Gary: I was about to do that after they ate. I can train him if you want. I am guessing you want some more alone time.
Ash: Let Pikachu choose, Pikachu who do you choose to train with you?
Pikachu: Pika pika pika pika says I choose my trainer.
Ash: looks like he chose me You're welcome to join me if you want.
Gary: I will pass this time you guys need a little alone time before bed.
Ash: true and if he has a lot of engry I think I need to pull out a certain move to help him.
Gary: yep he is full of it today.
Ash: Let me change real quick then I will train.
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika nodes and waits
they go to train and save the Z move for last
Ash: Ready Pikachu?
Pikachu: pika pika pika pika pika pika pika
Ash: alright here we go throws his hat to Pikachu
Pikachu: Pika pika pika jumps up and grabs it
Ash: Here we go  A high five and a tail slap Much bigger than a thunderbolt 10,0000 million thunderbolt, yeah this is much much bigger at super full power, Pikachu use 10,000-volt thunderbolt.
Pikachu: pika pika pika paika pika pika pika pika pika pika pika pika pika uses it and fells clamed down and a little tired now
Gary&Serina: That is Ash at his full power.
Serina: I think it has to do he had time to do whatever he wanted to do today.
Gary: I think that too and the date also.
Ash: Yep to all of that. I was not in a rush for anything and I got alone time with my girlfriend and today has been a good day.
Serina: I see why you did not use that move yesterday you were not at your fully engry self.
Ash: Yeah, but today I am so I was able to do it today.
Gary: yep.
Ash: Yawns I am starting to get tired I might turn in for the night
Serina: Me too.
Gary: Me too.
Pikachu: already asleep on his shoulder
Ash: gets back and puts Pikachu in his spot and gets ready for bed himself and falls asleep
Serina: Same
Gary: Same

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